November 3 - 10, 2020
This weekend Grace will continue in-person worship opportunities, offering two chances to worship in the Sanctuary, in addition to our online offering.

Click here to see several brief summary points regarding in-person worship.

We appreciate your patience as we revise and update our plan for a return to in-person worship, and your prayerful participation as we continue together in the ministry we share!

Click the video to hear from Pr. Gregg about how to participate in worship in the Sanctuary.
Please be sure to watch this video before attending in-person!
Click here to signup for in-person worship this Sunday at 8:30.

Click here to signup for in-person worship this Sunday at 11:00.
While we are physically apart in the coming weeks, there are still many ways for us to be church together. We invite you to connect with one another by phone and make use of the resources in this publication, too!
Sundays with Grace

Our Sunday morning worship and fellowship opportunities are going strong!

Remember our schedule shifted;

Facebook Premiere now beginning at 11am

Facebook Live Coffee Hour starting at noon

We look forward to being with you online again this Sunday!

 Click the video image for
All Saints Sunday
Worship Service Video
from November 1.

Click here for the worship guide.

Click the video image for the Children's Sermon

We invite you to "like", comment on, and share these videos!
Each Sunday we continue to worship together online. These services are posted on the Grace Facebook page and on our website.
Growing Grace: Planting Seeds in Faith
Stewardship for All Seasons Fall 2020
Growing Across All Generations

This Sunday we learned about our second stewardship goal for 2021
and heard from Heather Litzinger about what that goal will provide in the coming year. Click the video to hear from Heather.
Click the images to see the Growing Across All Generations bulletin insert from Sunday.
Commitment Sunday

This Sunday, November 8th, is Commitment Sunday. This week, each household will receive a mailing with a letter, brochure, and Commitment Card - please be looking for this in the mail!

On Sunday, we will lift our 2021 Commitments to God during worship. Then, we will either mail our Cards to the church office, or use the digital Commitment Card form (available at to make our commitments. More information about this is in your letter, and also feel free to contact Pr. Rachel with any questions.

We have been blessed to see one another in worship through our online worship assistants!

If you are interested in providing a worship assistant video, please click here to sign up for this Sunday, November 8, and Pr. Gregg will contact you with the details you'll need.

Thanks to all who have helped lead us in worship so far and all those who will be leading us in the weeks to come!
Grace's Congregation Meeting - Nov 15th at 1pm

Mark your calendar for this year's meeting, which will be held virtually.

More information about this meeting and our Ministry Spending Plan Forums was sent out last week. Please contact the church office if you need that information.

Our 2nd Forum will be held this Sunday, November 8th, at 1pm.
The Zoom link for that meeting will be sent around 11am, along with the worship video link for the day.

Call-In Option:

If you plan to attend our virtual meeting, but need to participate in the Zoom meeting by calling-in (as opposed to using the video function), please let us know! We need to make arrangements for someone to call you and receive your votes.
What's Happening with Hospitality?
We Need Your Help!
We are almost halfway through our painting project, which is amazing! However, we need a lot more help to get to the finish line!
If you are looking for a way to help Grace, get out of the house, and maybe even see a few friends in a safe way, consider painting with us!
You can sign up for wall prep and painting times HERE.
Updates on our 'Equipping Ourselves for Hospitality' Goal for 2020.

Newest Improvements:

+This week, the Conference Room has:
  • a new table
  • new chairs (more are being assembled this week)
  • new blinds
  • and the TV is back up!

+Rooms 112, 106, 105, 103, and 102 have been rearranged and are ready to be prepped and painted.

+The closet doors in 101 have been repainted

Coming Soon:

+We will have the new floor in Room 101 installed as soon as the closet trim is painted

+The previously mentioned rooms will be painted

+The Conference Room will get cabinets, white boards, and other finishing touches

If you haven't yet volunteered & would like to be part of these great projects, click here to let the Planning Team know. Thanks to those who have already helped with various projects throughout our building!

Your continued generosity this year has paved the way for us to jump into these projects, knowing we have the financial and faith-filled support we need to make our Hospitality goal a reality! Thank you!
In "Caught You Caring", the Stewardship Committee highlights some of the great stewardship of gifts they've noticed recently and says THANKS!

Click here to see the latest CYCs thanking Pastor Gregg, Pastor Rachel, Jim Alfors, Doug Pointon, the Hospitality Project Planning Team, the Conference Room Consultants, and the Painters.
Click on the video image for a message from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

Bishop Eaton shares a word about All Saints Sunday, and remembers two important servants of God.
Men's Bible Study

Join us for a Men's Book Study on Sunday mornings at 9:30am via Zoom - note the new starting time!

Beginning Sunday, November 8, we will be studying "Unafraid " by Adam Hamilton. Each week we are led by a different member of our group of 'Men-in-Training' and the conversation has been meaningful. Those interested in participating should contact Pr. Gregg to get added to the Realm group where the meeting link is posted. There's always room for one more!
We want YOU to participate in the next virtual hymn sing!

Young or old, if you love hymns as much as we do, send us an email ( so we can send you more information about how to rehearse with us and add your voice to our sound for the next hymn sing!
Offering Our Gifts to God - Monetary Offering

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. While we are apart, it is still faithful to offer our gifts. You can give in several ways:
  • Give online by clicking here (and you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Gifts & Talents Pictures

Our worship has been enhanced by your photos of projects, experiences, and joys these last few months - thank you for sharing! We would love to see more of what you're doing - please send photos to our Video Editor, Craig Allen by clicking here.
Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week. These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click here for the week of November 1
Click here for the week of November 8
Congregation Connections
Click the image for
our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image for
our current
Memorials & Honorariums
Click the image
for our
November Birthdays
Our Daily Bread

We have several copies of the September, October, and November devotionals. If you would like us to mail you a copy, please email the church.
Can We Help?
This pandemic has affected each of us, but may have affected us in different ways. If you are in need of help (of any kind), please reach out to the pastors.
We can find connections to resources and/or support together.
We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
September Giving and Expenses

September Received $63,082
September Expenses $39,955
Budgeted to Spend $50,852

YTD Received $503,172
YTD Expenses $405,726
YTD Budgeted to Spend $457,668
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are suspended until further notice.
At this time, please do not come
to the church building.
We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm