January 3 - 10, 2023
For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.
Do these places look familiar to you? Could you find them in our building? If not (or even if so) we have just the tour for you! Everyone is invited!

This Sunday, January 8th, at 10am, we will host a Tour of Grace. Join the pastors as we go through our building, exploring what's in here, why, and how to get to it! We'll also see some of the updates that have been made in the last few years and talk about what ministry happens in these spaces.

And a better understanding of our space isn't all you'll get: there will be a PRIZE for everyone who joins the tour!

We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10am, hope to see you there!
Dear Grace Family, 

We are so grateful for the ways you have shown your love this Christmas season. Your gifts of time, treats, and treasure have been part of making our season bright. We are touched that you thought of us in this time. We give thanks for each of you and the opportunity to serve Christ with you in the coming year! 

Peace in Christ, Pastors and Staff of Grace 
Reminder: If you purchased poinsettias, we need you to pick them up this week.
Grace is hosting Family Promise guests
this week, Jan. 1-8!

Your time and effort given to host Family Promise make a concrete difference in the lives of our guests. Creating a safe and welcoming home for a week is a blessing, and we are grateful for your participation.

We invite your prayers for the families staying with us, that they would continue to find safe shelter with Family Promise and those who host them as they work towards permanent housing.

Thank you for your support of this ministry!
What's Going On At Grace

+Sun, Jan 1-Jan 8 - Family Promise at Grace

+Sun, Jan 8 - Tour of Grace at 10am (for anyone who'd like to know the building better!)

+Sat, Jan 14 - Celebration of Life for Jackie Wille, 11am

+Sun, Jan 15 - Sunday School & Coffee Hour resume, Council & Officer Installation in worship

+Tues, Jan 31 - 2022 Annual Committee Reports due

Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.
Grace's 100th ANNIVERSARY

We want your input!

Help us know what YOU would like to do in order to celebrate Grace's 100th Anniversary.

Click HERE to share your ideas.
Jackie Wille
1939 - 2022

Members and friends, we are sad to inform you of the death of our sister, Jackie Wille.
A Celebration of Life service will be held at Grace on Saturday, January 14 at 11am, and a reception will follow.
We hold close in prayer her daughter, Debbie, and son, Brian, and all those who mourn this loss. We trust in the eternal promise of the resurrection and entrust Jackie to the heavenly care of Jesus Christ.
Lynda Boyd
1945 - 2022
Members and friends, we are sad to inform you of the death of our sister, Lynda Boyd. Lynda was the wife of Grace's former pastor, The Rev. Dr. John Boyd, Jr.

Click HERE to read the obituary.
Seniors at Grace will gather in the new year on Thursday, January 26, 2023, for a Hymn sing! Monty Bennett will be at the keyboard and ready to take requests for your favorites. So, check out your hymnal and be ready to make a request. We will gather at 11:30 am with a special chili lunch cooked by my sister at noon and then we will move into the sanctuary for our music.  
Please let Annie Laurie know by Tuesday, January 24 if you can come. Leave a message at 803-517-0626 (cell) or home phone 803-980-1834 or email
WELCM Spring Dinners

Spring semester is about to commence, and WELCM Gatherings are starting up again! We rely on your help to offer our college students a home-cooked meal on Tuesday nights at 6pm at the White House! (They also really love it when our Grace friends stay and share the meal with them, when that's possible!) You can find the sign-up sheet and ideas for menu options posted in the Fellowship Hall, or reach out to Olga-Maria at 502-644-0176, or with any questions. Thank you for all the ways you prayerfully support this special ministry!
We give thanks for the many ways our congregation uses gifts and talents to the glory of God!
Click HERE to read the November and December recognitions.
The Stewardship Committee acknowledges & appreciates your leadership & being good stewards of your God given gifts! Thank You!
The New Year has arrived and with it comes opportunities to sponsor our Sanctuary Candle and Altar Flowers! We invite you to take part in providing these beautiful signs of faith and our life as church together.
2023 Sanctuary Candle
Grace continues to keep our Sanctuary Candle burning every week, a sign of the continuing presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. Members are able to sponsor the candle in memory or honor of someone. The cost of the candle is $25.
Click HERE to sign up.
It has been a long-standing tradition at Grace for members to sponsor the weekly flowers, often in honor or memory of a special person or event.

The cost is $45.00 for one (1) or $90.00 for both (2) vases.

Please click HERE to sign up.
2022 ANNUAL REPORTS due by January 31
ALL COMMITTEE CHAIRS, please submit your report by January 31. Contact the church office with any questions or if you need a form.
Jennifer Landsly extends an invitation to the congregation to celebrate her next chapter with a new job and a new hometown!
Our Grace Outreach Partnership 9-Month Update went out in a special e-news.

If you missed it, please click HERE for a beautiful story about connecting with one of our partners, along with the updates.
Biggest needs at HOPE:
Peanut Butter, Jelly, Pull-ups (3T-4T, 4T-5T, 5T-6T), Diapers (4, 5, 6), Laundry Detergent, All Purpose Cleaners, Feminine Hygiene Products

You can drop items off in the bin located outside the church offices when you're in the building, and a volunteer will take them over to HOPE. Please only place non-perishable items in the bin!
Opportunity to Support our Scout Troop: Zachary Zimba's Eagle Project

Zachary Zimba is a member of Troop 31, and is in the process of earning his Eagle Scout Award. For his project, Zachary is planning and constructing a 20’x15’ shelter for the Winthrop University Human Nutrition Department, inside the Rock Hill Educational Community Gardens.

Click HERE to learn more about Zachary's project.

Zachary's project will cost $850 to complete (this is in addition to discounts and donations made by material suppliers). If you'd like to contribute toward this project, please contact the church office for donating information.
Congregation Connections
The Sanctuary candle for the month of January is given by Amy and Chris Cassidy in memory of Amy's father, Donald William Ellison.

The Altar Flowers for January 8 are given by Frances and Walker Stockley.
Worship Assistant Schedule

Click HERE for the Worship Assistant Schedule.

Don't see your name? Want to be part of leading worship? Email the church office today!
Children's Word Time has been going so well! Our 8-and-under members leave the Sanctuary to experience the WORD portion of worship at their own level, learning Scripture and growing in faith together.
To learn more and to sign up to help, please click HERE.
Offering envelopes for 2023 are now available and may be picked up in the Fellowship Hall. At this point we have prepared sets only for those we expect to be using them. Therefore, those of you that have been giving electronically or are having your financial institution send checks directly to Grace will not find a set with your name. However, we do have extra sets and will happily provide them to anyone that asks. Just let us know (either contact the church office or Financial Secretary Bob Stonebraker or 803-980-1834) and we’ll get a set for you.
Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Click HERE for the November Treasurer's Report
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm