News and Updates

November 4, 2022

Companion Orientation Monday

The next Companion Orientation is this Monday, November 7th. We will meet in the sanctuary at 5:00pm. Invite your friends or family to attend!

Reach out to Companion Coordinator, Katlyn, at for more information.

Employment Opportunity!

We're hiring a Campus Caretaker to fill a part-time (30 hr/week), hourly position. Click HERE to see the full job description.

I AM Home Art Show


I AM Home is having their fall Art Show November 12, 4-7 at Ginger’s Revenge.

Last Chance to Register!

Registration closes this Sunday, November 6th!

If hosting isn't for you, then sign up to receive a meal. 100% of the proceeds go to the DWT, thanks to our incredible sponsors!

Sign up to Host

Garden Workdays

For the next several weeks, on Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm and Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:00pm, our new Garden Intern, Hannah, will be working out in the garden weather permitting. She is working on weeding and preparing the garden for winter. If you'd like to join her, head out to the garden during these hours!

Turkeys and Hams

The holidays are coming up, which means we're preparing for the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. This year, we are expecting roughly 1800 meals consisting of about 40 hams and 25 turkeys.

To help cover costs, click the button below.

DWT Donations

Companion Corner


  • Welcome Table Sustainability- Help Needed! We are continually working on ways to make the Welcome Table more sustainable. One of the most recent efforts that we have implemented is composting. We are currently seeking help with this effort from someone willing to transport the compost to a local facility twice a week after the meals. If you are interested in serving the Welcome Table in this way please reach out for more details!

  • Resources for Resilience Training- An in depth training on how to care for yourself with tools designed to reset the nervous system in the face of stressors and trauma. This is such an invaluable training that you will gain practical tools to use for yourself and others in your life! We have 40 spots free of charge! The training will be November 17 & 18. Read more in the attached document!

  • Companion Orientation November 7th. We will meet in the sanctuary at 5:00pm. Invite your friends or family to attend!

  • Companion Care Crew- The Companion Care Crew is made up of Companions at Haywood Street Congregation who have the time, energy, and a sense of call to support Haywood Street’s ministries and Companions. Our next meeting is Tuesday November 1st at 5:00pm in the main dining room. We will discuss ways to care for companions and improve our ministries for all involved! If you haven't been to a meeting yet or just want to check it out, feel free to join! 


  • Please make sure to check the sign up sheet each week and update it based on your availability or let Katlyn know if you will not be here. This lets us know if we will have the coverage we need each week.
Sign Up

Haywood Street in Photos

In August, Luella's BBQ raised $10,000 for the Downtown Welcome Table. On Wednesday, Ashley Miller, owner of Luella's, visited the Welcome Table and handed the donation to our chef, Jinnia.

On November 2nd, All Souls Day, we remembered all the friends we lost this year.

The welcoming face of Downtown Welcome Table companion, Claudia.

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:


Sundays at 11:00 and Wednesdays at 12:30 in the sanctuary

Tuesday Prayer Group:12:00 in the sanctuary. Gather for a time of communal prayer 


Thursday Card Making: Group - 10:00am in Room 1 (off the main lobby) - Gather together to make cards for our community and friends in prison or in the hospital. 

Clothing Resources

Click below to see the list the places in the community to donate clothes and to find free clothes.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Sundays 9-12 

Monday-Thursday 10-2

By appointment, contact April at

Ways to Give

Your gift ensures that there is always enough, and room for everyone, at the many welcoming tables of Haywood Street. 


Grace, Connection, and Miss Mary's Meatloaf

By Kelly Davis

Ten years ago, I attended a Trop Rock festival fundraiser. One of the recipients of this was Haywood Street and The Downtown Welcome Table. I had never heard of them, so the next Wednesday I went to check it out. The rest is history, so to speak, and like so many others who have experienced this wonderful, chaotic place, it was love at first sight, and smell, and hearing. I knew this community was for me.

Then one day I met Mary Littlejohn in the kitchen. It was an instant connection – a

God thing, really. We realized we both have a love and passion for cooking and feeding others. I started doing the desserts for the DWT and was a companion in the kitchen on Wednesdays. Mary and I became fast friends, and she became a member of our family. She spends most holidays with us and she is like a sister to me.

As many know, when Mary has her meatloaf for Wednesday lunch, word spreads like wildfire in the community and many flock to have this wonderful meal. It was fitting to have Miss Mary’s Meatloaf as a fundraiser for the Downtown Welcome Table. The mission statement says “The Downtown Welcome Table rests on the assumption that food is a primary means of grace, a way to love and connect.” Well, add Mary’s Meatloaf in that mix and it is that and so much more.

My husband, Randy, and I hosted our first dinner for Miss Mary’s Meatloaf fundraiser last year, inviting several friends who didn’t know a lot about Haywood Street and the DWT. Mary was there, making sure the food was how she wanted it served, just like she does at HSC. Wayne was there telling his compelling story of how he found Haywood Street and how this community saved his life, and Lorili spoke about Haywood Street and how fundraising is so important to sustain our mission. This was a powerful trifecta and our guests were very moved and asked lots of questions and were more than happy to donate. We will be hosting our 2nd dinner for this year’s fundraiser and will have some of the same guests and some new ones who do not know a lot about Haywood Street. There will be grace, love, connections and oh yes, Miss Mary’s meatloaf!

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.