Family & Ministry Life Update

After an amazing spring filled with traveling and blessing bag events, this summer we hit a God-sized speed bump. When we arrived in Virginia, we were greeted by so many friends who came out to chat, encourage us, and make Blessing Bags of course. At the time, Jennifer was about 20 weeks pregnant. The next day, Jennifer felt a bit off. After going to the hospital, we were told that our daughter, Lily Anna, no longer had a heartbeat. Our short time in Virginia was extended by an entire month. We took time to cancel all our reservations, bury our baby, begin healing, and reschedule our trip through the country.

After starting back on our journey, we faced many obstacles, primarily with health and transportation. I would like to thank everyone who has supported us with their prayers! We know it continues to make a huge impact. Keep it up!

Our former pastor, Lon Solomon, once shared a story about a seminary student. The student told his professor how his life had greatly improved since arriving at seminary. Everything was going so well. In response, the professor told the student that he was sorry to hear that. Perplexed, the student asked the professor why should he be sorry to hear things were going so well. The professor clarified by explaining if everything is going great for you then Satan must not see you as a threat. On the days life seems to be coming unraveled or the enemy’s attacks abound, it is encouraging to know that Satan must be pretty intimidated by the impact of our family and ministry for God! Thankfully, Satan doesn’t have the final say on anything and God even uses our most difficult days for our good and His glory!

Romans 8:28

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to His purpose.”

Being back on the road, we have been blessed with the privilege of serving others through Blessings Bag events, book distribution, and handing out care packages this summer in 16 states! Thus far, we have served in 46 states!!! We could not have done this without your prayers and financial support! Thank you for all you do to make it possible for us to serve others and help families make disciples!

As we wrap up our time serving in the continental US, we will begin the next chapter of life on the road, offering family-friendly mission trips to Mexico. These mission trips are geared towards families throughout the country looking for more ways to serve together. Please join with us in praying about how you can be a part of this next chapter!

To God be the glory, for the things He hath done.

Here are a few highlights from our summer travels!

Our highlight story!

(From an email we received this month)


I am someone impacted by a blessing bag.

In 2016, I got pregnant (after trying 5 years,) at that time I had no insurance and no legal status (was in the middle of the process), I went to NOVA pregnancy center for an ultrasound. I didn't know they were Christian based (I am Christian), after they pray for me and my baby, they gave me a blessing bag.

That blessing bag reminded me how God is in control. It made me feel special, and that someone cared for me, my baby, my home.

Last year, I got together with a group of coworkers and we put together 25 blessing bags for NOVA pregnancy center. (Big testimony: that I called to let them know we had blessing bags, they told me they were praying that morning for more bags.)

Thank you for all you do and continue to spread Christ's love through the blessing bags.”

Looking for more ways to serve? Pick up a copy of “Growing a Servant’s Heart.” If you already have a book, we would love you to share your stories of serving together!

To make a tax-deductible donation to Blessing Bags International, click here. To donate via mail, make a check payable to "Blessing Bags International" and mail your donation to PO Box 30919, Alexandria, VA 22310.