Governor: Sign Hope Into Law!
Email & Call Gov. Edwards Now

The 2021 Legislative Session ended last week, and our Abortion Pill Reversal Disclosure Act (HB 578) PASSED! Thanks for your action to help give women who regret their abortion HOPE! 

But we are not done. The bill is on Gov. Edwards' desk, and he has yet to confirm whether he will sign it or not. There was even some discussion during the session that he might veto this bill!

The pro-life movement has got to come together NOW and contact Gov. Edwards and ask him to SIGN HOPE INTO LAW! Learn more about HB 578.

Call and email Gov. Edwards TODAY and ask him to sign HB 578 into law!

Call: 225-342-7015

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. There were a lot of other successes during the session as well, including tax deductions for adopting families, a law strengthening parental consent before abortion, and more! Watch our video recap and read our full session report!
PULSE Leadership Institute is July 12-16; Students: Register Now to Secure A Spot
What do students get out of the PULSE Leadership Institute, a week-long training program for high school and college students? Just ask Nick, who recently had a conversation with a pregnant mother in need and helped her choose life for her baby! Students like Nick who attend PLI learn how to have compassionate and life-affirming dialogue with others, and they leave with the knowledge and courage to make a difference in their communities. The next PLI begins in less than a month, and spots are filling up fast! Students, register now so you have the chance to hear from activists, lawyers, families, and advocates from across the nation and build a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be pro-life on the home front.

Happy Father's Day! Louisiana Leader Founded National Men for Life
Happy Father's Day to all Louisiana dads! Proudly pro-life fathers are such an important part of a strong community and nation. Louisiana's own T.J. Burgess founded National Men for Life in 2018 as an entry point for men to join the fight to protect and expand human rights from conception to natural death. The group believes real men shouldn't refuse to stand up for women and children, exploit women, or run away from fatherhood. His article, "Father's Day Should Never Be Used to Encourage Men to Support Abortion," was published today at Live Action as a response to pro-choice groups that use Father's Day to push their radical agenda by encouraging men to support the lawful killing of their children. T.J. has been a leader with Louisiana Right to Life since he began volunteering as an eighth-grader. He now serves as Special Projects Director.

The Hyde Amendment was first added to appropriations bill in 1976 to prohibit federal funds from paying for elective abortions. It has held firm until now, but President Biden is eliminating it from his budget. Will you join the national #SaveMyHyde effort to make it clear to our leaders that the Hyde Amendment must remain?
Each year, Louisiana and New Orleans Right to Life produce a "Right to Life Calendar" filled with photos of babies from Louisiana showcasing the beauty of life. Submissions are needed for the 2022 calendar! Can you help us by sending a high resolution photo of your child or grandchild? The deadline is June 30, so please get your photos in today!
The State Fair of Louisiana wrapped up its first-ever Spring Edition in May, and we were once again thrilled to be part of this event with our Pro-Life Outreach Booth.
While the Spring Edition of the State Fair looked a little different than the traditional fall event, it was still a great success, and we enjoyed sharing the beauty of life with all who attended. The fair also returns to its fall spot in October, and we need volunteers to help!
Louisiana Black Advocates for Life hosts a Tuesday night video series (7 p.m.) on Facebook @LABlackAdvocates titled "I'm Black. I'm Pro-Life. This is Why." Tune in tonight to hear from State Sen. Katrina Jackson, a passionate pro-life advocate from Monroe. Pastor Tristen Smith was last week's participant, and his video, as well as the entire series, can now be watched at your convenience on the Louisiana Black Advocates YouTube channel!
The Proudly Pro-Life Gala will return to an in-person event in 2022! The event is set for Jan. 15 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. State Sen. Katrina Jackson will receive the 2022 Proudly Pro-Life Award during the event, chaired this year by Kurt and Susan Crosby. Will you become a patron or sponsor today? Tickets are also on sale now.
The seventh Chers Bébés: Acadiana's Soirée for Life, is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 21, at Cathedral Hall in Lafayette. Last year's event had to be cancelled due to COVID restrictions, but this year the event will be back better than ever! Will you become a patron for the event as we honor Sharon Fontenot and Dr. Kim and Bonnie Hardey?
Upcoming Events
Oct. 28 - Nov. 14

Jan. 15, 2020
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife