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July 4th, 2024

Mission Statement

We will be the body of Christ in our Community by Connecting with God, Growing in Discipleship, and Serving the World.

Annual Conference Website
Annual Conference Summary

Upcoming Sermon

Oak Grove Church Family....

Dear Friends & Family of Oak Grove United Methodist Church

We want to take a moment to share some upcoming staffing changes taking place at Oak Grove UMC.

Mandy Midgett has resigned from her position as Oak Grove UMC’s Children’s Ministry Director as well as her position as the Director of Oak Grove Preschool & Kindergarten. Mandy’s last day will be this Sunday, July 7, 2024. We will be celebrating Mandy during children’s time at the 11am service. If you would like to bring a single stem of either fresh, paper, or artificial flowers the children will use them in a keepsake they are making for Miss Mandy.

We give thanks to God for Mandy and the ways that she generously shared her gifts with Oak Grove. We also celebrate that she, Matt, & Allie will continue to be part of Oak Grove UMC and our school. Mandy is looking forward to participating in Adult Sunday School and being a ministry volunteer, she will also be our new first grade teacher this fall for the incoming first grade class in our school.  Matt looks forward to continuing his work with youth and children as a Sunday school teacher and coordinating our start-up of Oak Grove’s Upward Sports Ministry.

Mandy will also begin the process to become an ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church this summer as she enrolls at Wesley Theological Seminary and enters the ordination process, which is a seven-year process.

Emily Muise has been hired to serve as the Interim Children’s Sunday School Coordinator, we anticipate Emily will be in this role through the summer as SPRC works to develop the best plan for staffing children’s ministry moving forward. Emily is well known to Oak Grove as Ben Muise’s wife as well as being a regular volunteer in our children’s ministry.

Michele Bright will be serving as the Director for The Oak Grove School. This is an exciting time in the history of our school as we add a first grade. Most recently Michele has served as the Lead Teacher in the Groovy Geckos class.

Finally, Tammy Ennis, begins her first full week as Oak Grove’s new Administrative Assistant on Monday, July 8th. She will be in the office Monday – Friday from 12pm to 4pm.

We give thanks to God for bringing gifted people to Oak Grove as we worship, connect, serve, and grow in our love of God and neighbor. We are grateful for your support and encouragement during these staff transitions. Please continue to hold our church, our staff, and school in prayer.

Grace & Peace,

Oak Grove’s Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)

Roger Petersen, Chair

Rev. Amanda S. Webber, Lead Pastor

Susan Baker, SPRC Member

Debbie Burrell, SPRC Member

Brad Fair, SPRC Member

George Pillsbury, SPRC Member

Bette Price, Lay Leader

Cathy Pate, Associate Lay Leader

Live services available

on our Facebook page.

Traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in

the Sanctuary.

Non-traditional Worship Service:

Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in

Whitehurst Hall.

In case you missed last

Sunday's sermon,

Click one of the buttons below.

YouTube Channel
Oak Grove's Website
Oak Grove's Facebook Page

If you would like to be more involved, please consider volunteering for

needs during our 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Oak Grove's Small Groups

Click here for all of Oak Grove's Small Groups
Click here for all of Oak Grove's Sunday School groups

Brandi Smith's daughter Cari & family

Darlene Davis (Kristi Dolan)

Patty Midgette's parents Harry & Patty Spear

Valerie (Juanita Shaw’s sister)

Angie & Elsie Outlaw (Joyce Norwood)

Lou Chatfield (Cheryl Kos)

DeGraaf Family (Cathy Pate)

Vonda Chappell (Mike Kos)

Fred Fields (Emma Stauss)

Grace Morgan

Jonathon & Lauren Broyles

Gerry Babula (Nancy Petersen)

Sherry & Dean Riddick

Al & Tammy Kellner

Jackie Vale (Tammy Ennis)

Amy Boykin (Tammy Ennis)

Oliver (Susan Watts's grandson)

And to all the unspoken prayers

Submit a Prayer Request