November 22 - 29, 2022
For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.
In observance of Thanksgiving, the church office will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25.
Advent Mid-Week Worship Services with Holden Evening Prayer


November 30
December 7, 14 & 21

Join us at 7pm on the Wednesdays of Advent for a brief worship service.
Advent Greetings from the Council President

Click HERE to read a letter from Dawn Hartman, Grace's Council President.
An Update From Grace

Thank you to everyone who took part in our worship service & Annual Meeting on Nov 13th!
We welcomed Rhett into the Body of Christ in Baptism, and 12 new members through Affirmation of Faith! Be sure to greet them all in the coming weeks.

We began our Annual Meeting by burning our mortgage! Thanks to your support in our Striking a Match for Burning the Mortgage drive this summer, we were able to pay off our building debt, and we are freed to see what God has in store for us in the future. It was a great milestone to celebrate together!

During the meeting, we elected 4 new Council Members:
Justin Anderson, Ron Hartman, Irene Pointon, and Traci Quinn

We elected 3 members to the Endowment Fund Committee:
Bill Yoos, Doug Gay, and Karen Warmoth

We elected 6 members to the 2023 Nominating Committee:
Melissa Tucker, Lori Brown, Nora Sliney, Elisa Gordon, Skeeter Mills, and Craig Allen

Thank you to everyone who answered the call of the Spirit to be nominated! We hold our newly elected members in our prayers as they serve God and Grace.

We also voted to approve our 2023 Missional Spending Plan. We give thanks for your support for our shared mission for the coming year, and we look forward to serving together!

Click HERE for a video of this great day!

Click HERE for the recording of our Annual Meeting
What's Going On At Grace

+Sun, Nov 27 - First Sunday of Advent

+Wed, Nov 30 - Advent Mid-Week Worship begins - will be each Wednesday during Advent at 7pm.

+Fri, Dec 2 - Rock Hill Christmas Parade, 6pm (Grace hosting hot chocolate)

+Sat, Dec 3 - Winthrop Holiday Delights Concert (two concert times)

+Sun, Dec 11 - Messiah Concert, 4pm at Oakland Baptist Church

+Sat, Dec 17 - Grace Christmas Festival, 4-6pm

+Sat, Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Services at 5, 7, and 11pm

+Sun, Dec 25 - Christmas Day Service - 10am (one combined service)

We have created this section in the e-news to share some highlights for the upcoming 6 weeks! Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.
Bev Frantz
(1942 - 2022)

Members and friends, we are sad to inform you of the death of our sister, Bev Frantz. A Celebration of Life service will be held in Harrisburg, PA. Click HERE to read the obituary.

We hold close in prayer her husband, Bill, their entire family, and all those who mourn this loss. We trust in the eternal promise of the resurrection and entrust Bev to the heavenly care of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 8 is our annual Christmas gift exchange!  We will do a potluck lunch in memory of Jackie Hilton followed by our White Elephant Gift Exchange. Start looking for that special something to wrap up and give away. 
New friends to the group have no idea what fun we have during this annual event that we have missed having since Christmas 2019. Please RSVP for this event and let me know what you are bringing for lunch by December 6, 2022.

If you have questions or just want to sign up contact Annie-Laurie Wheat at 803 517-0626 (cell) home phone 803 980-1834 or by email at

Our Annual Christmas Giving Opportunities have arrived! Read on to see how you can be part of our Angel Tree and Giving Tree giving to the community.
Angel Tree: Gifts for Children

The biggest need this year is winter accessories and outerwear, however surprises like toys and games are always appreciated. All gifts need to be dropped off in the Fellowship Hall NO LATER than December 11.
There will be a marked spot for the children's gifts, please do not place them with the gifts for the seniors. Please make sure you include a label on the front, right hand corner of the gift with the child's name and age clearly marked so we can ensure each child receives the correct gift. Click HERE to sign up!
Giving Tree: Gifts for Adults

This outreach provides needed gifts to our Meals on Wheels recipients. Please sign up online, purchase the items listed beside the name, wrap the gifts, and attach a label at the top right corner of the gift with your person's name and Route Number clearly written. All gifts can be dropped off in the fellowship hall and are due by Sunday, December 11. Click HERE for the link to sign up.
If you have any questions, you can contact Vivian Robinson. Thank you in advance for your contributions!
We are excited to share that as of today, we have
92 Commitments
for a total of
$476,194.00 committed

Thank you to everyone who has made their commitment, in person or online.

If you have not had a chance to make your commitment, please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to support the mission we share at Grace. Then, make your commitment in one of these ways:

+ Click HERE to use the Digital Commitment Card
+ Enter your commitment in Realm (instructions HERE)
+ Bring your Commitment Card to the church office
Thank you in advance for making your commitment!
Christmas Poinsettias

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary for Christmas Eve services. You have an opportunity to either purchase one or more poinsettias. Please click HERE to sign up. The price per plant is $11.00. Please order your poinsettia by Sunday, Dec. 18.
Christmas Eve Worship Assistants Needed!
Click on the service times below to add your name to the worship assistant schedules for Christmas Eve. Once we have volunteers for each category, we'll share the schedules.
Opportunities to Connect on Sunday Morning
We are continuing to grow on Sunday mornings, and we are so glad to see so many people with us for worship, Sunday School, and fellowship time! If you'd like to help enhance these times we spend together, here are 2 great opportunities:

Children's Word Time: During the Word portion of worship, our 8-and-under members worship in the nursery, learning about God's Word at their level. If you'd like to volunteer with CWT, please click here. For more information on CWT, click here.

Sunday Morning Hospitality/ Coffee Hour: Between services, we meet in the Fellowship Hall for some snacks and shared time. Hospitality hosts make this possible by providing refreshments, setting up, and cleaning up. We have two more Sundays that need hosts - November 27 and December 18. Please click here to sign up to host. If you have questions, please contact Pr. Rachel.

Thank you for making connections at Grace!
Join us for this year's Holiday Delights on Saturday, December 3. Desserts and Music at 4pm and 7pm at Grace. Concert at Oakland Ave Presbyterian at 4:45pm and 7:45pm.
Click HERE to purchase tickets.
Celebrate the season with Grace's Annual Christmas concert on Saturday, December 17 at 4pm. This is a free concert presented by the Grace Lutheran Church Choir and friends and is directed by Dr. Jeremy Mims.
Grace Craft Group

Meets Tuesday, Dec. 6 from 11am - 1pm in room 107. This group is for crafters of any skill level and any craft, with the group’s purpose to craft items that will be donated to different organizations in need of those items. 
Biggest needs at HOPE:
Soup, Condiments, Cereal, Canned Vegetables, Toilet Paper, Shampoo, Soap, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Paper Towels, Menstrual Hygiene Products & Laundry Detergent

HOPE is experiencing a shortage of many items right now! Please take a look at the "biggest needs" and consider adding a few to your cart on your next shopping trip.

You can drop items off in the bin located outside the church offices when you're in the building, and a volunteer will take them over to HOPE. Please only place non-perishable items in the bin!
Palmetto Community Health Care is looking for volunteers! Click the video to learn more about how they serve our community and how you can take part.
Volunteers are needed to visit with guests at the Cottage from 6:40-8:00pm on Nov. 12. If you are interested in helping, please contact Stefany Tindale at 803.322.6570.

Another need is for volunteers for driving a 10 passenger van from Hope Fellowship Church to Pathways starting at 7:00-7:15 AM and finishing at approximately 8:15 AM. This entails two round trips ( approximate total 15-18 ladies ) along with stopping at the HUB for those who need to take the bus and two drop offs at job sites.

Ron Hartman shares, "This is very easy and fulfilling work for less than a handful of mornings a month. I serve as a backup driver and will be willing to answer any questions. Please contact me at 330-620-4711."
Worship Assistant Schedule

Click HERE for the Worship Assistant Schedules.

Don't see your name? Want to join the rotation? Email the church office today!
Congregation Connections

The Sanctuary candle for the month of November is given by Judy and Sig Huitt to the Glory of God.

The Altar Flowers for November 27 are given by Donna and Rick Richter in appreciation for our members who commit their time and talents to serve as members of Church Council.
Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!
Click HERE for the October Treasurer's Report
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm