Growing in Faith. Creating an Inclusive Community.

Serving with Compassion. Working for Social Justice.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Third Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Service 

with Holy Eucharist 

in person at 

8 am, 9:15 am, and 11 am

Service Bulletin

Save the Date: End of Season BBQ

Sunday, June 16th, is our final worship service in the sanctuary for the season. We will have only one service at 10 am, followed by our Annual End-of-Year Summer BBQ!

Contributions of desserts are welcome – you can leave them in the kitchen before the 10 am service.

Red Hook Farms

Pictured from left to right: Peggy O'Keefe, Theresa Seabaugh, Sarah Luke, Andrew Rybin, & Allison Robinson

Join Us This Saturday at Red Hook Farms!

Grace Church is returning to Red Hook Farms 

this Saturday, June 8th from 10 am to 1 pm, and we need you! 

We will meet at the Columbia Street Farm, 560 Columbia Street.

Click here to register by Thursday, June 6th. 

For questions, please email Theresa Seabaugh,

We hope to see you at the farm!


Our relationship with Red Hook Farms aligns perfectly with Grace’s Core Values! By contributing your time and talent, you serve with compassion in an underserved community.  In addition, by supporting a sustainable urban agricultural enterprise that financially benefits the local community, you are working for social justice to address food insecurity by improving access to healthy and affordable food. 

Brooklyn Pride Parade


June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. This Saturday, June 8th, join fellow Episcopalians at the Brooklyn Pride Parade, along 5th Avenue in Brooklyn. Marchers are asked to assemble by 6:30 pm at the assigned meeting location: in front of 704 DeGraw Street (between 4th and 5th Avenues). Look out for the “Episcopal Churches in Brooklyn” Banner. For more information, please email Rev. Leandra Lambert at

Join Us: Multicultural Day Planning Meeting on Tuesday, June 11 

Grace is a wonderful community of people from diverse backgrounds. Each year, we celebrate Grace Church's cultural diversity with an annual Multicultural Day, this year scheduled for Sunday, October 20th.

Join us in planning this 6th annual event on Tuesday, June 11th, at 7 pm via Zoom. For the Zoom link, please email Denise Young Farrell at or Allison Robinson at Thank you! 

June 28th: 20s/30s Year-End BBQ

The clergy at Grace Church will be hosting a a year-end BBQ for the 20s/30s group (and any interested members) in the Grace Court Garden on June 28th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Friends and guests are welcome to attend!

Please contact or for more information.

Youth Ministiries Sleepover

Save the date:

Fun, Games, and Crafts at the Middle School Sleepover

Friday, June 21st 7pm - Saturday, June 22nd 8:45 am. For more information, please email Elise Topazian at To register, please use the link on the flyer above.

Education for Ministry End-of-Year Gathering June 12

The inter-parish Education for Ministry group that meets at Grace is holding its end-of-year gathering and potluck at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 12th in the Grace Court Garden. We are honored to welcome the Rev. Allen Robinson for this event. Current participants, alumni, and persons interested in finding out about EfM for September are invited to attend. The theme of Living into the Journey with God is explored through reading the Bible and other theological texts, discussion, and reflection.  To RSVP and for more information, contact co-mentor John Musco at An overview of the EFM program can be seen at:


 EfM Registration Open for Fall 2024 

The Education for Ministry (EfM) Seminar program at Grace Church welcomes friends from Grace and other parishes to join our small, diverse, and vibrant group! 

EfM is a unique four-year program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. Since its founding in 1975, this international program has assisted more than 120,000 participants in discovering and nurturing their call to Christian service. EfM helps the faithful encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and bring it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship, and engage in theological reflection together. The program invites participants into small, mentored groups that provide the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. EfM seminar groups develop a theologically informed, reflective, and articulate laity. 

Our group meets at Grace Wednesday evenings, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, October to June, in person and on Zoom, with breaks at holidays, and there is also an annual weekend retreat at Holy Cross Monastery. Former students are welcome to return. The annual fee is $325 plus the cost of textbooks; limited scholarships may be available. 

For more information see and contact co-mentor John Musco,, or speak to an EFM participant at Grace.  An open house is planned for August 14th from 6:30-7:30 pm.  

Stonewall 55: Legacy Without Limits

St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church

Clinton and Montague Streets, Brooklyn Heights

Thursday, June 20, 6–9 pm

St. Ann's LGBTQ+ Action Group invites you to Stonewall 55: Legacy Without Limits, a Pride Month extravaganza and community event. Join us in honoring the past, embracing the present, and shaping the future of the LGBTQ+ movement.

Our commemoration of the Stonewall uprising will begin with a slideshow of photographs of the era taken by Village Voice photographer Fred McDarrah, followed by a performance by local drag artist Dev Doee.

We'll explore the legacy of Stonewall with a panel moderated by Kay Turner, historian, folklorist, and Queer Studies professor, and featuring Ben Garcia, Executive Director of the American LGBTQ+ Museum; Suhaly Bautista-Carolina, Director of Public Programs and Partnerships at the American LGBTQ+ Museum; and Riot Mueller, United Methodist Church pastor and LGBTQ Religious Archives Network staff member.

In a special presentation, we will honor Mickey Heller of the Brooklyn Pride organization and the members of the first-ever LGBTQ+ Caucus of the NYC Council.

A set by the magnificent pop/rock trio BETTY will lift our spirits and round out the celebration!

You won't want to miss this! The event is FREE and open to all, so bring your friends and neighbors. Let us know you plan to attend and RSVP on Eventbrite.

ELEVATE Summer Camp at Camp DeWolfe

Introducing "Elevate 2024", a brand new program for youth ages 10-17

Ready for some summer fun? The Diocese of Long Island is excited to announce the revival of Summer Camp out at Camp DeWolfe! In partnership with the Camp DeWolfe team, we'll take campers on an exploration to ELEVATE and expand their understanding of what God has in store for all of us. Camp runs from July 25th - 28th.

Experience a weekend of faith, friendship, and excitement!

The registration deadline is July 1st.

Learn More!

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a method of contemplative prayer in which we rest silently in the presence of God. It is a very simple method that is easy to learn. We may think of prayer as thoughts or feelings expressed in words, but this is not the only form of prayer. 

Zoom sessions are held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes with a 20 minute period of silence. Instructions on how to participate are part of each session.

The link for Centering Prayer is:

Rector's Bible Study

The Rector’s Bible Study meets in the McKittrick Choir Room on Tuesdays from 10-11:30 am. This term, we are studying the Book of Isaiah. The final Bible Study class before our summer break will be on Tuesday, June 18th.

if you cannot make it in person, participants can also join via Zoom:

Should you have any questions, please reach out directly to the Rector at

Sunday School & Spring Calendar

Children in grades K*-5 are invited to participate in Sunday SchoolClasses meet from 10:15–10:45 am in Classroom 2 (on Sundays with one 10 am service only, Sunday School meets from 9:15-9:45 am). Volunteers lead children in 30-minute sessions focusing on Bible stories, using the Storymakers curriculum.

The final Sunday School class before summer break will be Sunday, June 16th at 9:15 am.


The spring Sunday school schedule can be found here.

Please note: Snacks will be served upstairs in the Guild Hall at the end of Sunday School. Please eat in the Guild Hall and not in the classroom.


*If your child is not yet a reader but would like to attend Sunday School, they can attend with a parent to help with the activities.

The Rector's Discretionary Fund

Even the most meticulously crafted budget can’t always cover an unexpected emergency, e.g. a child’s trip to the ER; a car vandalized and needing an expensive part; an elderly parent in another city requiring help.

Since it was established in 2004, the Rector’s Discretionary Fund has given to parishioners in circumstances like these. The need is great, especially after the pandemic, with more on the horizon, and the sole source of funding for this important fund is the generous contributions of our congregation, helping members of our Grace community when they are facing temporary financial hardship.

Contributing to this important fund fulfills our parish goal of Serving with Compassion. If you would like to participate, you can do so by using our online payment system, Realm. If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to Grace Church Brooklyn Heights with Rector’s Discretionary Fund on the memo line.

Thank you for your faithful generosity.

Evening Prayer

Grace Church offers Evening Worship every Tuesday - Friday at 5pm online.

To attend Evening Prayer online, please use the following Zoom link: .

Parish Prayer Concerns & Thanksgivings

This week we pray: 

… that, in this world of greed and corruption, deceit and persecution, injustice and brokenness, we may not lose heart. May we take our strength from the truth that cannot be seen, but which is eternal; and may we live for one another in Christ, and walk by faith, confident in the kingdom of God.

… that the Church’s efforts may reap a harvest of abundant life for all God's creatures.

… that the people of Grace may persevere in prayer and the work this parish is called to, trusting in God who brings great things from small beginnings.

… that God may grant wisdom and courage to Joe, our president; Kathy, our governor; Eric, our mayor; and all elected officials as they respond to the complex challenges of our world, and may truth and equity be the foundation of their governing.

… that God will transform hearts that are hard, and minds that are warped by hatred and violence, so that pathways to peace may be found in all places of conflict.

… that God will help all who daily confront the powers of evil in order to bring freedom to those entrapped by poverty, prejudice, oppression, violence or addictions.

… that Christ’s love may be made known through the ministries of those who teach the young, feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, and strive for justice.

… for all who face the anxiety and uncertainty of serious illness in themselves or in loved ones; may God soothe their fears, and fill them with courage and trust.

… for those who have been commended to our prayers, especially, José V., Marie, Val & family, Dolores, Jonathan; Daniel & Julia & their families, Lally, Vivian H., Heidi, Tom C., The Rev. Nils Blatz, Roger, Bill, Mary, Jane O., Dolores V., Ron & Betsy, Sohee, Jane K., Richard & Linda, Rosemarie, Andrew, Katie Lynn, Stephen, Kathy P., Kathy, Chris, Jesse, Max, Sean & Fiona & family, and Heleen. For those who care for sick or aging loved ones, those who endure chronic or incurable illnesses, and those who are near death. For those whose names and needs are known only to God. 

… for those who have died, and those who mourn. And in thanksgiving for those who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy to overcome tyranny and restore peace and freedom to Europe.  Eternal God, Hear our prayer.

Grace Notes Submissions

Announcement submissions for Grace Notes and Sunday bulletin can be sent to Melissa Kelly, Parish Administrator. All submissions must be received no later than Thursday at 10 am in order to be included in that week's e-newsletter and bulletin. Thank you!

Livestream and Audio Update

Due to equipment failure, Grace Church is working on repairs and upgrades to our audio and livestream systems. Unfortunately, therefore, we will not be able to livestream Sunday services until further notice. Thank you for your patience while these systems are offline. We will make an announcement as soon as our livestream capabilities have been restored.

Sunday Services at Grace

Grace Church holds in-person services at 8 am, 9:15 am, and 11 am each Sunday unless otherwise noted. All are welcome.We have child care available for those who need it during the 9:15 am and 11 am services. 

Join us for coffee hour! Please join us for coffee and snacks after each service. 

If you have any questions about our worship schedule, please contact Melissa Kelly, Parish Administrator, at or (718) 624-1850 x 10.

Summer Worship at Grace

 Beginning Sunday, June 23rd, we will be holding one worship service on Sundays

at 10 am in the air-conditioned Guild Hall.

The Common Cup

Holy Eucharist is offered in both kinds, bread and wine. The wine is offered from the common cup (drinking directly from the chalice). Intinction is not permitted.  At communion time, after receiving the bread, proceed to the eucharistic minister to receive the wine by drinking directly from the chalice. Those not wishing to drink from the chalice may cross their arms and reverence the cup.

Giving to Grace

We are happy to let you know that you can make a pledge or general offering donations by text! 

Please send a text to 73256 with the message "GraceBrooklyn". The first time, you will be prompted to provide your name and address, including your credit card number. If you save that information for future use, the second offering by text will be immediate. You can also make one-time pledge payments and general offering donations online here.

If you would like to set up a recurring pledge payment on Realm, please contact Melissa Kelly, parish administrator, for an invitation to join

In Remembrance or Gratitude...

Altar flowers are a wonderful way to express gratitude for life's blessings or to memorialize a loved one.

If you would like to contribute altar flowers, please contact Melissa Kelly in the parish office. The suggested donation, which covers the cost of the altar flowers for Sunday services, is $200. An acknowledgment will be included in the service bulletin.

Weekday Visits to Grace

When you visit, please use the Clergy Door, which is the first door on your right in the Hicks Street courtyard. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Public visiting hours for the church sanctuary are Monday-Friday from 3-5 pm.

Grace Church | 254 Hicks Street | Brooklyn NY 11201 

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