May 31, 2022
Good Newsletter

Greetings and Blessings to you all,

With the rain and the heat, Koinonia is in an incredible growing phase, including fast growing grass that needs to be mowed!

As we get the last pieces in place for summer, the camp is also growing in summer staff, in registrations for the Day Camps, and in its overall ministry. It is an exciting, heady time-full of hope and some anxiety! We know that you are with us on this journey and helping us live out our mission with your prayers and many gifts. We are where we are today because of God's grace and your support.

Read on for May news and updates!
Pastor Meditation

Many thanks for this meditation from Rev. Robert Wollenburg, who presided at worship this past Sunday. We think that you all know him! Pastor Wollenburg was the Board President of Koinonia from 2019-2021 and is currently the Co-Chair of the Major Gifts Team along with Campaign Chair Dr. Anthony Geraci. We are blessed!

Board President Update

We had a great Board Retreat in mid-May! We reviewed our goal committee work, discussed operating revenue needs, reviewed our approach to Total Inclusion, and discussed fundraising and the capital campaign. We also enjoyed the beautiful property and shared several meals together with the staff. Thank you to Bob Wollenburg for leading worship that Sunday. Kathleen, I, and other Board Members will continue to work on our follow-up items.

Goal Committee Work

Goal 1 – Operating Revenue (Champion – Mark Wilson): We are continuing to conduct outreach to bring in both philanthropic dollars and rental revenue in order to ensure a balanced budget and, ideally, a surplus by the end of 2022. We have seen a recent increase in operating revenue due to Board outreach to friends & family. Thanks to all of you who have been reaching out to your networks.

Goal 2 – Connections to member congregations (Champion – Kristi Jasberg-Robinson): Pastor Paul Johnson has completed initial contacts to al 57 member congregations. Thirty resulted in actual conversations and 22 messages were left. Two congregations appear to be closed. The social media subcommittee planned Instagram and Facebook for the month of May. The posts highlighted Koinonia's upcoming 5K and summer events. The goal is to continue two Instagram and Facebook posts per week. The next committee meeting will be on June 4. 

Goal 3 - Capital Campaign (Champion – Anthony Geraci): The Capital Campaign is gaining momentum. The Prospectus is complete and we have a draft of the Campaign film. The Major Gifts and the Current/Alumni Board Teams are being built by their Chairs. A Major Gifts Team meeting will be held on June 1st.

All Board Reunion-June 11, 2022 - Last Chance to Register!
To celebrate the resurrection of Koinonia, 60 years of Board Ministry, and thank Board Members past and present, Koinonia is hosting an All Board Reunion on Saturday, June 11th from 2pm until 8pm. If you have served on the Koinonia Board and have not received an invitation, please email so we can get you on our mailing list. Rev. James and Ellie Sudbrock will host. 15 people are attending the All-Board Reunion in person and 4 virtually so far, and we hope you can attend with your loved ones. Please RSVP before June 8th so we have accurate numbers. Register here.
Fundraising/ Finance Update
Due to low returns on the Spring Appeal and the constant costs of keeping the camp running and paying employees, we put out a “Hungry Time” urgent letter which was posted online and also mailed to all donors who have not yet given in 2022. The response was quick and helped alleviate pressure. Thank you! Between these generous donations, deposits and rental income coming in, things are much more stable. It is time to hire for the summer!
Two new roofs were put on the Lakeside and Two-Family buildings, and they look great. The Lakeside interior renovation is complete and stunning. Matt has been trimming trails across the Lake and mowing the quickly growing grass. A group of 7-10 volunteers helped organize the Conference Center Kitchen and worked on getting the beach and campground area ready. Matt has updated all fire extinguishers and is preparing for the fire department inspection. Work with The Delaware Highlands Conservancy was put on hold. The hot water went out in the Staff House and was fixed within a week. We have a DOH Day Camp inspection on June 3. The last Work weekend is June 17-19. Please email Matt at if you would like to come and help!
The 5K was beautifully prepared by Lora Baumhardt and volunteer Erika Jennings. 41 runners/walkers registered by May 28th and there were 8 virtual runners. Emery and Bonzli brought in over $1,500 in donations for Day Camp. The mood was positive, and the BBQ lunch was delicious. This run will be easy to replicate next year and we expect participation to grow. 

At our May team meeting the 60th anniversary was discussed. We decided that all 2023 programming will all have a 60th anniversary theme. Hot off the press- The 60th reunion weekend for staff and campers will be August 11-13th, with Pastor Paul Egenstiener set to lead Sunday Worship. Hallelujah!
A summer programming email was sent out with information on the Board Alumni reunion, Day Camps, Youth Gatherings, Family Camp, Grandparent/Grandkids weekend, and Community Day. The Website will be updated with this information. The 123 Form on the website was replaced by Kelly Kandler with a Salesforce form. An article in the River Reporter came out about the Koinonia's Highland Lake Day Camp.
Community Outreach
Lutheran Witness Along the Delaware – Pastor Mary Button reached out to plan a summer solstice campfire at the Camp the weekend of June 24-25. Derek Brunell, the Port Jervis Day Camp Director, is working on hiring and filling out DOH forms.  

On site Day Camp – The Program Director, Rebecca Morabito, has been collecting applications and we have a good 10 kids already signed up. We have two rates-one for Highland Lake and Lumberland residents and Koinonia folks, and one for non-residents. The camp was extended to six weeks.
Hiring – Nearly complete!
Last but Not Least!.....

Visits and Bookings
If you are thinking of booking a retreat, joining the Alternative Gathering, renting a cabin, or coming to one of our upcoming events (here), we urge you to contact us sooner than later. Jean Sandberg, Office Manager and Register, will take good care of you. Please email her at and start planning your retreat.
Bonzli’s Beat

I am 11 months old! I have to be on a leash now because there are so many people coming to camp. I walked in the 5K and got a medal. It was really rainy and I got wet.
I'm halfway through my third obedience class and doing well. I think that I am going to be swimming in the lake soon! It's so hot now!
Your Presence Matters
We are so grateful for your participation and presence, whether in person or virtually. Koinonia is blessed with devoted leaders and followers, including the 2022 Board (some pictured here) and all Committee and Team members. There is a room for your voice and skills-please reach out to us!

God Bless,

Katie Cunningham                                                 Kathleen Ruen
Board President   Executive Director &