Synod Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For the week ending August 25, 2024

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Psalm 34:15-22

"Why did this happen? Where is God?" I hear these questions often when people's lives go off course: a sudden illness or death, a relationship ripped apart, a dream job become the stuff of nightmares, a future of hope billowing up in smoke. It is understandable that we wonder why such things happen and where our good news God is.

The psalmist doesn't answer the " why" question but knows something we all have to learn or relearn: the life of faith isn't devoid of suffering. This doesn't feel like good news, especially if we or someone we care about is the one in pain. Yet, notice where God is amid life's difficulties: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." God is in the midst of those who are in pain and who suffer: Indeed, God suffers with us -which we see most clearly in Jesus' own suffering and death.

God knows suffering. But God doesn't leave us there. In Christ's resurrection God saves the crushed one. Held in God's grace and love, we find hope.

O God, ease our hearts with the good news of your love for us. We ask this for Jesus' sake. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home please contact the church office: 805-983-0612

Click here to view this weeks bulletin

Kimball Piano ready for a new home...

There is a family that lives near the church that would like to donate a Kimball piano, if you know any music lover who would enjoy a gently used piano, contact the church office at 805.983.0612 for info on pick up.


Summer is now in full swing and with it, starts our annual summer project for Our Redeemer. Over the summer we will be collecting school supplies in order to assemble School Kits for Lutheran World Relief and local students.

Starting NOW, we ask that if you are able to donate one item from the list below and drop it off at the church office. Another option, we are accepting monetary donations, and we'll do the shopping on your behalf. We will be accepting donations all summer long!

With your help, we hope to assemble at least 120 school bags.

With your help, these bags will go to places like Africa, Asia, The Middle East, and Latin America, as well as students in our own community!

Items Needed for School Kits:

· One box of 16 or 24 crayons

· Four 70 sheet spiral notebooks of wide or college-ruled paper,

approximately 8"x10 ½"; no loose-leaf paper

· One 30 centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other

· One pencil sharpener 

· Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secured together with a 

rubber band

· Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink); secured together with a

rubber band


August Birthdays

✝ Joe was diagnosed with Dementia and Heart problems (Donna’s brother-in-law); Jennifer Guzzo for relief of migraine symptoms; Toni was diagnosed with Dementia (Donna’s sister); Tami Cobb & Karin Wilcox receiving chemotherapy; Debi Owens, battling cancer (Robin F. friend); Lewis Johnson Montana State Trooper (Robin T's relative).

✝ For peace in war-ravaged places; public servants working for the good of all people; those seeking employment, adequate housing, and other important needs.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Synodically Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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