Synodically Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For the week ending June 2, 2024

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Luke 1:39-57

Have you ever watched a young child explore with a magnifying glass? Body hunched over, eyes fearlessly peering through the convex lens. You recognize the electric Aha! moment when the exercise comes to life, infusing every limb with joy. Feet become springboards. There are eager requests to "Come and see!"

Mary has traveled a long way to see her cousin Elizabeth and to share the miraculous experience of their pregnancies. Elizabeth, beyond typical childbearing years, will give birth to a prophet; Mary, unwed, carries the angel's news that she will bear a son - the very Son of God. Imagine their conversations. Picture hands placed on each other's swollen belly. The smiles and tears. The wonder and awe.

In her song of praise, what we know today as the Magnificat, Mary's soul behaves like a spiritual magnifying glass. She is discovering that God's greatness is bigger than all else. Her canticle of praise, then and through the years, is a fervent invitation to see what she sees - and rejoice.

Lord and Savior, I want to eagerly magnify your presence in my thoughts, words, and actions. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home please contact the church office: 805-983-0612

Click here to view this weeks bulletin

Volunteers and Bakers Needed!

The Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer is sharing a table with All Saints Episcopal Church at Pride. We need volunteers to be at the table, and also homemade cookie donations to give away to attendees of the pride event.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024

Time: Setup at 10 am, event will be 11 am - 5 pm

Place: Plaza Park in Downtown Oxnard (500 South C Street)

Cookies will be collected on June 26, 27, 28

Sign-up form (for volunteering and/or baking):

Email Frances for questions.

Thank you!

Blood Drive coming soon

Schedule your appointment here

June Birthdays

✝ Toni diagnosed with dementia (Donna's sister); Healing for Michael Caplinger as he broke his wrist.

✝ Bruce & Karin Wilcox their daughter Adrienne died while at home. Pray for Karin, Bruce, Sara, Brianna, and the whole family. May they be comforted in their grief.

✝ Health concerns: Tami Cobb receiving chemotherapy; Debi Owens, battling cancer (Robin F. friend); Gordon Henry (friend of Bruce Wilcox & Karin Wilcox); Lewis Johnson Montana State Trooper (Robin T's relative).

✝ For peace in war-ravaged places; public servants that they work for the good of all people; those seeking employment, adequate housing, and other important needs.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Synodically Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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