Parish Newsletter Banner.jpg

Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome! 

Please email your contributions to David Baggett.

The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!

Announcements may be edited for content and space.

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Please note: the Parish Office will be closed Good Friday and Easter Week

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 


Holy Week and Easter Worship Schedule

March 28 || Maundy Thursday

  • 7 PM Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar*

March 29 || Good Friday

  • 12 Noon Solemn Liturgy*
  • 7 PM Taizé Service

March 30 || Holy Saturday

  • 7 PM The Great Vigil of Easter*

March 31 || Easter Sunday

  • 7 AM Holy Eucharist at Sunrise (in the church)
  • 9:45 AM Children Gather for Easter Egg Dash
  • 10:15 AM Festival Eucharist with Flowering of the Cross* and Children’s Chapel
  • 11:45 AM Fellowship Time

* Service to be livestreamed

Parking for Holy Week & Easter

Please note that the owners of 200 W Morgan Street (former Diocesan House) and First Baptist Church have graciously offered their respective parking lots to the parishioners of Good Shepherd as indicated below:

The parking lot at 200 W Morgan Street is available*:

  • Maundy Thursday evening (6:30-9 PM)
  • Good Friday for both noon and evening services (11:30 AM-1:30 PM and 6:30-8 PM)
  • Holy Saturday for The Great Vigil of Easter (6:30-9 PM)
  • Easter Sunday morning until early afternoon

*Parking at 200 W Morgan Street at other times may result in ticketing.

The parking lot at First Baptist Church is available:

  • Good Friday for both noon and evening services
  • Holy Saturday for The Great Vigil of Easter

On-street parking is complimentary from 6 PM and on weekends.

Parish Office Closed

The Parish Office will be closed on Good Friday and for Easter week (Monday, April 1-Thursday, April 4). The Parish Office will reopen at 9 AM on Monday, April 8.

For Pastoral Care emergencies, please call the Pastoral Care Support Line at 919.831.2008. This line is monitored by the clergy.

For other urgent needs, please email the Parish Administrator, David Baggett, or leave a voicemail for David at 919.831.2018.

Top Of Mind

Save the Date!

Celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, April 21

Mark your calendars for our Homecoming, Sunday, April 21st, Good Shepherd Sunday. We will welcome everyone home as we joyfully celebrate 150 years of The Church of the Good Shepherd. Join us after the 10:15 worship service for a potluck luncheon and art expo where we will recognize and rejoice in the talents and treasures of parishioners both past and present. Contact: Peg Dorer

Adult Formation Offering Coming April 7th

Discussion Group: Letters to Marc About Jesus, by Henri Nouwen,

Facilitated by Carolyn Edge

April 7th-May 12th at 9 AM in the Ennis Suite

During this offering, we will look at seven letters Henri Nouwen wrote to his 19-year-old nephew. The book is entitled Letters to Marc About Jesus. We will focus on how the resurrected Jesus makes his way into our spiritual lives as the God that sets us free, is loving and compassionate, and yet is also hidden. There are 10 books available at the reception desk or you may order from Target or Amazon. Please read letters I and II for the first class on April 7th.

Carolyn Edge has served as a Spiritual Director in this diocese for over 30 years. For 18 years, she directed a program of formation for persons discerning vocations to Holy Orders. She currently serves as a spiritual director for clergy and laypersons, helping them to discern the movement of the Spirit in their lives. Carolyn enjoys being a member of

Good Shepherd and finds it a welcoming parish.

Can You Help with Fellowship Time?

Please consider signing up to bring snacks for Sunday Fellowship Time or (if you are not able to host a Fellowship Time) to donate some snacks for the Fellowship Time Pantry. Please note that there is now an entry to add an "In Memory/In Honor Of" slot. This will also appear in the Sunday Bulletin. Please CLICK HERE to sign up. Thank you! Contact: Peter Miller

From the Parish Register

Welcome Lucy Chartier and Adelyn and Ellis!

We give thanks to God for another family that has recently joined us at The Church of the Good Shepherd: Lucy Chartier and her granddaughters, Adelyn and Ellis! Lucy has transferred her membership from St. Matthews, Hillsborough, and Adelyn and Ellis have transferred their memberships from Christ Church, Raleigh.

Lucy recently shared, "I am the founder, director, and chair of the Board of Directors of Raleigh Day, founded on the principles of Waldorf education. I also run my clinical practice, Life Quality Resources, with my husband, Dr. Dan Chartier, providing psychological and psychiatric services. When not working I spend lots of time with my granddaughters, am an avid reader of both fiction and nonfiction, and enjoy cycling and hiking in Umstead Park.

"I want to share my positive experiences in the Episcopal Church with my granddaughters, Adelyn and Ellis, and I chose The Church of the Good Shepherd because of the warmth and welcoming atmosphere of the clergy and parishioners."

Lucy Chartier

We're Invited!

Randy Roberts and Michael Riddle will be married at The Church of the Good Shepherd on Saturday, April 20th at 3 PM, and they are requesting the pleasure of our attendance to witness and celebrate with them. A reception will follow at their home: 319 Hudson Street, Raleigh NC 27608. Contact: Michael at 919.260.0507 or Randy at 984.202.0035.

Prayers and Cards for Rev. Andrew

Please continue to hold Rev. Andrew and his family in your prayers. If you would like to send Andrew a card, his home address is

1409 South Street

Durham, NC 27707

Save the Date

Summer Retreat at the Beach!

Friday, July 12- Sunday, July 14 at Trinity Center in Salter Path, NC

Stay tuned for details!

Please keep reading...more news follows!

A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of

Our Youngest Beloved

Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!

Sunday, March 31 || Easter Sunday

  • 9:45 AM || Please meet outside the Parish Life Center for the Easter Egg Dash

  • 10:15 AM || Flowering of the Cross & Children's Chapel

No Sunday School today! Sunday School returns on April 14th.

Sunday, April 7

No Sunday School today! Sunday School returns on April 14th.

Save the Date!

June 24-27 || Vacation Bible School

Rev. Imogen recently announced plans for Vacation Bible School this summer: "we'll provide a half-day program this summer from June 24th through June 27th. You can expect all the beloved elements, including Elizabeth Gant's art and Ian Finley's storytelling. But this year there will also be a VBS musical, Oh Jonah! courtesy of our Music Director Clifford Badgley. And our goal is to have 30 children participating in this year's VBS. Here's how adults can help:

1. Share your excitement with all the preschool through 5th Grade children (and their parents/caregivers) in your life. They do not need to be related to you, live in Raleigh, or join Good Shepherd. We want to introduce as many people as possible to the unconditionally loving and creative community at Good Shepherd. Your word-of-mouth invitation can help us do that more than you know!

2. Pencil in those dates and consider if you would like to be an adult or youth volunteer. Children's ministries don't just shape and change the lives of little ones. They change and shape the faith of adults. I have seen it happen, and I know it will happen this summer. "

Questions or want to be involved in our VBS planning process? Please EMAIL REV. IMOGEN - she would love to hear from you!

Contact: Rev. Imogen

Episcopal Youth Community

Sunday, March 31 || Easter Sunday

No EYC this evening; EYC resumes on April 7

Upcoming Dates

  • April 7 EYC: Group Building
  • April 13 Enloe High School Production of Les Mis
  • April 21 EYC: Movie Night
  • April 28 EYC: Defining My Values

For more information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.

To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.

Celebrating 150 Years

The Church of the Good Shepherd

 150th Anniversary

Honoring Tradition, Growing in Faith, Building Community

Stay tuned for opportunities to celebrate!

Love Letters to Good Shepherd

As part of our 150th Anniversary celebration, we are collecting memories, fun moments, thoughts and calling it Love Letters to Good Shepherd. Be sure to drop your letter in one of the two special boxes: you’ll find one on the table in the east transept (as you travel between the church and the Parish Life Center) and one in the Parish Life Center in the first-floor bookcase display spot. The “letters” will be part of our 150th Homecoming event on April 21st. Contact: Elizabeth Gant

Coming Up

Please see Holy Week and Easter Worship Schedule, above, or Come Worship with Us, below, for worship services Maundy Thursday-Easter Day.

There are no planned worship services or parish activities during Easter week, Monday, April 1- Friday, April 5.

Saturday, April 6th

Episcopal Coalition: Habitat for Humanity

Good Shepherd's next date to support Habitat for Humanity is April 6th. That's the day the Good Shepherd team will work on site and help provide lunch for the team. Hearts, hands, enthusiasm and energy are wanted to build a community where everyone feels valued. You will be working with a team to build a safe and affordable home in our community. Where? 24 Kelley Meadows Drive, Knightdale.

To sign up for a shift to work, please CLICK HERE. You're welcome to sign up for any date/shift available, but please keep in mind that April 6th is the date assigned to Good Shepherd to support. Contact: Don Blankenship

To sign up to help provide lunch for the team on April 6th, please CLICK HERE. Contact: Karen Boyne.

Sunday, April 7th

8 AM || Holy Eucharist, Rite I

8:30 AM -12 Noon || Nursery Care Available

9 AM || Adult Formation

  • Discussion Group: Letters to Marc About Jesus, by Henri Nouwen

Facilitated by Carolyn Edge at 9 AM in the Ennis Suite

For more details, please see Top of Mind, above.

10:15 AM || Holy Eucharist, Rite II, and Children's Chapel

11:30 AM || Fellowship Time

5:30-7 PM || EYC

Contact: Rev. Justin

Parish Life

Palm Sunday Photos

The Liturgy of the Palms wiht Rev. Imogen officiating

Photo courtesy of Bob Kochersberger

Liturgy of the Palms and Procession

Photos courtesy of Harold Ramsey

Ways to Serve

If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.

Parish Finances

PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget update (through February 29). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.

Meet Our Partners

Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners

From The Diocese

Be sure to check out the latest news and Information from the Diocese.

The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List

Roy Wright; Carolyn Owens; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor; Martha Bailey;

Peggy Hawks; Ginny Byrd; Mitchell Lawrence; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton;

William Short; Catherine and Bob Williams; Fran and Paul Hoch; Carolyn Watson;

Brinley Harris; Don Caudill; Shirley Caudill; Larry Bledsoe; Carter Halloran;

The Most Rev. Michael Curry; The Rev. Andrew Phillips; 

The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University;

Stephanie Rivers; Pat Moser; Pat Harris; Arlene Loder; Mary Best; April Roberts;

Charlotte Netherby; Virginia Musselman; Felix Waturu; Donal Cannon; Anna Florko;

Paul Henry and The Henry Family; The Pias Family; The Netzer Family; 

Logan Miller and Justin Williams and The Miller Family; The Lylerly Family; 

The Zomorodi and Gambrell Family; The Cook Family; Erin O'Hara and The O'Hara Family;

Ian Finley and the Finley Family; The Cato Family;

the people of Israel and Palestine; and the people of Ukraine and Russia.

And we pray for those who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom, remembering especially Wells O’Hara, Stanton Max Finley, and Barbara Cato.  

The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request

Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.

Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of

Good Shepherd!

Give Toward My Pledge
Give A One-Time Gift 

Come Worship with Us!

Thursday, March 28th

Maundy Thursday

7 PM Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing and

Stripping of the Altar

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin (beginning on page 2)

Friday, March 29th

Good Friday

12 Noon Solemn Liturgy

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin (beginning on page 10)

7 PM Taizé Service

In Person Only

Saturday, March 30th

Holy Saturday

7 PM The Great Vigil of Easer

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin (beginning on page 16)

Sunday, March 31st

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Sunday

7 AM Easter Eucharist at Sunrise

In Person Only

9:45 AM Children Gather for Easter Egg Dash

10:15 AM Easter Festival Eucharist with

Flowering of the Cross and Children's Chapel

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin

11:30 AM Fellowship Time

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Please note: the Parish Office will be closed Good Friday and Easter Week

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 

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