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February 24 - March 2, 2024


Sunday, February 25th

8:30am and 11:00am

Traditional Worship Services

Special Music from the Genesis Singers (Youth Choir)


Sermon: Dr. Tony McCullough

“Lent: Facing the Dark to Reach the Light”

Second Sunday in Lent

Click here on Sunday morning for worship! 8:30am (Live) 11am (Recorded)

Scripture Lesson

We declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete. This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

 -- 1 John 1:3-10

Happening THIS Sunday!

Celebration for Josie and Owen- Sunday, February 25th

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee invites you to join them during the fellowship time on Feb. 25 to celebrate the upcoming marriage of our Director of Youth Ministries, Owen Spencer, to bride-to-be Josie Smith. Following the 8:30 worship service, breakfast will be served in Pratt Hall and there will be a basket available for cards or other expressions of your love and support during this exciting time in their lives.

Women's Bible Study

Mini Gathering

"How Much More"

Sunday, February 18th

5:00pm - THIS SUNDAY

Pratt Hall

Happening Soon at PFMC!

The Lift Tour - March 8-9, 2024

Are you ready for a winter retreat style conference RIGHT HERE in our home in Prattville, AL? That’s what LIFT Tour is bringing to us!! This will be a DNow style weekend hosted at Centerpoint Fellowship Church in Prattville on March 8th-9th featuring dynamic worship, opportunities to unite our community and the church, and a POWERFUL word brought by David Nassar, one of incredible speakers we heard at Strength to stand!! The conference will consist of 4 worship sessions, and we will go to church together here at PFM. Going to be a legendary, Spirit-packed weekend! Registration is only $25, get signed up now!!

Sign Up for Lift Tour 2024

Mother Son Sports Night

February 27th

Join us on February 27th for the Mother Son Sports Night! Come dressed in your favorite sports team gear and play games for Mothers and Sons as a team and as opponents! We will have a video game truck, indoor gaga, basketball, cornhole, Spikeball and much more! Enjoy delicious ballgame food (hot dogs, pizza, chips, nachos, Cracker Jacks).

Sign up today!

Link to Sign Up for Mother Son Sports Night


February 21, 2024 @ 6-7 PM

A New Wednesday Night Bible Study

Billy Taylor is leading us into a personal 40 day journey of Lent following the book, "Jesus in the Wild." Come and experience the richness of Lent and how it will impact your life. *Sign-up and order the book early! Limited supply on hand.

Link to Sign-up for Lent Study & Order Book

This study began in January and will continue through February and March. You are invited to join at any point. All are invited to attend.

Link to Sign-Up for Phillipians Bible Study

Senior Lunch Bunch - March 7th

Mark your calendars for the next Senior Lunch Bunch Fellowship. Thursday, March 7th at 11:30am

we will meet at the Front Porch Grill in Millbrook. Call the church office to make your reservations. 334-365-5977.

Easter Lillies

This Easter, help us adorn our Sanctuary by ordering a beautiful Easter Lily for just $16 in honor or memory of a friend or loved ones! The deadline to place your order is March 27th, so be sure to call the church office at 334-365-5977 to reserve your lily. (Limited number of lilies available this year.)


Rise Against Hunger

Sunday, March 17th @ 4pm (Gym)

Plan ahead for this amazing serve opportunity for ALL AGES!

Help us come together to meet our goal of 12,000 meals packed in 2 hours.

Sign up today for the set-up/tear-down team or to serve during one of the packing sessons (4-5pm or 5-6pm).

Sign-up Here for Rise Against Hunger


Link to Receive More Information on Upcoming Youth Activities

Learn More About Our New Connection!

Global Methodist Church Website
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Sanctuary Altar

Flower Calendar

There are Sundays available each month for you to honor or memorialize someone important in your life!

Contact Freda Clark at freda@prattvillemethodist.org or (334-365-5977) in the church office to reserve your date on the calendar for the upcoming weeks and months.

Contact Link to Reserve Your Date on the Flower Calendar

Prayer changes things. 

We believe this and trust that you do too! If you are a prayer warrior or feel led to start praying more intentionally over our church, its ministries and our church family, we invite you to join our Prayer Team. We meet in person on Sundays @ 8:20am in Sanctuary 202, but also send out communication with prayer requests and updates each week if you are unable to join us.

The Lord is calling you to do something that is bigger than yourself. Come and find your place and be a part of our Legacy Prayer Team!!

Click Here to Make a Secure On-Line Gift Today to Support the Wonderful Ministries of our Church!

Our church directory is available to view on your mobile device! Instant Church Directory - the program we use to build our church directory - has a free app for church members to download. Go to the App Store on your phone. Search for Instant Church Directory. Download the app. Sign in with your email address and create your own password (you don’t need an administrative password to access the directory). Anytime updates are made to the directory, they will update on your device too. In the app, you will be able to search for church members' photos, and can call, email and text right from the app! Please check your information on the app and make sure it is correct. If you aren't able to log in, then we don't have your correct email address. The online directory is separate from the church database, so call the church office with any edits/changes to your contact info.

Wednesday Night Dinner Cook-Teams

Michelle Taylor, our Food Services Coordinator, is working to put our cook teams in place. If you would like to help serve, please let Michelle know (or call 334-365-5977) so she can save your spot. Contact her at michelle@prattvillemethodist.org.

Click here to Serve on the Media Team

From the app, you can watch services live, get access to our digital newsletter, safely give your offerings to the church, check the full prayer list, read the Bible, check on upcoming events and so much more, right from your cell phone!

Download it today from Apple or Android app stores and type “Prattville First Methodist.” It only takes a few seconds, but will keep you better connected to all that is happening at the church, whether at home or on the go!

Download Our Church App
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 Prayer Concerns

Church Family: John Boutwell, Sabrina Colburn, Sallie Crabb, Eddie Gaston, Mike Harris, Nellie Faye Johnson, Frank & Betty Lamar, Cathy Latham, Nalini Mark, Louise Moody, Eddie Pope, Cindy Robbins, Ann Thrower, Jami White (new prayer needs) Becky Hallman and Family, Carol Pearson, The Family of Beulah Sledge, Albert Striplin, Evelyn Wyatt and Family


Extended Family: Sadie Bangen, Lorriene Benninger, Stephanie Bruner-Allen, Bobbie Cooper, Richard Dudley, Mike Fife, Dave Flanagan, Tony Fox, Jean Graham, Phillip Hancock, Jane Klug, Lee Mays, Jeff Whisnant, Keila Young

(new prayer needs) Don Inda, Jolie Lee



Beulah Sledge - PFM member

Betty Stearns - grandmother of Becky Hallman

Edward Wyatt -  son of Evelyn Wyatt

Link to Submit Your Prayer Request

Sunday Morning Small Groups

Join one today!

Link to Contact the Church for More Information about Small Groups and Sunday School Classes

The flowers on the altar have been placed to the Glory of God  in loving memory of Betty Taylor by Fred Taylor, Angela Taylor, and Mark & Michelle Taylor.



The flowers in the Chestnut Street entrance have been placed to the Glory of God in honor of Madeira Powell’s 93rd birthday on February 28th by Joel & Karen Powell and Family.