Volume 050 August 2024

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."

-Audrey Hepburn

Hello Sheila,

Happy August friends, the 8th month of 2024 is upon us. What do we have in store for the final months of the year? August marks the halfway point between solstice and equinox and kicks off with a Mercury retrograde in the first week.

This month marks the 50th monthly newsletter! I started these newsletters back in 2020 during the pandemic lockdowns under the Restorative Life name. At one point we published weekly for a while and there have been various evolutions in content. The main idea has been to keep us connected on a upward thread of learning and growing and transmuting challenges into valuable learning experiences.

Although I had a great plan for this month's content, I've decided to make this a somewhat abbreviated edition as other things have taken priority in the past few weeks; including locked out of some accounts following an attempted hacking, an injury, flight delays, and also, in general, August tends to be a more quiet month.

I love writing these newsletters each month to mark the journey through the year and each new month and now the journey cycles into new years and this decade continues to take us through twists and turns. Sometimes it all feels like a lot. It's in these times it's helpful to recognize what is within our control and what is not.

One thing we can do is take things lightheartedly.

The focus of August is LAUGHTER.

Some say sleep is the best medicine, some say hydration is the most important, and for others it's LAUGHTER that keeps up energized and healthy.

Always laugh when you can, it's good medicine. -Lord Byron

Laughter brings a myriad of benefits to our health and wellness. Studies have shown that laughter supports a strong immune system, supplies oxygen to organs, boost mood, and relieve stress. Laughter has even been shown to reduce pain and balance hormones. Enhanced circulation improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, and reduces cortisol.

Laughter has an important role in cultural traditions; literature is full of tricksters that serve to lighten the mood and also tend to be truth tellers. In her well researched book The Laughter Effect, Ros Ben-Moshe takes the reader on a tour of laughter through history from ancient civilization, native tribes, Romans, Greeks, Shakespeare, to the Bible and right into modern times. She also explores in depth the health benefits of laughter including the distinction between simultaneous and simulated laughter. Even simulated laughter and making ha-ha sounds can benefit health. This even led to the establishment of laughter groups and laughter yoga.

August finds some of us just getting into the summer holiday while in other places, back to school preparation is already showing up on the schedule.

I've just returned from a week in the Scottish Highlands celebrating a 30 year reunion with UK friends who studied abroad in California; and coming full circle I will be sending my youngest off to study abroad back in the U.S. later in the month.

I hope this finds you having had and enjoying a restorative summer. Whether a trip near or far, reunions with friends and families, milestone celebrations or just enjoying some lazy days, may your days be blessed with laughter and may that laughter be contagious to those around you.





  • I've just completed a course on Women's Hormones and Fasting with Dr. Mindy Pelz. I'm very inspired by her research in regards to eating and fasting with the monthly cycle. I will be sharing more in coming months.
  • New client intakes are currently open for individuals or for guidance and support on behalf of a family member, and working on the goal of diet and lifestyle that works for all members of the family. This process starts with a free consultation of approx. 20 minutes to discover what will work best for you.

Click here to schedule your Free Consultation

All calls are confidential. I have extensive personal experience with mental health like anxiety, depression, or mania, family wellness, inflammation, weight management and pre-diabetes, stress, and hormone balance.

August 2024

Focus of the Month: LAUGHTER

1 August - Lughnasadh (pronounced loo-nuh-suh)- One of the eight celebration days marking the cycle of seasons in the traditional Celtic calendar. Lughnasadh marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the Autumn equinox. It is a festival of thanksgiving and celebrates the first fruits of the harvest.

4 August - New Moon - The new moon carries the potential for new beginnings and growth, a great time to reflect on what you want to bring into your life in the coming month.

6 August - Mercury Retrograde begins - May be disruptions in travel and technology, also a time to review and revise best communication.

19 August - Full Moon - The full moon illuminates the fullness in our lives and is an opportunity to practice gratitude and recognize growth.

22 August - Virgo season begins - This earth sign ruled by Mercury encourages us to get organized for the coming new season.

29 August - Mercury stations direct - After the retrograde reset and move forward right into September.

Challenges of the Month - LAUGHTER


  • The Laugher Effect by Ros Ben-Moshe
  • Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient by Norman Cousins

Monthly challenges are about being in a state of continual renewal and restoration.

It's important to remember that our body, mind, and spirit are all connected. Many things will support more than one simultaneously. Also, when we focus on one area we may find ourselves uplifted in other areas as well.

  • Try to take a lighthearted view in challenging situations, thinking along the lines of "someday we'll be laughing about this".
  • Be silly with a child in your life.

  • MIND:
  • Share a joke or a funny story.
  • Read the comics
  • Spend time with people you love to laugh with.

  • BODY:
  • Watch a favorite comedy or seek out comedies.
  • Try out laughter yoga, either find a class near you or try a video online.

FAMILY/COMMUNITY CONNECTION: Share the monthly challenges and ask family members which one they are most interested in trying out. This is a great way to connect collectively or individually. You can get a pulse on how everyone is doing while strengthening honest and open communication which gives everyone the opportunity to support one another. That's a WIN - WIN - WIN in my books!

I love focusing on just a couple of things at a time. Remember this is about building strong foundations one brick at a time. Continue to stay well hydrated, get plenty of movement throughout the day, don't skimp on sleep, and practice gratitude.


Eggplant are in season this month, so enjoy the fresh harvest with your favorite eggplant dishes. Grilled eggplant with goat cheese roll-ups are a great snack or some babaganoush for dipping is a tasty favorite too

Aim to prepare your meals from whole, unprocessed foods. If you are noticing dysregulation of mood and energy it may be a good idea to experiment with greatly reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates for a start.

These menus, like my coaching sessions, are made for you to customize them according to your likes and preferences and what fits best into your life and your regular meals. They are a framework meant to be adjusted.

Get in touch if you would like more menu support or would like a specific recipe.

Email me at sheila@sheilascoaching.com

Breakfast: Turkish Eggs - poached eggs, served on a base of yogurt mixed with garlic and seasoned with chili powder

Lunch: Beef tacos or taco salad with guacamole

Snack: Watermelon and sunflower seeds

Dinner: Ratatouille with pan-fried chicken or fish (I like it with cod)

Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

There are dozens of routes you could take to navigate health challenges, and you need to know which one will work best for you and your situation.
In my experience, it's the simple tweaks that can really move the needle here and they might be in your blind spot.
Get in touch to discover what will work best for your unique self!
1:1 Health Coaching

A Health Coach is an expert at sorting through the details to identify the source of the challenges and works together with you create a plan towards an obtainable solution.

All 1:1 clients get fully customized support to find the most simple adjustments to reach their health and wellness goals through a variety of holistic modalities.

Want your family to be in a better mood or your team to be more productive? Or do you just want to team up with others towards better health and increased energy? Diet and lifestyle choices make a huge impact especially in terms of longterm vitality.

This can range from a one-time workshop or talk to a full extended program with weekly sessions.

All of my work is totally bespoke to you and your group. Email me at sheila@sheilascoaching.com to discuss how we can work together.
I'm ready to learn more. Sign me up for my free consultation
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