September 20 - 27, 2022
For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.
Clear the calendar for THIS Thursday, September 22 for the next Seniors@Grace. Have you ever watched one of the TV baking shows?  Have you wanted to taste some of the entries?  Well we are having our own Pound Cake Baking Contest! We already have four entries from our own bakers who want to win the title!!! If you want to add in to the baking fun just let Annie Laurie know.  We will gather at the usual time, 11:30 am for fellowship followed by lunch at noon. Then the battle starts!!!  There will be prizes for the winners that include bragging rights!  Please let Annie Laurie Wheat know by September 20th if you can come. Email her at or phone or text her at 803 517-0626 or call the home phone. 803 980-1834. We will even have some taste treats that are gluten free!
Meet Our Music Interns!
We are proud to introduce our four music interns for this academic year.

Click on the image to learn more about them.
Click the image above to learn more about Children & Youth Sunday School classes!
Click the image above to learn more about Adult Sunday School classes!
Sponsors needed for THIS
Sunday, September 25 (2 vases)

There are several dates available to sponsor Altar Flowers.The cost is $45.00 for one (1) or $90.00 for both (2) vases. Click HERE to sign up or contact the church office.
Sunday Morning Hospitality has returned!

Sunday Morning Hospitality at Grace is coming back! Between services on Sundays, we gather for light refreshments and fellowship. Hospitality hosts make this possible by providing refreshments, setting up, and cleaning up. We need your help in hosting!

You can sign up as a household, or consider joining with friends to serve. If you haven't hosted before, or it's been a while, we'd be glad to share a how-to to help - it's pretty simple! Thank you for being part of this Grace ministry of connection!

Please click here to sign up to host on a Sunday morning. If you have questions, please contact Pr. Rachel.
Children's Word Time

We have started Children's Word Time (CWT) as part of our Sunday worship services!
CWT is an opportunity for our 8-and-under members to worship at their own developmental level, during the WORD portion of the service (leaving the Sanctuary after the prayer of the day and returning for the peace).

A pastor and a volunteer lead the children in Scripture, prayer, music, theater, games, and/or crafts so that they can learn the day's Scripture lesson in ways most helpful to them. CWT takes place in the nursery, where worship from the Sanctuary will also be streaming. 

We need adult volunteers to help with CWT! The pastor will provide and direct the lesson; the volunteer helps the children connect and engage. In addition to providing safety and leadership, the adult volunteer shows our children that they are valued and that their faith is important - important enough that another adult would come worship in CWT with them. These connections make a lifelong difference in the faith of our children. If you'd like to volunteer with CWT, please click here.
Main Street Theatre
September 23-24 at Grace Lutheran Church
Join Main Street Theatre in the Fellowship Hall on the weekend of September 23-24th to see good theatre (directed by Annie Laurie Wheat), live original music (by Steve Simpson), a photography exhibit with five local artists represented, and free light refreshments at intermission.

Grace members get a discount if they identify themselves at the ticket desk. Click HERE for more information or please contact Annie Laurie Wheat at 803-517-0626 (cell) or by email at
Saturday, September 24
11:00am - 2:00pm
Place: Stockley Residence
Topic: Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peace-makers, for they will be called children of God.
We will also start discussing plans for our fall retreat.

For more information contact Karen by clicking HERE.
Blessing of the Animals - October 4th, 6-7pm
Mark your calendars for October 4th from 6-7pm - we'll be blessing animals at Grace! Bring your dogs, cats, lizards, sheep, goats, gerbils - any pet or livestock you'd like to have blessed! (Alternatively, a picture of them is a great substitute for those who don't travel well). More details to come!
OCTOBER 16 - 1:00 pm

Watch for more details in the coming weeks.
Grace Music Ministry
Rehearsal times for

Grace Alone
Mondays at 7:00pm.

Grace Ringers
Wednesdays at 6:20 pm.

Parish Choir
Wednesdays at 7:15 pm.
We have space in all three of these ensembles for YOU! Contact Jeremy by clicking here for more details.

Children's Choir for ages 5-10 yrs. rehearses on Sundays at 2:50pm. Contact Irene with any questions at 704-517-5403.
WELCM Gatherings are starting up again and we would love your help to give our college students a home-cooked meal each Thursday night at the White House! The sign up sheet and ideas for menu options are posted in the Fellowship Hall! Reach out to Olga-Maria at 502-644-0176, or with any questions!
Grace Craft Group
Join us on the first Tuesday of the month from 11am to 1pm in room 107! This group is for crafters of any skill level and any craft, with the group’s purpose to craft items that will be donated to different organizations in need of those items. Email Sabrina with any questions or for more info click HERE.
Bethel Men's Shelter has volunteer positions available for you to sign up for now! If you'd like to learn more about these positions, and/or would like to sign up, please click HERE.
Ongoing volunteer opportunities: assist with transportation, visit with the women, and serve a meal (click HERE for meal sign up). If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity or for further information, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Amy Lane at or 803.659.9885.
Volunteer at HOPE
Volunteers needed Monday through Thursday mornings
(or Tuesdays at 6:00 pm). Call Rachel Bell, Volunteer Coordinator at (803) 493-5840 or Grace’s HOPE liaison, Ron Hartman, at (330) 620-4711 for more information.
Biggest need this week:
+ Shampoo, Body Wash, Feminine Hygiene Products, Adult Diapers (M-XL)

Other needs for this week:
+ Cereal + Pop Tarts + Grits & Oatmeal + Canned Beans, Baked Beans, Canned Corn + Jelly + Pancake Mix & Syrup
+ Spaghetti Sauce + Individual snack packs + Condiments + Coffee (Instant & Ground) + Dog food & Cat food + Toothpaste & Toothbrushes + Toilet paper + Diapers / Pull-ups sizes: 4, 5, 6

You can drop items off in the bin located outside the church offices when you're in the building, and a volunteer will take them over to HOPE. Please only place non-perishable items in the bin!
Dear Grace Family,

In 2008, 14 years ago, Grace joined my family and me by praying for our youngest son, Scott Miller... through our weekly prayers we have kept Scott in health and safety through Jesus Christ.
Click HERE to read more.

Theresa Miller
Worship Assistant Schedule

Click HERE for the September and October Worship Assistant Schedule.

Don't see your name? Want to join the rotation? Email the church office today!
Congregation Connections

The Sanctuary candle for the month of September is given by Louise and Eric Schmidt in memory of Eric's brother and sister-in-law, Hal and Norma Schmidt.

The Altar Flowers for September 25 are available to sponsor.

Click HERE to sign up.
Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Click HERE for the August Treasurer's Report
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm