January 26 - February 2, 2020
We return to in-person worship this week, Sunday January 31. In order to attend worship with us, we ask that you sign up ahead of time.

At our Congregation's Annual Meeting in November, we approved a plan for using any surplus that resulted from the generosity of Grace's members in 2020. After covering all of 2020's missional spending plan expenses and setting aside funds to complete our 2020 goals, we are excited to announce that the 2020 surplus amount is


This is an amazing abundance,
and we give thanks to God for this gift!

According to the approved plan,
the abundance will be used as follows:

  • $50,876 (50%) will be paid towards the mortgage. This is more than a usual year's payment, meaning we will be paying off more than an entire year's worth of mortgage debt with this abundance!

  • $20,350 (20%) will be used for facility improvement, including refurbishing the sound panels in the Fellowship Hall, and other improvements that are needed throughout the building, which will increase the warm welcome we offer those who come to Grace.

  • $10,175 (10%) will be given as a tithe of our abundance to the South Carolina Synod, giving to the larger church out of the gifts we have been given.

  • $10,175 (10%) will be given to local charitable causes. Council will be directing these gifts in February, and we look forward to sharing how this money will positively impact our community soon!

  • $10,175 (10%) will be given to NovusWay - Lutheridge, Lutherock, Lutheranch, and Luther Springs, our local Lutheran outdoor ministry camps. These camps were hit hard by the pandemic. This abundant gift will help ensure that camp ministry - a vital part of faith formation for our children, youth, and families - thrives in the years to come!

THANK YOU for giving faithfully in 2020
and supporting God's mission at Grace!

Grace continues offering in-person worship opportunities, including two worship services in the Sanctuary, while online worship services continue.

We are glad to share opportunities for Holy Communion in the coming weeks.

For those who attend the in-person worship services, Communion is offered outside on the porch as everyone departs.

For those who are not yet attending worship in-person, Grace's pastors are offering dedicated times to visit and provide the sacrament (outdoors only). Click on the following links to schedule some time for a pastor to visit you.

Click here for the weekly options, offered at 11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the coming months.

Click here for the 'flex' time slots, and a pastor will be in contact with you to schedule a time that works for everyone.

Click the video image for
the Third Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service Video from January 24.

Click here for the worship guide.

Click the video image for the Children's Sermon
The results of the officer elections:
President - Walker Stockley
Vice President - Dawn Hartman
Secretary - Lori Brown

Treasurer - Jean Winsch
Asst. Treasurer - Ruth Wasserman
Financial Secretary - Bob Stonebraker
Asst. Finance Secretary - Karen Harris
Council and Financial Officer Installation

This past Sunday, we installed our 14 members of Grace's Congregation Council and our 4 Financial Officers. To see a video of the installation, click the image.

The Congregation Council for 2021:
Brian Beer
Lori Brown
Bob Corbett
Adele Evans
John Grogan
Dawn Hartman
Pastor Gregg
Pastor Rachel
Floyd Ritchie
Patti Saunders
Kathy Schwandt
Walker Stockley
Melissa Tucker
Larry Winsch
We invite you to "like", comment on, and share these videos!
Each Sunday we continue to worship together online. These services are posted on the Grace Facebook page and on our website.
Sundays with Grace

Our Sunday morning worship and fellowship opportunities are going strong!

Facebook Premiere worship begins at 11am

Facebook Live Coffee Hour starts at noon

We look forward to being with you online this Sunday!

We have been blessed to see one another in worship through our online worship assistants!

If you are interested in providing a worship assistant video, please click here to sign up for Sunday, January 31. Pr. Gregg will contact you with the details you'll need.

Thanks to all who have helped lead us in worship so far and all those who will be leading us in the weeks to come!
Race and Reconciliation Rock Hill
Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7pm

The topic this month is "School Safety for All Students." We will have as our guests James E. Brown, Jr., Director of Safety and Security for Rock Hill Schools, and Vivian Anderson, founder of EveryBlackGirl, Inc. We will be discussing the multifaceted roles that school resource officers play in our schools and the ways that student racial identity impacts student experiences in school. Click here or on the image for more details.
The Zoom link for the meeting will be emailed on Thursday morning to those on our email list. 
2020 ANNUAL REPORTS due by January 31. ALL COMMITTEE CHAIRS, please submit your report by January 31. Contact the church office with any questions or if you need a form.

Click the video for a celebration message from the Stewardship Committee announcing the final results of our stewardship drive for 2021!
Submit Partnership Suggestions by Sunday!

This year, the Outreach Committee is launching our updated grant program, the Outreach Partnership Grant. Through this program, we intend to partner financially and experientially with local non-profit organizations which serve to assist those in need in greater Rock Hill and York County area.

The Outreach Committee invites you to submit the names of local non-profit aid organizations that might benefit from our partnership and funding, especially at this time. We will be collecting names through January.

To submit an organization's name, please click HERE.

For more information, please contact Pr. Rachel or any member of the Outreach Committee. Thank you for helping us begin this Partnership Program!

Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week.

These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click here for the week of January 24
Click here for the week of January 31
Men's Bible Study
Join us for a Men's Book Study on Sunday mornings at 9:30am via Zoom.

We are studying "Unafraid " by Adam Hamilton. Each week we are led by a different member of our group of 'Men-in-Training'. Those interested in participating should contact Pr. Gregg to get added to the Realm group where the meeting link is posted. There's always room for one more!
Our Daily Bread Devotionals
If you would like us to mail you a copy of the December, January, February devotional, please email the church office.
Offering Our Gifts to God

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. While we are apart, it is still faithful to offer our gifts. You can give in several ways:
  • Give online by clicking here (and you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.
Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Gifts & Talents Pictures

Our worship has been enhanced by your photos of projects, experiences, and joys - thank you for sharing!

We would love to see more of what you're doing - please send photos to our Video Editor, Craig Allen by clicking here.

Paul Malina a Graduate Music degree student at Winthrop is looking for a room / apartment to rent. Please click here for more information.
Congregation Connections
Click the image for
our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image
for our
January Birthdays
Click the image for
our current
Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click the image
for our
February Birthdays
COVID-19 Concerns
As the United States struggles to contain COVID-19, concerns are growing regarding its long term impact on mental health and those individuals in long-term/assisted living care facilities.

Click on the image to continue reading the article written by Julie Elder.
Can We Help?
This pandemic has affected each of us, but may have affected us in different ways. If you are in need of help (of any kind), please reach out to the pastors.
We can find connections to resources and/or support together.
We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
December Giving and Expenses

December Received $60,025
December Expenses $54,706
Budgeted to Spend $50,852

YTD Received $676,062
YTD Expenses $555,010
YTD Budgeted to Spend $610,224
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are suspended until further notice.
At this time, please do not come
to the church building.
We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm