August 31 - September 7, 2021
Thanks for Meeting One of Our Grant Partners!

This Sunday, we welcomed Jason Davenport as he shared the mission of Pilgrims' Inn with us.

Jason highlighted the coordinating services of Pilgrims' Inn, which provide for women and children in need through a shelter, food pantry, transitional housing, affordable childcare, and CITEE program (Creating Independence through Education and Employment).

These programs work together to enable the clients to find stable, independent housing and jobs.

Jason shared that Pilgrims' Inn would benefit from volunteers as well as physical donations.

Volunteer opportunities include:
-Food pantry work
-Reading to children in the childcare center
-Building maintenance work for the shelter and housing
Some opportunities are seasonal!

The food pantry is always glad to receive food, personal hygiene items, and cleaning supplies.

If you'd like to learn more, and/or volunteer, you can click HERE.
Thank you for supporting our community!
Worship Assistants Needed!

We are currently trying to re-establish a rotation of worship assistants for both services. Unfortunately, our lists of volunteers are a bit outdated, so we're starting fresh!

Click on the signups below to add your name to some of the rotations. Once we have volunteers for each category, we'll produce a schedule that rotates.
8:30 Service
11:00 Service
Schedule Conflicts:

Just like before, if you get scheduled for a Sunday when you'll be unavailable, we just need you to make a quick phone call to swap with another volunteer. Then, let somebody at the Church Office know about the change (so we can update the schedule). It's as easy as that!

A word about Training:

Please don't be put off because you have not received instruction for one or more of these roles. Each role is relatively simple with a little practice and we will be sure to provide instruction before you are called upon to serve.
WELCM Gathering Dinners - Many Needed!
On Tuesday evenings during the school year, our campus ministry, WELCM, offers free, home-cooked dinners for students at the White House behind Grace Lutheran.
Please join us in creating community for and with Winthrop students and demonstrating the warm hospitality of Grace by providing dinner! Sign up in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Olga-Maria with any questions. 

Click the image for the
worship service for The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost,
Sunday, August 29.

Click HERE for the worship guide.
Click the video image for the Children's sermon from
Sunday, August 29.
Children's Choir is starting fresh!

On Sunday, September 19th, parents of kindergarten through 5th graders are invited to meet with Irene Pointon to discuss this year's new Children's Choir program. Come learn about the goals we have, the music we'll be learning, and the opportunities for growth in faith and music skills!

This meeting will be at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall.

If you have questions before the meeting, please contact Irene Pointon (number below).
The Children's Choir is in need of a keyboard. If you have a keyboard to donate to the church, please text Irene Pointon at 704.517.5403.
Blood Drive - September 13

We are partnering with Oakland Avenue Presbyterian (our neighbors across the street) to host a Blood Drive on September 13.

If you'd like to give blood, please register by clicking HERE, searching for the zip code 29730, and scrolling down to September 13.

Thank you to those who are helping with the Drive and to those who are giving blood!

WELCM Benefit Concert
Join us on Friday, September 17 at 7pm for a WELCM Benefit Concert featuring Dr. Olga-Maria Cruz, Dr. Jeremy Mims, and Rev. Jesse Canniff-Kuhn with WELCM students.

Click HERE for more information.

Donate in person or online at
Our partner, HOPE, has changing needs each week based on what is and isn't delivered to their food pantry. If you'd like to help with food donations, you can check this list each week to see what they need most!
Needs for this week:

+ Toilet paper
+ Paper towels
+ Cleaning supplies
+ Menstrual products
+ Shampoo - men & women
+ Conditioner - men & women
+ Deodorant - men & women
*bold is especial need
Choir Rehearsals
Grace Alone meets on Monday evenings at 7:20pm; this group leads every week in the 8:30am service.

Parish Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm; this ensemble sings in the 11:00am service.

If you enjoy singing, I hope you will consider joining us! Contact Jeremy for more information.
Please take your donations to HOPE. Click HERE for drop-off times.
LIFT - Ladies In Faith Together
All women and friends are invited to join us for our next meeting on:
Saturday, September 18 - 11:00am
(bring side dishes to share for lunch)
at the Stockley residence.
Contact Karen Harris at for more information.
Women’s Sunday School Class for Fall 2021
The Women’s Sunday School Class (Women of the Word) will resume on Sunday morning, Sept. 12 at 10 am. 
We will continue to use the Gather magazine which is published by Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 
The Bible Study in this magazine (and the articles) are written by a variety of ordained pastors and women with auxiliary positions in the church. The Fall 2021 study is called, The gift of the Holy Spirit: A divine wild goose chase, by Rev. Sara Olson-Smith. I am excited to continue leading this class and welcome all who would like to join. 

We will follow the church guidelines regarding masks and hope to be able to meet outside some later in the fall when the temperature cools off. I am looking forward to this opportunity to study God’s word with other Christian women. 
-Ruth Wasserman

Contact Ruth with any questions here or 803-372-8820.
This fall the Adult’s Bible Study will focus on the Book of Galatians. This was one of Martin Luther’s favorite books of the Bible. The bible study comes from a company called Kerygma. To find more information about this study click HERE.
Contact Bob Wasserman at 803.415.4449 or about your decision to join this class. There will not be a charge for the book unless you desire to purchase your own copy and write notes in the book. We will discuss this in our first class. - Regards, Bob Wasserman
In their reports to Council each month, Pastor Gregg and Pastor Rachel conclude with some personal remarks that summarize the most recent period of their leadership here at Grace. Click HERE to read their August remarks.
Are you a college or grad school student? We want to send you fun mail!

Do you have a college or grad school student in your household? We want to send them fun mail!

Please click HERE to share your/their current mailing address with Pr. Rachel.
Congregation Connections
Click the image for
our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image for
our August Birthdays
Click the image for
our September Birthdays
We extend Christian love and sympathy to Cindy and Neal Barber and family at the death of Cindy's mother, Betty Keisler. Click HERE for a link to the obituary.

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of August is given by
Nancy and Gus Koegler in loving memory of our grandson,
Grant Michael Bodle.

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of September are given by Lynne and John Siegel in memory of Ruth Riggot Sliney.

The Altar Flowers for Sunday, September 5 are given by Stephanie and Brian Beer in honor of Emory Beer's 19th birthday.

One vase available to sponsor for Sunday, September 5.

If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers please click HERE.
Good Samaritan Fund

Are you in need? How about someone you know? At the June meeting, Council voted to allocate the undesignated memorial funds from 2020 to the Good Samaritan Fund, with the intention that the funds might offer help to members of Grace who could use a little financial assistance. As one member of Council put it, "We need to help the helpers and not try to pour from an empty cup. Hopefully these resources can help with that."

To request assistance from this fund, please contact either of the pastors. All assistance is confidential.
Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week. These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click HERE for the week of Aug. 29
Click HERE for the week of Sept. 5
Offering Our Gifts to God

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in the Sanctuary

  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)

  • Set up giving though your bank

  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
July Giving and Expenses
July Received $34,214
July Expenses $48,700
Budgeted to Spend $57,902
YTD Received $340,450
YTD Expenses $334,539
YTD Budgeted to Spend $405,314
Can We Help?

If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect, please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are beginning again. All in-person activities need to be scheduled in advance at this time.

Please contact the church office if you need to schedule an activity.

We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm