Digital Newsletter
April 14-20, 2024
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Sunday, April 14, 2024
8:30am and 11:00am
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Scripture Lesson
Luke 24:36-43
Title: Expect His Unexpected Peace
| While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet; see that it is I myself. Touch me and see; for a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate in their presence. | | |
New Members
Welcome our new members, Brian and Katie Ferguson!
Pictured with their daughters Lily and Phoebe.
We are so excited they have joined our church family!
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Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Confirmation Class!
Brooks Wilson Baxley, Bryant Keith Carroll, Jon Alston Colburn,
Abigail Rose Dannelley, Lily Katherine Ferguson, Robert Edwin Jones, Cooper Gene Mead, Marlee Kirk Murdock,
Camryn NaKole Page, Caroline Dashiell Miller,
Joseph Paul Rome, Easton Riley Smith
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Bible Club
Sunday, April 21
Join us from 2:30-4:30 at Pratt Court for Bible Club!
We are excited to share the love of Jesus through games, crafts, fellowship, and Bible Stories. For more information,
contact Owen Spencer at
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The Man Group - Open Enrollment
Join us in a life group by clicking below.
Together we will be exploring: identity, integrity, purpose, surrender, passion, commitment, compassion and influence as men in alignment with God.
Don't Delay - Sign-up Below!
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Children's Choir Concert
April 28 at 5:30 PM
Join us on Sunday, April 28th at 5:30pm in the sanctuary as our children’s choirs present their Spring Concert.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!"
Psalm 150:6
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The Early Learning Academy at Prattville First Methodist is seeking to fill the following ministry positions:
Director of Nursery: Babies, Toddlers, and Pre-K Two Year Old Classes
Director of Preschool: Three and Four Year Old Classes
For more information or to apply, contact Stacey Lewis at
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Serve Day at PES
*Date Change*
New Date: May 11
Join us at Prattville Elementary School on May 11 for A Day of Clean-up in the Garden and Prayer! Teams will meet at 8:00 a.m. to help add some Sparkle and shine to their campus!
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The Lord's Prayer Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 PM
Join us each Wednesday night as we undertake an exciting journey into the Lord's Prayer. Rev. Stanley Carter will take us line by line on this
prayer journey! This will be a study you do not want to miss - and it's the last of the Semester! Finish strong mighty disciples of Christ!
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Serve Opportunity
April 21
Join us on April 21 from 1:45-2:45 by lending your gifts and growing the kingdom! We will meet at Green Springs Assistant
Living for a worship event in community. We meet new friends, love on people through the the singing of songs, fellowship,
share a message and enjoy time together in friendship. This is a great way to share the love of Jesus with others!
811 Green Springs Dr, Prattville, AL 36067
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Serving The Church Family
If you are looking for a great way to get involved with the ministry of the church - look no further! Our Congregational Care Team Needs YOU!!
We offer an opportunity to connect with others, establish new friends,
& exercise your compassionate care gifts as the hands and feet of Jesus.
For more information contact the church office or Pam Ray below.
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Senior Sunday
May 19
Please email 4 photos (newborn or toddler, elementary, middle school, senior year) of your senior to by May 10th.
Seniors arrive in the sanctuary at 7:45 AM on May 19 for a time of prayer and preparation. There will be a reception in Pratt Hall hosted by the junior class, following the 8:30 AM service. Seniors will be presented at the 11:00 AM service then will be dismissed.
The Senior Dinner will be May 19 and hosted by the Youth Ministry.
All parents of seniors and youth are invited to celebrate the class of 2024!
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Learn More About Our New Connection! | |
Sanctuary Altar
Flower Calendar
There are Sundays available each month for you to honor or memorialize someone important in your life!
Contact Freda Clark at or (334-365-5977) in the church office to reserve your date on the calendar for the upcoming weeks and months.
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Prayer changes things.
We believe this and trust that you do too! If you are a prayer warrior or feel led to start praying more intentionally over our church, its ministries and our church family, we invite you to join our Prayer Team. We meet in person on Sundays @ 8:00 am in the Upper Room above the Sanctuary in 202.
The Lord is calling you to do something that is bigger than yourself. Come and find your place and be a part of our Legacy Prayer Team!!
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Our church directory is available to view on your mobile device! Instant Church Directory - the program we use to build our church directory - has a free app for church members to download. Go to the App Store on your phone. Search for Instant Church Directory. Download the app. Sign in with your email address and create your own password (you don’t need an administrative password to access the directory). Anytime updates are made to the directory, they will update on your device too. In the app, you will be able to search for church members' photos, and can call, email and text right from the app! Please check your information on the app and make sure it is correct. If you aren't able to log in, then we don't have your correct email address. The online directory is separate from the church database, so call the church office with any edits/changes to your contact info. | |
From the app, you can watch services live, get access to our digital newsletter, safely give your offerings to the church, check the full prayer list, read the Bible, check on upcoming events and so much more, right from your cell phone!
Download it today from Apple or Android app stores and type “Prattville First Methodist.” It only takes a few seconds, but will keep you better connected to all that is happening at the church, whether at home or on the go!
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Prayer Concerns
Church Family: Sabrina Colburn, Mike Harris, Frank & Betty Lamar, Wayne Lambert, Cathy Latham, Nalini Mark, Louise Moody, Carol Pearson, Eddie Pope, Albert Striplin, Cynthia Summers, Ann Thrower, Jami White
Extended Family: Karen & Richard Aldridge, Stephanie Bruner-Allen, Miline Bedwell, Susan Dornbusch, Richard Dudley, Dave Flanagan, Jolie Lee, Bill Little, Clif Smith, Luvern Smith, Jeff Whisnant, Adelaide Bell Williams
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Sunday Morning Life Groups
Join one today!
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The flowers on the altar have been placed to the Glory of God and in loving memory
of Beatrice Kitchens by Willard and Kay Kitchens.
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