
Spring Is....

Hooray for free water! By San Diego's standards, we continue to have a very wet winter and as landscapers, we aren't complaining. Your plant material may appear stagnant and unsightly in some cases due to the extreme temperatures but the benefits of all this moisture are just around the corner. Your Pacific Green Landscape team is utilizing this weather to our (and your) advantage when fertilizing, preparing for turf aeration and other spring horticulture practices.

Your patience will pay off as the blooms of spring are just starting to make their appearance. With expectations to keep the irrigation off just a bit longer this year, your water bills will be smiling too!
Benefits of Aerating

You may notice the lawn looking a bit disheveled over the upcoming weeks. Don’t worry- this is short lived, and the results are worth it! The plugs scattered throughout the turf are a result of the aeration process performed by your landscape team. Core aeration is the process which extracts cores of soil, grass, and thatch from the surface of the lawn to increase nutrient availability, water penetration, soil air exchange and reduce compaction. When partnered with fertilizer and proper irrigation, the turf will flourish just in time for summer. Cores will disappear over a couple of weeks after mowing.
Frost Damage & Pruning Reminder
If you have Lantana or other plant material that has been the victim of frost damage this winter, DO NOT be tempted to prune off the damaged tips quite yet.

Although it is not aesthetically pleasing, the damaged leaves will help insulate and protect the plant from further damage. When the weather consistently warms, these areas will be trimmed resulting in minimal to no damage and a flourishing bloom.
A Note from Your Pacific Green Landscape Team

We would like to take a moment to thank you for the opportunity to service your property as your landscape maintenance provider. We have worked very hard the last few years to keep our employees and communities safe while continuing to provide the consistent maintenance we hope you have come to expect. Is has not always been easy during these unprecedented times! We encourage you to provide your feedback so we can continue to only grow stronger.
Our partnership and your business are very much appreciated!
Pacific Green Landscape | 800-439-9962 | www.pacificgreenlandscape.com