Pastor Nancy Switzler

For the week ending April 13, 2024

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Psalm 4

I suffer from insomnia. I fall asleep easily, almost as soon as I lay my head down. But you can count on my eyes opening at 2:30, and there I will be, rolling from my side to my back to my belly and back again, pausing every once in a while to see how much time has elapsed since last I looked at the clock.

I have a friend who also struggles with sleep but who has turned this around. When he awakes, he greets the dark, sacred night with a holy "Hello!" It becomes a time to commune with the Divine. He prays for people, wonders where he saw love the day before, and prepares for the next day by breathing a deep Spirit-breath. He says he usually falls back to sleep peacefully. Sometimes he doesn't, but he says that's okay too.

I take medication for my insomnia now, and it helps. But on occasion, when I have forgotten to take my pill, I wake with a divine "Hello!" and ponder: What does the Lord wish to show me this night? May that be my peace.

Holy Spirit, may I rest in your presence and know peace. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home please contact the church office: 805-983-0612

Click here to view this weeks bulletin

Lunch will be served following this worship service.

Attention Book lovers:

Pastor Nancy has several books that she is putting out for free, devotional books, and some from previous book studies, come by and take a look.

Deadline is April 15th before we donate all the books left.

April Birthdays

✝ Bruce & Karin Wilcox, their daughter Adrienne died while at home. Pray for Karin, Bruce, Sara, Brianna, and the whole family. May they be comforted in their grief.

✝ Health concerns: Sean, has been diagnosed with colon cancer (Donna Travers’ nephew); Gail Tenbus recovering from surgery; Karin Wilcox; Michael and Brenda Caplinger; Tami Cobb receiving chemotherapy; Debi Owens, battling cancer (Robin F. friend); Helen Jackson and family as they adjust to her move to Connecticut; Gordon Henry (friend of Bruce Wilcox & Karin Wilcox); Lewis Johnson Montana State Trooper (Robin T's relative).

✝ For peace in war-ravaged places; public servants that they work for the good of all people; those seeking employment, adequate housing, and other important needs.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Pastor Nancy

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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