Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome!
Please email your contributions to David Baggett.
The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!
Announcements may be edited for content and space.
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Requesting Your Participation
Parish-Wide Survey Coming!
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The clergy and vestry have asked a small committee to design and administer a parish-wide survey to gather opinions on a variety of subjects that will be important to the future of Good Shepherd. The survey will be sent by email to the congregation, and it should take less than 10 minutes to complete. For members without email, the survey also will be available in print form. The survey will be distributed on August 7, with a due date of August 21. Contacts: Dan Harris and Bob Kochersberger | |
PLEASE CLICK HERE to view the schedule of parish
worship services and events for August 4-11
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Please Help! Backpacks Urgently Needed
This Sunday Is the Deadline!
We're running behind! Our goal is to collect 75 backpacks stuffed with school supplies for children served by Episcopal Farmworker Ministry!
Please bring your backpacks with you to church on Sunday. The backpacks will be blessed during the 10:15 worship service and then Fr. Fred from EFM will pick up the backpacks next week.
What do the kids need?
And please remember--be sure to tag your backpacks with the appropriate grade they're intended for.
Thank you!
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And the answer is....
Thanks to all who participated in last week's Pop Quiz:
what's the significance of the number 508?
It's the number of backpacks Episcopal Farmworker Ministry is hoping to collect this year!
Here's how we responded:
- 38% guessed correctly!
- 10% guessed the number of baby steps from the narthex to the altar
- 23% guessed the number of hymns in the 1982 Hymnal
- 29% guessed the number of people who attended Rally Day last year
Wait! Did you say Rally Day? Yep! And Speaking of Rally Day...
Get Ready to Rally!
Save the Date: Sunday, September 8th!
Rally Day is our parish-wide celebration to kick off our new church year! This year's Rally Day will feature fun, food, and fellowship for everyone in the parish. Plan now to be there!
Wanna help?
Consider making a financial contribution to help offset costs. If you'd like to contribute, please send your check to the Parish Office. (Please send your check, payable to The Church of the Good Shepherd, to David Baggett's attention and note Rally Day on the memo line of your check).
Join the team! Lots of hands are needed to make the event a success. If you'd like to help, please contact Esther Hall or Kay Stallings.
If you have any questions about Rally Day, please contact Kay (919.649.5186) or Esther (919.740.5260). Thanks very much for your support!
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Stay for Lunch This Sunday!
Beyond our Doors Ministry Team is sponsoring our monthly community lunch and fellowship on Sunday immediately following the 10:15 worship service. Everyone is invited...all are welcome! At this month's lunch, You Can Vote (a non-partisan voter education and information organization) will be providing information. Contacts: Shirley Sullivan and Gerard McNeill
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Coming Sunday Afternoon
Join Us for the Annual EYC Pool Party!!
This is an outdoor pool event for Good Shepherd kids in rising 6-12th grade, hosted in the backyard of Nan & Jack Boyne. There will be swimming and there will be an outdoor cookout potluck! This is a pool event for the kids (feel free to drop them off!), but if any parents are free to stay and socialize / reconnect, we'd love for you to join us on the patio!!
When: Sunday, August 4th, 5:30-7:30 PM
Where: 807 Harvey Street, Raleigh 27608 (at the home of Nan and Jack Boyne)
Hosted By: Nan, Jack, John & Karen Boyne
Can you come? RSVP by signing up to bring something by CLICKING HERE OR by emailing Karen Boyne.
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Bible Study with Rev. Nancy Is Back!
Rev. Nancy leads two wonderful Bible studies each week on Tuesdays:
- 10:30-11:30 AM at the church in the PLC's Ennis Suite.
- 5:45-6:45 PM at 3110 Belvin Drive, Raleigh 27609.
Everyone is welcome! If you have questions, please contact the Parish Office.
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Don't Miss the Celebration!
Final Event of Our 150th Anniversary Celebration
The City of Raleigh Museum is featuring The Church of the Good Shepherd in a special exhibit marking our anniversary. You are invited to attend the Opening Reception on Sunday, August 11 immediately following the 10:15 service. Refreshments will be provided as we tour and celebrate. The Museum is located at 220 Fayetteville Street with on street parking. A van will be available for those who wish to ride to the venue and return to the church by 1:30.
Contact: Esther Hall
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Thanks to everyone who donated produce to our "Share the Wealth" contributions to the Interfaith Food Shuttle. We donated over 50 lbs in the past few weeks for which they were very grateful, but we are ending the program for this year. If your garden is like mine, the relentless heat in late June/early July and then the deluge of rain later in July has decimated my plants so there is not much to donate...better luck next year!
If you heard Rev. Sallie's sermon on Sunday, she gave startling statistics describing food insecurity even in a "wealthy area" like the Triangle. Please consider donating time, food or funds to the IFS or another food bank in the area. And thanks again! -- Jennifer Tlusty
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Call to Action!
ONE Wake Petition for Affordable Housing
Contributed by Jeff Whittaker
It is estimated that every night 1000 people are sleeping on the streets in Wake County. You can help them.
The ONE Wake organization resolves citizen issues. ONE Wake is non-partisan, muti-racial and local group of congregations, associations and non-profits in Wake County, ONE Wakes plan is to gather 10,000 names of Wake County voters, who agree that affordable housing is a key issue. Then bring these names to a candidate forum to underscore this as a problem.
This is how democracy should work! And this is how Christians should help the poor among us.
Please sign the online petition. We have already gathered >105 of the 250 pledged from The Church of the Good Shepherd. More details and the on-line petition can be found here:
On Line Affordable Housing Petition
Jeff Whittaker will be in the narthex after the 10:15 Sunday service to hand out petitions so you can ask neighbors, friends and family to sign. Thank you!
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Parish Finances
PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget update (through June 30th). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.
Avoiding the Dreaded Summer Slump
Churches often experience a 20% drop in giving during the summer, making it challenging to maintain a healthy budget. Vacations/staycations/a break from the business of life is highly encouraged and good for the soul. Kindly consider the option of recurring and/or online giving to ease the giving gap. Power bills, outreach support, and salaries continue to be paid, and regular cash flow keeps operating The Church of the Good Shepherd steady during the summer months. If you need help setting up a payment plan please contact our Parish Administrator, David Baggett (919.831.2018), for this easy option. Enjoy your time away and thank you for ensuring the important work of our parish continues.
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Vision Accomplished Update
Pledges Received: $240,140.25
Pledge Payments and Gifts Received: $149,709.85
Please contact the Parish Office if you have questions or concerns about your statement. Thank you for your generous support of our Vision Accomplished campaign!
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Please keep reading...more news follows! | |
A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of
Our Youngest Beloved
Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!
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August Sundays
Children's Chapel will take a break during August, and we are so excited to have the children experience the entire worship service with us this month! Here's what kids (and caregivers) can expect during the 10:15 worship service:
- Collect for the Kids as usual
- Refreshed worship bags
- Invitations to participate in the liturgy.
Contact: Rev. Hershey
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EYC Open House
On the evenings of Friday, July 26, we will hold our EYC Open House. Our new and improved youth room will be open from 7-10 PM, and all EYC members and their friends are warmly invited to come play video games and watch movies on the big screen; play cards, foosball, and ping pong; or just hang out and listen to music. The room is yours.
The EYC Open House will not only provide our teens an opportunity to spend quality time
together, they’ll also give parents a free evening downtown.
While outside friends are always welcome to join us for EYC events, we are specifically
encouraging our young people to invite their school and neighborhood friends to attend these
Open House events. They present the perfect opportunity to introduce someone new to our
space and our program.
Looking Ahead...
- Aug 4 - Pool Party at the Boyne's (5:30-7:30 PM)
This is an outdoor pool event for Good Shepherd kids in rising 6-12th grade, hosted in the backyard of Nan & Jack Boyne. There will be swimming and there will be an outdoor cookout potluck! This is a pool event for the kids (feel free to drop them off!), but if any parents are free to stay and socialize / reconnect, we'd love for you to join us on the patio!!
When: Sunday, August 4th, 5:30-7:30 PM
Where: 807 Harvey Street, Raleigh 27608 (at the home of Nan and Jack Boyne)
Hosted By: Nan, Jack, John & Karen Boyne
Can you come? RSVP by signing up to bring something by CLICKING HERE OR by emailing Karen Boyne.
- Aug 24 - Go Ape! Zipline at Treetop Adventure (10 AM -1 PM)
- Sept 8 - First Fall EYC Meeting (5:30-7:30 PM)
- Sept 15 - EYC Parent's Meeting (5:30-7:30 PM)
For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.
To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.
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Our altar last Sunday, July 28th
Photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny
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A Culture of Care, A Culture of Love
Occasionally, life throws us curve balls, no doubt about it! Whether it's COVID, a pulled back, a sprained ankle, or a stomach bug, there are occasions when we could use a little help--maybe a friendly ear, a prayer, or a gallon of milk--none of us should feel timid to ask for some assistance from our parish family. After all, that's what families are for!
If you ever find yourself in need, please don't hesitate to contact the Parish Office (919.831.2000), Monday-Thursday, 9-5. Of course, for pastoral emergencies, please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008 anytime. This phone number is monitored by the clergy.
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News You Can Use from the Green Team
Are you looking for a deeper understanding of Creation Care?
A recommendation from Jeff Whittaker
The Green Bible was originally published in 2008 and is a version of the New Revised Standard Version Bible with a focus on environmental issues.
There are a number of versions of it and some include a foreword by Desmond Tutu and essays by Matthew Sleeth, Calvin B. DeWitt, Pope John Paul II, Brian McLaren, Ellen Bernstein, Ellen F. Davis, James Jones (bishop), N.T. Wright, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Gordon Aeschliman.
Join the Green Team for the next meeting: Sunday, August 18th at 9 AM. Contact: James Joslin
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PLC's Key Fob Entry System
Earlier this year, we completed the installation of an electronic key fob system for the outer doors of the Parish Life Center. Ministry leaders have been invited to receive their key fobs. If you have not received your key fob and are involved in a ministry that necessitates key fob access to the Parish Life Center, please email David Baggett. We plan to have the Parish Life Center rekeyed this coming fall.
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Ways to Serve
If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.
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Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners
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The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List
Roy Wright; Carolyn Owens; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor; Martha Bailey;
Peggy Hawks; Ginny Byrd; Mitchell Lawrence; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton;
William Short; Catherine and Bob Williams; Paul Hoch; Carolyn Watson; Brinley Harris;
Don Caudill; Shirley Caudill; Larry Bledsoe; Stephanie Rivers; Jane Mayhew;
Jeffrey Halbstein-Harris; The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University; Felix Waturu; Janice Frazier; John; Mary Best; Lauren Habel; Josephine; Vince Manley;
Nedra Mills; Keith Stroder; Donal Cannon; The Douglass Family; The Goodale Family;
the people of Israel and Palestine; the people of Ukraine and Russia; the people of Sudan;
the people of Haiti; all victims of gun violence;
and those affected by drought, heat, floods, and storms.
In the diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for St. Luke’s, Salisbury;
St. Matthew’s, Salisbury; and St. Paul’s, Salisbury.
In the Anglican cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Kenya.
The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request.
Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.
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Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of
Good Shepherd!
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Sunday, August 4th
The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II
In Person & Livestream Worship
Service Bulletin
11:30 AM Community Lunch and Fellowship
Sponsored by Beyond Our Doors Ministry Team
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Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment
Pastoral Care Emergencies
Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.
Prayer Requests
Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request.
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