Good Shepherd Carbon Neutral Initiative

Good Shepherd members,

Thanks to those who have attended our presentations on the two Sundays in May. We know there are still lingering questions about the project. That’s not surprising, as it is a significant undertaking with lots of interconnected parts.

Mission Green (Jim and Liz Fritz) is sending emails with FAQ (frequently asked questions) over the next several weeks leading up to the Congregational Vote on June 5th. 

We hope these emails will help answer these questions and inform your decisions.

Here’s FAQ #3 about the proposal process and timeline involving church leadership.

"Has there been enough discussion on this proposal?

Are we using the right process?"

Mission Green, LLC is offering a business proposal to eliminate Good Shepherd’s use of natural gas. It is a time-sensitive proposal. 

It has been the goal of Mission Green to be as transparent as possible with all information regarding the proposed initiative for Good Shepherd Church. We are also trying to keep costs low for Good Shepherd by securing low-cost loans, outside donations, and applying for grants. This part of the process also makes our proposal time-sensitive.

As we move closer to the January 5th Congregational vote of the Mission Green Initiative we want to share some additional information about our discussion process involving church leaders and committee members.

December 2021: 

Mission Green first approached Pr. Amy with the proposal. You may read her opinions about the Initiative in her May monthly newsletter.

February 2022: 

Mission Green presented the early proposal to the Facilities and Grounds committee. This committee has now unanimously endorsed the Mission Green Initiative.

March 2022: 

  • Mission Green presented its proposal to the Social Justice Committee. This committee has now unanimously endorsed the Mission Green Initiative.

  • Mission Green presented the Carbon Neutral Initiative to the Council Executive Board and Pastor Amy.

  • Mission Green sent 40 letters to congregation members introducing the Carbon Neutral Initiative.

April 2022: 

  • Mission Green presented the Initiative to the Church Council. The Council voted to allow the Congregation to vote on the Initiative on June 5.
  • Information was sent to all members via email and in the May newsletter.

May 2022: 

  • Mission Green received unanimous endorsements from the Landscape Committee members.
  • Mission Green presented two informational meetings at Fellowship Hour with guest speakers. 
  • Mission Green received a low-interest loan (2%) from the Iowa Energy Development Authority. Available only if this project moves forward as presented. This keeps costs to Good Shepherd low. 

June 5 - Congregational Vote

If the proposal is accepted:

June 27 - Construction commences

December 31 - completion (hopefully much earlier)

Mission Green continues to provide private presentations for anyone wanting more information. Additionally, two YouTube videos were created to provide additional information and context. These videos are available on the church’s YouTube channel as well as the website.

Our goal is to be as transparent as possible. We are very pleased with the support we have already received from many congregation members.

To reiterate, the Mission Green proposal is time-sensitive. The congregation’s responsibility will be to either accept the proposal or reject it in its entirety.

We hope every member will take the opportunity to vote on June 5. The quorum needed is significant. We’ll meet in the Sanctuary and also provide a Zoom Room (similar to what was done for the sound system/piano rebuild vote). We hope every member will make their voice heard.

Jim and Liz Fritz

Mission Green, LLC

Visit Mission Green Website for more information




At its April meeting, the Congregation Council voted to bring Mission Green, LLC’s Carbon Neutral Initiative to the congregation for a vote on June 5th.

A  Zoom voting option will be provided.

Created by Good Shepherd members Jim and Liz Fritz, the proposal provides a carbon-neutral solution to help the congregation eliminate fossil fuel use and create its own renewable energy.

Information about the Carbon Neutral Initiative for Good Shepherd can be found here:

Jim and Liz welcome in-person conversations and questions as well as email messages: