Parish Newsletter Banner.jpg

Announcements and photos to share with our parish family are always welcome! 

Please email your contributions to David Baggett.

The deadline for newsletter submissions is Wednesday at 2 PM. Thank you!

Announcements may be edited for content and space.

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 


D-Day Observance

God our refuge and strength,

as we remember those

who faced danger and death in Normandy,

eighty years ago,

grant us courage to pursue what is right,

the will to work with others,

and strength to overcome tyranny and oppression,

through Jesus Christ,

to whom belong dominion and glory,

now and for ever.


--Church of England

Today, June 6th, marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. While celebrations and observances are taking place in Normandy, it is fitting for us to remember and give thanks for all those men and women (and their families), both known and unknown, who have served our country in the past and serve today, at any time, whether at home or abroad, during times of conflict and times of peace.

The D-Day anniversary moved our beloved sister in Christ, Janet Gilliam, to share a loving tribute to deceased long-term parishioner Richard "Rip" Ripley (August 23, 1922-October 18, 2020). Janet wrote "Rip certainly had a life worth celebrating and was an extraordinary man." He served in Europe during World War II and then in Korea and Vietnam. Learn more about Rip and his extraordinary life by clicking here.

Don't Forget...VBS Registration Closes Today!

Beloved children in your life are warmly invited to Vacation Bible School! Feel free to invite grandchildren, nieces and nephews, godchildren, neighbors, and any other special children you love.

Vacation Bible School

June 24-27 || 9 AM – 12 Noon

Ages: Pre-K through 5th Grade

(with nursery care for available for younger siblings of VBS registrants)

VBS curriculum is offered for children in pre-K through 5th grade. Children must be at least 3 years old & potty trained to participate in the Pre-K group. A nursery group is available for the younger siblings of kids enrolled in our VBS Program and also to children of our VBS Volunteers.

To register a child PLEASE CLICK HERE. Please note: registration closes today, June 6th!

Contact: Rev. Imogen

Untitled Design

Don't You Love a Weekend at the Beach?

Summer Retreat ... Don't Miss It!

Friday, July 12- Sunday, July 14

Trinity Center in Salter Path, NC

Only 5 rooms left!

Don't miss out on our weekend of rest and refreshment at Trinity Center this summer. Our Summer Retreat for all ages and stages of life promises a time of connection with God, with nature, and with one another as we step out of our city context and head to the beach. For details, including rates, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

PLEASE CLICK HERE to make your reservations.

Top Of Mind

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view the schedule of parish

worship services and events for June 9-16

Vision Accomplished – And Then Some!

When we announced the Vision Accomplished campaign, we hoped to reach a fundraising goal of $150,000, to help fully retire the debt on the Duncan-Giersch Parish Life Center. In less than two months, we’re happy to report that not only did we reach our goal – we exceeded it by nearly $85,000! Because of the extraordinary generosity of our parishioners, we are well ahead of our plan to completely pay off our mortgage this year.

On All Saints Day, 2004, our new Parish Life Center (PLC) was dedicated by Bishop Michael Curry. In the 20 years since, we’ve conducted 7 separate fundraising campaigns, which raised more than $4,465,000. And that doesn’t include a significant number of individual contributions outside of these campaigns. 

Nearly one hundred people/families contributed to Vision Accomplished. This included many pledges from some of our newest parishioners, as well as pledges from many long-standing members who have contributed to many, if not all, of the campaigns. We also received a significant contribution from the recent Art Expo, as members donated their time, talent and proceeds to this fundraising effort.

The Church of the Good Shepherd Endowment Trust intends to make the final payment on the PLC as soon as possible. When we do, we will have achieved another important milestone in the history of this church. Our long effort to retire this debt will soon end, but it will also represent a new beginning for our parish to seek ways to spread the Good News of our Savior, Jesus Christ, a vision that has epitomized Good Shepherd since its inception.

Thank you, Good Shepherd parishioners – and thanks be to God!  

Vision Accomplished Campaign Update

  • Pledges received to date: $234,760
  • Donations received to date: $134,304

June Prayer Clinic with the Clergy 

Prayer is perhaps the most significant element of our relationship with God. It can be an extremely satisfying element of our lives, and it can be utterly befuddling! Sometimes, even setting aside the time to pray can be a mammoth task, with so many other voices and needs nipping at our heels.

So - we, the clergy of Good Shepherd, are setting some time aside for you. During the month of June, we will be available for one-on-one, 30-minute appointments on Sundays from 9 AM to 10 AM, with virtual options and additional weekday hours (you can sign up with a specific clergy person here). 

Why are we doing this? Three main reasons spring to mind:

  1. We're doing this because we love you. Full stop.
  2. We are also doing this to offer tangible support to you (and anyone else) in a deepening relationship with God. 
  3. We are also doing this because praying is hard (it is hard for us too), and one of the best things in the world can be to sit with someone who loves you and find some space to reconnect in the present season with ourselves, with God, and with one another. And all of this without shame or judgement, and only welcome and acceptance.

You can find us any time, throughout the year. But this June, we're each pulling up two chairs, and one of them is for you. PLEASE CLICK HERE to sign up for a 30-minute session with a member of the clergy.

This Sunday at 9 with Rev .Hershey

Join Our Summer Read

Summer is here! And we are entering a less hurried time of year. Think about making that time a lot richer by joining us in our summer read:  Public Faith in Action. Be part of the conversation as Rev. Hershey leads us in a discussion session for the book on the 2nd Sunday of each month during the summer at 9:00 AM in the Ennis Suite. It promises to be a timely and thoughtful talk about our role as Christian citizens.

Copies of the book are available at the front desk in the Parish Life Center. Classes will be June 9, July 14, and August 11. Can't make it? Read the book anyway and send questions and comments to Jean Knepley or to Rev. Hershey directly. They will bring your thoughts or questions to the Sunday morning group and send you an email reply.  

“Public engagement is not something that we do on a particular day of the year when we go to our polling booths and cast our votes. Public engagement is what we do in our everyday lives.”


Public Faith in Action; How to Think Carefully, Engage Wisely, and Vote with Integrity

In this nonpartisan handbook, world-renowned theologian Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz explain that Christians need to develop habits of wise reflection if they are to engage faithfully with their political communities. To do so, they need to identify the key commitments of their faith that connect with contemporary public issues, understand the roots of those commitments, and learn what sorts of questions to ask when applying those values to the concrete realities of their contexts.


 PLEASE CLICK HERE to listen to Miroslav Volf introduce the book.


Coming June 16th

Share the Garden Wealth!

If you're a gardener and don't know what to do with that bounty of zucchini that ripens all at once, we have a solution for you: we are collecting produce, preferably home grown, for the Interfaith Food Shuttle again this year! The Interfaith Food Shuttle loves receiving our surplus produce.  

As your veggies come in, bring any you wish to donate to church on Sundays. You will find a donation bin in the Parish Life Center lobby from mid-June. Produce donated on a Sunday will be blessed and distributed on the following Monday. We also have a need for volunteers to deliver the collected produce to Interfaith Food Shuttle on Mondays. Please contact Jennifer Tlusty (919.414.2950) if you are able to deliver produce or if you have any questions. Thank you in advance! 

Mark Your Calendar! Thursday, June 20th

Shepherd's Lunch and Noon Day Eucharist

Parish seniors are warmly invited for worship, lunch, and fellowship on June 20th at 12 noon. Lunch will be served in Shepherd's Hall after a brief service of Holy Eucharist in the church.

Can you make it? Great! Please let us know by emailing David Baggett or by calling 919.831.2018 (please leave a message if no answer). Thank you!

Parking will be available at

  • 200 W Morgan Street (former Diocesan House lot) from 11:30 until 2:30
  • First Baptist from 11 AM until 2 PM with a parking pass displayed. The number of parking passes is limited; passes may be picked up at the Volunteer Desk in the Parish Life Center.  

Contact: Christie Barbee

Join the Rector on June 30th!

Tea & Biscuits with the Rector

Join the Rector on the last Sunday of the month following the 10:15 service for some tea, biscuits and conversation around a book of her choice. You can read the book ahead of time, or just come to savor some quality connection and a cup of the finest Anglican tea (sweet or otherwise) that we can muster.

We'll kick off in June with one of Imogen's perennial favorites - Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together. Originally published in 1938 and a little over 100 pages, this thoroughly accessible work offers wisdom and guidance on what it is to live in community as a follower of Jesus and a member of his body, the Church. Whether you spend most of your days with other people, or whether you spend most of your time on your own, Bonhoeffer has a word for you!

Feel free to order a copy of Life Together from one of Raleigh's great independent bookstores (So & So Books on Person Street is a downtown gem) or to check out a copy through the wonderful Wake Public Library system. Can't wait to see you on June 30th for a bit of conversation and community.

News You Can Use from the Green Team

For useful information about recycling and Raleigh's Reuse app, PLEASE CLICK HERE. Contact: Beth Hahn


EYC Celebrates High School Graduates!

The EYC gathered on Sunday evening for their annual Red Carpet Dinner to celebrate graduating seniors. We send our best wishes and love to the class of 2024: Hunter Myers, Logan Dreifuss, and Grant Carpenter.

The class of 2024: Hunter Myers, Logan Dreifuss, and Grant Carpenter.

photo courtesy of Meredith Swindell

The EYC celebrating at the Red Carpet Dinner, joined by Rev. Imogen and Rev. Justin...and future EYC'er Wilfred Rhodenhiser.

photo courtesy of Meredith Swindell

Congratulations to Our Recent College Graduates!

Luke Lashley-Zimmerman

Luke graduated with distinction from UNC-Chapel Hill in December, earning this honor for both of his majors — Communications and Political Science. Since March, Luke has been working with the Democratic National Committee’s Build the Bench cohort and has loved living in Washington, D.C. This week, he was offered a position with the Biden campaign and will be heading up to work with the New Hampshire team. He’s absolutely THRILLED and is very grateful for the opportunity.

Proud parents are Michele Lashley and Lisa Zimmerman.

Duncan McSorley

Duncan graduated Summa Cum Laude from North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science in Crop and Soil Sciences with a concentration in Agronomy and a minor in Animal Science. In the fall, Duncan will attend Auburn University to pursue a Master of Science in Animal Science with a focus in ruminant livestock nutrition and forage agronomy.

Proud parents are Ellen and Paul McSorley.

Evan Meade

Evan graduated with Honors from UNC with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and History. He is returning to Raleigh and seeking to begin a career working in state government.

Proud parents are Caryn Meade and Adam Meade.

Aiden Moody

Aiden graduated from North Carolina State University with degree in Accounting. He is interning with BDO in downtown Raleigh this summer and is headed to graduate school for the MAC (Masters in Accounting) program at NC State in the fall.

Proud parents are Crissie and Dennis Moody...and proud grandparents are Gigi and Van Giersch (pictured below with Aiden).

Please keep reading...more news follows!

A Note to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers of

Our Youngest Beloved

Are you receiving emails and updates about childrens activities and events? If not, be sure to CLICK HERE so we're able to be in touch. Thank you!

Sunday, June 9th

10:15 AM Children's Chapel

Monday, June 24-Thursday, June 27

Vacation Bible School

Ages: Pre-K through 5th Grade (with nursery care for younger siblings)

To register a child PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Please note: registration closes on Thursday, June 6th.

Contact: Rev. Imogen

Kids' Activity Clipboards Available

Diane Pergerson has lovingly assembled (and is maintaining) kids' activity clipboards to help entertain children during worship services. You'll find the clipboards in the narthex and the east transept. If you need assistance, please ask an usher.

Episcopal Youth Community

EYC is on holiday until September.

For information about the Episcopal Youth Community at The Church of the Good Shepherd, EMAIL THE REV. JUSTIN GABBARD or give him a call at 859-630-2835.

To receive text messages about upcoming EYC events, CLICK HERE to be added to the list.

Parish Life

Sunday, June 2

photo courtesy of Peter Jezierny

We Give Thanks

Indeed, our parish is richly blessed to have so many giving of their time and talent to make our worship services beautiful and meaningful and our parish ministries thrive. Today, we give special thanks for our acolytes. It seems especially fitting to think of them today as we acknowledge and celebrate high school and college graduates who themselves have served in this important ministry over the years.

Heartfelt thanks to our acolytes for your service and to your parents for their support!

A view most of us don't ever see: the acolytes preparing to recess.

L to R: Libby Boyne, Jack Boyne, Anders Fyfe, Camm Fyfe, and Juliet Gilbert

photo courtesy of Rev. Hershey

Last Week's Community Lunch

contributed by Gerard McNeill

What better way to come together on a Sunday after church than with the aromas of burgers and hot dogs grilling, tea and lemonade around fellowship with old and new friends alike. Thank you all for being a part of the "unofficial" start of summer, BOD style. Shout outs to Vince Manley and Mike Hostetter, grill-masters, Frank Fee for getting the grill in place, Carolyn Manley (representing The Green Team), Sharon Booth, Shirley Sullivan, Whitney Cain, Brad Strahan, Cindy Voegeli, Craig Deshong, Margaret Burwell, Camm Fyfe (EYC), Bert and Betty Dietz, Jan Harris, Molly Propst, Diane Pergerson and Elizabeth Gant (for creating arts and crafts for the kids). Our ministry continues to grow and your continued support is greatly appreciated.

The next Community Lunch will be on Sunday, July 7th. Everyone is invited, so please come! Contact: Gerard McNeill

Camm Fyfe staffing the beverage station

Grill masters Mike Hostetter (front) and Vince Manley

Carolyn Manley (partially hidden) and Cindy Voegeli serving hot dogs and hamburgers!

photos courtesy of Debbie Hostetter

Please Make Note of These Summer Schedule Changes!

Summer Schedule!

  • Sunday School for kids is on vacation until September 15th, but Children's Chapel will continue every Sunday at 10:15 throughout the summer. And don't forget VBS June 24-27!
  • Adult Formation is currently on holiday. As special Adult Formation opportunities are available during the summer, they will be announced.
  • Wednesday evening choir and handbell rehearsals are on sabbatical until September.
  • EYC is on summer break until September.

If you have questions about the summer schedule, please contact the Parish Office at 919.831.2000.

Hosting Sunday Fellowship Time Is ...

  • EASY -- Home baked goodies are great, but store bought is fine too! Beverages are provided.
  • FUN -- Sign up with a friend, make it a family activity, do it with your ministry group, or ask to be paired with someone.
  • MEANINGFUL -- Pick a date that is significant to you or your group, and include your "in honor of", "in memory of" etc. in the bulletin. Dates currently available from May 19 through the end of 2024. PLEASE CLICK HERE to sign up. Thank you!
  • Questions? Contact Grace Sved at 919-247-6426

Ways to Serve

If you are looking for meaningful ways to serve the parish, please consider the ministries listed below. The contacts listed will be excited to provide more information.

Parish Finances

PLEASE CLICK HERE for a budget update (through April 30th). Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church and our ministries.

Meet Our Partners

Learn More about Good Shepherd's Partners

From The Diocese

Be sure to check out the latest news and Information from the Diocese.

The Church of the Good Shepherd Prayer List

Roy Wright; Carolyn Owens; Janet Gilliam; Ralph Sanders; Pete Taylor; Martha Bailey;

Peggy Hawks; Ginny Byrd; Mitchell Lawrence; Darrell Dennis; Janie Ward-Newton;

William Short; Catherine and Bob Williams; Paul Hoch; Carolyn Watson; Brinley Harris;

Don Caudill; Shirley Caudill; Larry Bledsoe; Carter Halloran; Stephanie Rivers; Jane Mayhew; Jeffrey Halbstein-Harris; The students, faculty, and community of St. Augustine’s University; Kathryn DeShong; Alma; Denise Wiggins; Mary Best; Matt and Michelle Wood;

Josie and Natalie Van Dyke; Felix Waturu; The Rev. John Wall;

Elizabeth Alexander and her family; Denise and Hector; Mary; Sybil Baccus;

the people of Israel and Palestine; the people of Ukraine and Russia;

and the people of Sudan.

We pray for Caitlin Corker and Walter Carter who are to be married on Saturday.

In the Diocesan cycle of prayer: St. Paul’s, Monroe; St. James’, Mooresville; and St. Patrick’s, Mooresville; in the global Anglican cycle of prayer: Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.

The people of The Church of the Good Shepherd are eager to join you in lifting your prayers to God. Please tell us how we can pray with you by CLICKING HERE to submit a prayer request

Prayer requests added to our public prayer list will be refreshed every month; please feel free to resubmit them if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.

Thank you for Supporting the Life and Ministries of

Good Shepherd!

Give Toward My Pledge
Give A One-Time Gift 
Give Toward Vision Accomplished Campaign 

Come Worship with Us!

Sunday, June 9th

The Third Sunday after Pentecost

8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9-10 AM

Book Discussion Group with Rev. Hershey

Public Faith in Action

Prayer Clinic with the Clergy

for details and to sign up, please see June Prayer Clinic with the Clergy

under Top of Mind earlier in this newsletter

10:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, &

Children's Chapel

In Person & Livestream Worship

Service Bulletin

11:30 AM Fellowship Time

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Fridays by appointment

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Please call the Pastoral Care Support Line 919.831.2008.

Prayer Requests

Please CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request. 

Connect With Us!

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