April 18 - 25, 2023
For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.
What's Going On At Grace

+April 23 - Grace goes to the Ballgame (Winthrop Baseball)

+April 23 - 30 - Grace hosting Family Promise Guests, volunteers needed!

+April 30 - Fifth Sunday, 10am worship with guest preacher Pr. Ray Mohrmann, Fellowship after service

+May 14 - Youth Sunday

Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.
Grace will be hosting Family Promise NEXT WEEK, April 23-30th, and we would love to have you as part of this great week!

Heather Litzinger has taken part in hosting Family Promise many times. She shares some of her Family Promise story with us:

"I want to let you know that overnight host is the easiest job on the sign-up sheet. Here is what I bring: sleeping bag, pillow, and either Cameron (age 12) or Zachary (age 11). 
The first few times the boy came with me, they were nervous about the people they would meet. But over time, they realized that people experiencing homelessness are just people. Kids their age, teenagers staring at cell phones, preschoolers playing kitchen and giving us pretend food. I talk with my boys about how Family Promise gives these families a safe place to live while they find jobs, save money, and recover from whatever setback knocked them off course. This is possible because lots of people at lots of churches work together. God's work, our hands.
Overnight hosts arrive at 8 pm, and by that time, the Family Promise parents are usually headed to their rooms after a long day.  My son and I play a few games or watch television with the kids who linger in the common room.  By 9:30 the hallway is quiet, and we all go to sleep.  The families leave the church early in the morning. Cameron and I roll up our sleeping bags and leave at 7 am, stopping for breakfast on the way home. 
The boys and I look forward to our Family Promise nights because it gives us time to hang out one-on-one. I hope they will have sweet memories of sharing an air mattress with mom in the church basement and eating hash browns at the Waffle House on the way home. Bigger than that, however, I hope they are learning that time serving others is time well spent." 

There are many opportunities to connect with and care for our guests during this week. We have spots for setting up, Dinner Hosts, Evening Hosts, Overnight Hosts, and resetting. Please consider how you might join in this week of welcoming and click HERE to sign up!

For more information, please contact Pr. Rachel
It's Grace's 100th anniversary, and as part of our celebration, we are making 100 New Connections!

Check out this video to learn more about what these connections look like, where you might make them, and how to share them with us!

We are keeping track of our new connections and sharing them with each other. To do so, please click HERE to share your connection!
Seniors@Grace are on the road April 27th to enjoy an Italian lunch at Luigi and Sons. We will gather at 11:30 am in our usual private room. Luigi and Sons is located at 2387 Cherry Road (in the shopping strip behind Chick-Fil-A). Please let Annie-Laurie Wheat know by April 25th if you can come. (803 517-0626 cell or home phone 803 980-1834 or email

Looking ahead on May 25th we will be back in the Fellowship Hall for many wild rounds of BINGO. Stand by for details on the menu!!
Thank you to the members of the Tanzania Companion Synod Network including Dr. Cathy Milejczak, Network Representative and Judy Fry, a member of Grace who shared about an upcoming mission trip this summer. If you would like to donate to Judy's trip, click HERE for online giving or send a check to Grace (please write Judy/Tanzania on the memo line). Donations are needed by May 29.
Click HERE for more information about the trip.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Grace's Youth & Family Committee has connected with Safe Passage, our local Child Advocacy Center, to support this cause!

We've placed a sign and pinwheels in front of the church to let the community know that we stand with Safe Passage and to help get the word out about child abuse prevention.

Click HERE to learn more about how Safe Passage is standing up against child abuse and how you can help.
The internet has never been more accessible to kids than it is today. Smart phones, Smart TVs, gaming systems, and other tech items have joined the computer as access points. Children are on the internet for fun and education, which is great! It also comes with inherent dangers and chances for harm.

The solution is not to cut kids off from the internet (in fact, that's impossible in today's world). Instead, we need to teach them how to use this resource safely and responsibly, as we would teach them to use any tool. The most important thing we can do is TALK ABOUT internet safety with our kids - and not just once, but again and again, checking in on what they're up to.

Click on the posters below to find safety tips for Elementary-aged kids and for Middle and High School youth as a jumping-off point for talking about how to use the internet wisely. For more detailed info, click HERE.
April 30th - Join us for Worship, Fellowship, and Snacks!

On April 30th, we will welcome Pr. Ray Mohrmann back to Grace to preach as part of our 100th Anniversary celebration!

This is a 5th Sunday, and after the 10am worship service, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for Sweet & Savory Snacks and time together.

We invite you to take part in bringing snacks to share. Please click HERE to sign up to bring something!

The book of Acts is a perfect follow-up to the wonder and mystery of Easter.
Come join the adult bible study class on Sunday morning, April 23 at 10 am in Room 108, as we begin our study of Acts.

The major themes in this bible study are:
·   The universality of the gospel
·   The role of women
·   The work of the Holy Spirit
·   The fulfilling of the Old Testament promises.
·   The nature and mission of the church and
·   The geographical background for Paul’s travels.”

Reference “Intro the world – The Acts of the Apostles”, by Carol J. Miller. Resource Book, The KERYGMA program.

Contact Bob Wasserman with any questions.
Winthrop Ecumenical Lutheran Campus Ministry

Spring is blooming at the White House!
Click HERE to read WELCM's spring newsletter.
Grace Member / Friend Memories

One of the ways we will be celebrating the rich history of Grace this year is to hear about its impact on the lives of its
These do not need to be very long - even a single paragraph would be fine. Simply share with us your perspective, the way your story and Grace's story came together, and we will publish these remembrances in these Grace Notes publications throughout the year.
Email your memories to
Centennial Temple Talks

As a part of Grace's 100th Anniversary Celebration, we will share a Temple Talk highlighting Grace's history through the decades on the first Sunday of each month, from March through December.

Click on the buttons to read our Temple Talks, about Grace in the 1920s and 1930s.
HOPE of Rock Hill - Biggest needs this week:
Personal Hygiene Items, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit, Diapers size 4, 5 & 6, Condiments.

You can drop items off in the bin located outside the church offices and a volunteer will take them over to HOPE. Please only place non-perishable items in the bin!
Palmetto Community Health Care (previously York County Free Clinic) which is next door to Grace is in need of additional front office volunteers. Duties include answering the phone, greeting & checking in patients, making new appointments for patients, making reminder calls to patients for next day appointments, etc. Training is available and the staff is very helpful and supportive. Volunteers must commit to a four-hour shift of 8:00-12:00 or 1:00-5:00.

Comments from current volunteers: “I enjoy the work because it allows me to help people who cannot access healthcare for their chronic conditions;” and, “I believe that we are all called to serve our community in whatever way we can and it is my privilege to do so. It gives me a good feeling knowing that we are able to help those who need it and to do it in a dignified manner.”

If you have questions or need further information, please call Dee Westbrook at 803-980-6197. Thank you for your consideration!!
Race & Reconciliation Rock Hill
Race & Reconciliation will be hosting its April program at Pathways Community Center, 546 S. Cherry Rd., on Thursday, April 27. We will begin at 7pm with a tour of the Pathways facility where numerous community assistance programs are housed. Following this, at 7:30pm we will learn about the Rock Hill Homeless Court from Judge Jane Modla. This new court has been created to address legal issues qualified participants face. These issues often lead to an inability to secure housing and other necessary resources in the community.

Come and hear about this creative approach to alleviating barriers to success in our community.
It's time to register for Summer Camp at our NovusWay Lutheran Camps! If you're interested in going to one of our 4 regional camps, click HERE for info about their programs!

We know camp can be expensive, and we don't want cost to be a barrier to anyone's faith formation. If you'd like to apply for a Grace scholarship for a NovusWay camp, please click HERE or speak to Pr. Rachel for more information.
Congregation Connections
The Sanctuary Candle for the month of April is given by Sara and Steve Johnson in honor of our pastors.

The Altar Flowers for April 23 are given by Ruth and Bob Wasserman to the Glory of God and a reminder of our responsibilities as members of God's creation.
Altar Flowers
It is a long-standing tradition at Grace for members to sponsor the weekly flowers, often in honor or memory of a special person or event.

The cost is $45 for one or $90 for both vases.

Click HERE to sign up.
Worship Assistant Schedule

Click HERE for the current schedule.

Don't see your name? Want to be part of leading worship? Email the church office today!
Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Click HERE for the March Treasurer's Report
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm