October 19 - 26, 2021
For Worship services and Children's sermons please visit our YouTube channel.
This Sunday, we heard about our second 2022 Stewardship Goal: 
Connecting within Our Congregation
On Sunday, Ruth Wasserman shared some of her story of Connecting within Our Congregation over the last 34 years, particularly within the pandemic.

To hear her story, click the video link.
Our bulletin insert shares more about how we experience God's love through our congregation, and how we have been a community over the years. To learn more about how we will be Connecting within Our Congregation in 2022, click the photo of the insert.
As you hear Ruth's story and read about our Goal, we encourage you to pray about and discern how God is calling you to be part of CONNECTING in the coming year!
Please note the following changes to our Sunday worship schedules:

Sunday, October 31: services at 8:30 & 11am (Reformation, Confirmation, Commitment)

Sunday, November 7: one service at 10am
(All Saints Sunday; Celebration after)

Sunday, November 21: one service at 10am (Christ the King Sunday; Annual Meeting after)
Worship Assistant Rotations!

Click HERE for the new Worship Assistant Schedule.
Schedule Conflicts:

Just like before, if you get scheduled for a Sunday when you'll be unavailable, we just need you to make a quick phone call to swap with another volunteer. Then, let somebody at the Church Office know about the change (so we can update the schedule). It's as easy as that!

Don't see your name? Want to join the rotation?
Email the church office today!
York County Choral Society BBQ Fundraiser
Saturday, October 23
11:00 am - 2:30pm
Enjoy Walker’s BBQ (we all know how good it is!) and support the York County Choral Society in our 40th year. All orders should be placed on-line by TODAY - OCTOBER 19 (that's less than one week from today!) using the YCCS website ( We will practice social distancing, so please stay in your car and a volunteer will deliver your order to your car.

Click on the Walker's BBQ image for more information.
If you have any questions, contact Nora Sliney 803.493.5001.
We give thanks for the many ways our congregation uses gifts and talents to the glory of God!

This month, the Stewardship Committee highlights 4 areas of ministry benefiting from the generosity of God's people here at Grace.

Click here to learn about these generous efforts.
Children's Choir Rehearsals

Led by Irene Pointon and supported by our Music Interns, Children's Choir is for K-5th graders, and meets most Sundays from 2:50 to 3:30pm.

Come learn music skills and songs to share! If you'd like more information, please contact Irene Pointon HERE.
Finance Chair Needed

We have a dynamic group of volunteers at Grace who serve as our financial officers, yet we need still someone who can call our committee together and send its recommendations to Council for its consideration. That person might be YOU! If you are interested in helping us operate more effectively as a committee, and willing to serve as our chair, please let the Church Office know.
Sunday School classes for Grade 7 - Adult Sundays at 10:00am

Click each class name for more details

Women’s Sunday School Class with Ruth Wasserman


Men's Bible Study - led by class members
Music Ministry Rehearsals
Grace Ringers meets on Monday evenings at 6:20pm.

Grace Alone meets on Monday evenings at 7:20pm; this group leads every week in the 8:30am service.

Parish Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm; this ensemble sings in the 11:00am service.

I hope you will consider joining us! Contact Jeremy for more information.
Our partner, HOPE, has changing needs each week based on what is and isn't delivered to their food pantry. If you'd like to help with food donations, you can check this list each week to see what they need most!
Needs for this week:
+ Cans of green beans & corn
+ Pasta sauce
+ Toilet paper
+ Toiletries
+ Toddler Puffs Cereal Snacks

Please take your donations to HOPE. Click HERE for drop-off times.
HOPE is now open on Tuesday nights from 6-7:30pm for individuals needing assistance.
Congregation Connections
Click the image for our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image for our
Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click the image for our
October Birthdays

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of October is given by
Donna and Rick Richter in honor of Pr. Gregg and Pr. Rachel.

The Altar Flowers two vases available.

If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers please click HERE.
Good Samaritan Fund

Are you in need? How about someone you know? At the June meeting, Council voted to allocate the undesignated memorial funds from 2020 to the Good Samaritan Fund, with the intention that the funds might offer help to members of Grace who could use a little financial assistance. As one member of Council put it, "We need to help the helpers and not try to pour from an empty cup. Hopefully these resources can help with that."

To request assistance from this fund, please contact either of the pastors. All assistance is confidential.
Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week. These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click HERE for the week of Oct. 17
Click HERE for the week of Oct. 24
Offering Our Gifts to God

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in the Sanctuary

  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)

  • Set up giving though your bank

  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
September Giving and Expenses
September Received $51,219
September Expenses $42,282
Budgeted to Spend $57,902
YTD Received $436,687
YTD Expenses $425,584
YTD Budgeted to Spend $521,118
Can We Help?

If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect, please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are beginning again. All in-person activities need to be scheduled in advance at this time.

Please contact the church office if you need to schedule an activity.

We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm