Pastor Nancy Switzler

For the week ending March 31, 2024

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

John 18:1 - 19:42

As the passion story is read on Good Friday, emotion builds. We follow Jesus through betrayal, flogging, ridicule, and excruciating pain. Hanging on the cross, he lovingly commends his mother to the care of the disciple John. He asks for water but receives only sour wine. Finally, he releases his spirit in death.

This story feels most powerful to me when read by congregational voices, both adult and youth. Each episode may be accompanied by prayer, a hymn, and the extinguishing of a candle. The story's slow movement offers time for reflection.

Those who read it aloud may struggle with their own emotions. I have watched a reader pause in the moments of Jesus' agony, then labor through tears to speak his final words. When we stumble over words that touch us deeply, we bless one another. What a gift, then, to hear the story together, in all its starkness and tenderness.

This Holy Week, with whom will you share the Good Friday story?

Dear Jesus, strengthen me to draw near the cross

on Good Friday. Amen

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home please contact the church office: 805-983-0612

Click here to view this weeks bulletin
Easter Vigil Bulletin is here

Attention Book lovers:

Pastor Nancy has several books that she is putting out for free, devotional books, and some from previous book studies, come by and take a look.

Deadline is April 15th before we donate all the books left.

Looking ahead to our next Family Fundraising Night!

March Birthdays

✝ Health concerns: Sean, has been diagnosed with colon cancer (Donna Travers’ nephew); Gail Tenbus recovering from surgery; Karin Wilcox; Michael and Brenda Caplinger; Tami Cobb receiving chemotherapy; Debi Owens, battling cancer (Robin F. friend); Helen Jackson and family as they adjust to her move to Connecticut; Gordon Henry (friend of Bruce Wilcox & Karin Wilcox); Lewis Johnson Montana State Trooper (Robin T's relative).

✝ Eunique Washington had her baby girl, both mom and baby are doing well, thank you for the support and prayers.

✝ For peace in war-ravaged places; public servants that they work for the good of all people; those seeking employment, adequate housing, and other important needs.

✝ Family and friends of Tariq Afridi (friend of Pastor Nancy) as they mourn his death.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Pastor Nancy

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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