March 30 - April 6, 2021
Flower the Easter Cross

This year, our Easter cross will be back! We invite you to come to Grace's front porch on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning to add flowers to our cross. Your flowers will help us proclaim the good news of the resurrection to all who pass by our church.
Holy Week In-Person Worship Signups

In order to attend in-person worship with us this Holy Week, we ask that you sign up ahead of time.

Thank you for signing up, masking up, and showing up!
Good Samaritan Fund - Please contact by TOMORROW!
We will not be selling Easter lilies this year, however, we are still planning to collect special donations for the Good Samaritan Fund, remembering that even with all that is different during this pandemic, the need to offer assistance remains unchanged. If you would like to make a contribution to the Good Samaritan Fund in honor or memory of someone for Easter this year, please contact the Church Office by TOMORROW, March 31.
2020 Surplus - Local Charitable Impact

At our annual meeting in November, we - Grace members - voted to designate 10% of any 2020 surplus to Local Charitable Impact - an opportunity to share our abundance with those in need in our neighborhood. Last Sunday, Council discussed, discerned, and designated this 10% - which was $10,175 - to be split between three local aid organizations ($3,391 each).

These organizations are:

The Life House Women's Shelter
Bethel Men's Shelter
Safe Passage

Click here to learn more about our Local Charitable Impact.

Thank you for your generosity!
You have enabled Grace to be generous to our neighbors in need!
Partnership Grants 2021

The Outreach Committee is glad to announce our 2021 Partnership Grant recipients:

+ HOPE of Rock Hill - $10,000
+ Pilgrims' Inn - $5,000
+ Community Café - $5,000

Click on the logo of each organization below to learn more about them.

Outreach will share more information about our partnership activities with these groups in the coming weeks, as events are scheduled and needs are shared. We look forward to learning about and serving the community alongside our Partners!

Thank you for your financial gifts, which enable us to give these grants, and for your time and effort, which will be vital to our partnerships.

Click the video image for the
worship service for Palm Sunday, March 28.

Click here for the worship guide.

Click the video image for the Children's Sermon
We invite you to "like", comment on, and share these videos!
Each Sunday we continue to worship together online. These services are posted on the Grace Facebook page and on our website.
Sundays with Grace

Our Sunday morning worship and fellowship opportunities are going strong!

Facebook Premiere worship begins at 11am

Facebook Live Coffee Hour starts at noon*

*we will not have Coffee Hour on Easter Sunday, April 4th, or on April 11th.
We'll return on April 18th!

We have been blessed to see one another in worship through our online worship assistants!

If you are interested in providing a worship assistant video, please click here to sign up for Holy Week Worship Services. Pr. Gregg will contact you with the details you'll need.

Thanks to all who have helped lead us in worship so far and all those who will be leading us in the weeks to come!
2021 Altar Flower Sign-Up

Altar flowers will be back in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. It has been a long-standing tradition at Grace for members to sponsor the weekly flowers to honor or in memory of family and friends. This year we are asking you to use an on-line sign-up form, please use the link in this article to access. If you are uncomfortable using the on-line sign-up or do not have access, please contact the Church office (803-324-5295 or

The cost is $45.00 for one (1) or $90.00 for both (2) vases. Each date on the sign-up form has two (2) spaces, check the number of vases you wish to sponsor, please check both if you are signing up for both vases, and scroll to the very bottom of the page to submit. You will also be asked to add the dedication of the flowers and to let us know if you will be picking up the flowers after the 11:00 service or another day of the week. If you do pick up the flowers, please return the liner(s) to the Church.
You will receive an email confirming your choice. If you wish to make changes to your chosen date, please contact the Church office.

Want to sponsor Grace's Sanctuary Candle?

Grace continues to keep our Sanctuary Candle burning every week, a sign of the continuing presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. Members are able to sponsor the candle in memory or honor of someone.

Covid-19 Information and Updates

Click here for information regarding local sources for the Covid-19 vaccines.
South Carolina Synod - ELCA

Click here to see the March 2021 letter including "Recommendations and Resources for our Faith Communities," "Covid-19 Current Guidelines," and "Information about the Vaccine" shared by Bishop Aebischer and the SC Synod.
In their reports to Council each month, Pastor Gregg and Pastor Rachel conclude with some personal remarks that summarize the most recent period of their leadership here at Grace.
Click on the image to read their March remarks.

Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week.

These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click here for the week of March 28
Click here for Holy Week (April 1-3)
Click here for the week of April 4
Offering Our Gifts to God

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. While we are apart, it is still faithful to offer our gifts. You can give in several ways:
  • Give online by clicking here (and you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.
Thank you for continued faithful
Gifts & Talents Pictures

Our worship has been enhanced by your photos of projects, experiences, and joys - thank you for sharing!

We would love to see more of what you're doing - please send photos to our Video Editor, Craig Allen by clicking here.
Congregation Connections
Click the image for
our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image for
our current
Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click the image
for our
March Birthdays
Click the image
for our
April Birthdays
The Sanctuary Candle for the month of March is given by
Mary and Eddie Hinson in memory of Sewell Mason.

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of April is given by
Judy and Sig Huitt.

The Altar Flowers for Sunday, April 4 are given by
Kathy and John Taylerson to the Glory of God and in memory of Kathy's parents, Marg and John Heckert.
Our Daily Bread Devotionals
If you would like us to mail you a copy of the March, April, and May devotional, please email the church office.
Can We Help?
This pandemic has affected each of us, but may have affected us in different ways. If you are in need of help (of any kind), please reach out to the pastors.
We can find connections to resources and/or support together. We want to walk with you. Please call or email us.
February Giving and Expenses

February Received $42,450
February Expenses $42,193
Budgeted to Spend $57,902

YTD Received $102,700
YTD Expenses $84,818
YTD Budgeted to Spend $115,804
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are suspended until further notice.
At this time, please do not come
to the church building.
We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm