from the

Presbytery of Great Rivers


We are called to share Christ's love by partnering in service, 

uniting in worship, and risking in ministry.

March 22, 2024



PGR Newsletter Schedule

Newsletters go out the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Please send any articles for publication to Crystal by Tuesdays at 5 pm.

Good Friday, March 28, and Easter Monday, April 1, are holidays for PGR Staff.

From the Lead Presbyter 

In “The Magdalene’s Blessing,” poet Jan Richardson writes:

You hardly imagined / standing here, / everything you ever loved / suddenly returned to you, / looking you in the eye / and calling your name. / And now / you do not know / how to abide this hole / in the center / of your chest, where a door / slams shut / and swings open / at the same time, / turning on the hinge / of your aching / and hopeful heart. / I tell you, / this is not a banishment / from the garden. / This is an invitation, / a choice, / a threshold, / a gate. / This is your life / calling to you / from a place / you could never / have dreamed, / but now that you / have glimpsed its edge, / you cannot imagine / choosing any other way. / So let the tears come / as anointing, / as consecration, / and then / let them go. / Let this blessing / gather itself around you. / Let it give you / what you will need / for this journey. / You will not remember / the words— / they do not matter. / All you need to remember / is how it sounded / when you stood / in the place of death / and heard the living / call your name.

I love the image of an “aching and hopeful heart,” because it captures the singular reality of Easter. There is no resurrection without death, no new life without an old one that has been let go, no joy without sorrow, no “Hallelujah!” that has not been preceded by tears.

We know so little about what happened on that day thousands of years ago when women showed up at the cave-tomb to tend the lifeless body of their friend Jesus. Given the importance of the resurrection to Christianity, the lack of details seems curious, especially to those of us who insist on substantial supporting evidence for what we believe (and, yes, I recognize the irony in that statement). The gospel writers all agree that Jesus died and women went to the tomb three days later, and after that, their stories vary and are sometimes inconsistent.

The discrepancies seem wholly understandable. Different people experience things differently. Memories are not always reliable. The authors wrote for distinct audiences. And . . . the resurrection is a story of hope, written to comfort people who were grieving; it is not an autopsy report.

As we look to those stories even now, we still find hope. We have all faced empty tombs. Death and sorrow are no strangers to us. Frederick Buechner says that: “Resurrection means the worst thing is never the last thing.” And maybe that’s why we cling to the Easter message. God would not allow death to be the end for Jesus, so God will not allow it to be the end for us either.

May God be with each of you in the silence and stillness of Holy Week and in your Easter celebrations of the risen Christ.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Ann Schwartz

A Conversation with Rev. Mark Elsdon

The Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois has invited church leaders from throughout the Synod of Lincoln Trails to a presentation on Saturday, March 23, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am on Zoom. The featured speaker will be Rev. Mark Elsdon, author of We Aren’t Broke: Uncovering Hidden Resources for Mission and Ministry, about the use of faith-based property and investments for social enterprise and impact investing, and editor of Gone for Good? Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition.

Registration is required. To sign up, go to

Synod Assembly and COM/CPM Gathering 

Several members of Great Rivers attended SOLT’s COM/CPM Gathering and Synod Assembly in Indianapolis, March 10-13. Congratulations to Penny Frame, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Lewistown, who was installed as 2024 Moderator of the Synod of Lincoln Trails.

Changing Culture and Youth Ministry:

The Story of a Robotics Ministry

By Rev. Eric Vinsel, Validated Minister

Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, like so many churches in our Presbytery and denomination, has seen our youth ministry slowly whittle away year and after year. Back in the 90’s we were famous for our youth choir tours where we would take a 100 kids and travel the country singing to the glory of God and for the enjoyment of churches across the country. To this day, we have young adults in their 30s, 40s and 50s visit the church talking about their fond memories of choir tour, back in the day.


But somewhere along the way, our culture changed. No longer are kids bored, looking for something to do. Far from it! Kids today are over programmed with clubs and activities 5 nights a week. The question kids ask themselves isn’t are they interested, it’s do they have time in their schedule and will their parents drive them there.


While children need to be raised in the faith and develop a love for God, it seems too many parents are reluctant to prioritize church programming over sports, math club, and debate team. Instead, kids are allowed to go to Wednesday night youth group only if there are no sports meets or club meetings that take priority.


We realized that if we wanted our programming to be prioritized in the busy schedules of our youth, we had to ensure it accomplished three main goals:


1) The kids have to have fun and want to come back.

2) The parents have to think it will look good on their kid’s college resume.

3) We have to build deep relationships with the kids to ensure their lives are meaningfully impacted by God’s love for them.


If our ministry does those three things, the kids will want to come, and the parents will prioritize it on their child’s overprogrammed schedule, and the kids’ lives will be transformed.  

Read more here

Photos are linked here

Special Worship and Music Debut 

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, a new musical piece will be debuted at the United Presbyterian Church in Mason City in honor of the many years of service by Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mark S. Kim and Helen Kim, former music director. This choral piece, “Be Kind and Love One Another,” has been commissioned and is composed by Pepper Choplin, renowned composer of Christian music. The worship service at the UPC of Mason City is at 10:15 AM. All are welcome to this worship service and the premier of this choral piece. A light reception will follow the service. For those who would like to sing with the choir, or if you have questions, please contact Peter Kim at 630-689-7873,

Transitional Ministry Education 

Register now for The Art of Transitional Ministry Training, Week I & II, which will be held May 13-17, 2024, at Mercy Center in St. Louis.


We live in a season of significant transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is not limited to those presently engaged in or inquiring about transitional ministry. Anyone interested in learning how to walk through change alongside your church is invited to join in.


Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum that combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.


The faculty this spring includes: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson, Associate Exec Presbyter, Chicago Presbytery; Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, Interim Sr. Pastor First Pres, Evanston , IL; Rev. Gail Doering, Southern Kansas Transitional EP; and Rev. Erin Marth, Transitional Minister, Christ Church, Chicago IL.


More information:

NEXT Church is a network of leaders across the Presbyterian Church (USA) who believe the church of the future will be more relational, more diverse, more collaborative, more hopeful, and more agile. On April 8-11, 2024, NEXT Church is hosting a National Gathering in Falls Church, VA. The gathering focuses on several areas to equip and empower those on the ground seeking to bring new life to their communities:

  • Community Organizing: Chris DeLa Cruz and Brett Pinder
  • Community Partnerships: Ashley Goff
  • Leading Change: Patrick Reyes
  • Identity and Coalition-building for People of Color: Jessica Vazquez Torres
  • Intersectionality: Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava
  • Preaching: Paul Roberts

More information on the many options to participate in National Gathering

Community Circle: Small Church

Are you an educator, volunteer, pastor, commissioned pastor (CRE, CLP), that serves as a leader in a small church (less than 100 members)? 

You are invited to register for this Community Circle designed especially for those leaders in small churches, offered six times March 2024 – November 2024. Come to every one-hour Zoom gathering, or when you can, but come to share in conversation and learn, ask questions, receive and share resources for ministry and support one another. Each gathering will feature a question or topic just to get the conversation going related to Faith Formation leadership in small churches, then discussion can go from there. So come ready to participate in the conversation.  

More information and register here.

Wilderness Christian Camp

Register now for summer camp, which will be held June 9-14, 2024 at Stronghold Camps & Retreat Center near Oregon, IL. The rustic setting includes 2 wooden cabins that sleep 8 each, pavilion, picnic tables, cold running water, and a porta potty in each unit. Campers will cook their own meals over a campfire, clean up the dishes, and gather the firewood needed for each meal.

Activities include Bible study, worship, and swimming each day; crafts, hiking, time in nature, games. There will be special events as well: a castle tour and trunk treats for everyone, and high ropes, canoeing and/or initiatives for older campers. Archery will be new this year.

Costs: Junior Campers (3rd-5th grades): $200; Junior High (6th-8th grades): $250; CIT (high school): $250

For more information on the camping experience, go to or check out the Facebook page: Wilderness Christian Camp. For individuals or congregations who would like to support the camp with your financial gifts, call Mary Watts, member at Faith United PC in Yates City, at 309-645-8988.

Making a More Inclusive Church

Website for event. Registration is live: information. But check it out:

Clerk's Corner

Dear Clerks,

You have all been amazing! Thank you for your diligence in getting in your forms and submitting your stats! I know it is a lot of work to get all of this together and I so appreciate it. We all do! Minister Member id cards are backed up but they are coming.

As we enter March, in like a lion, out like a lamb (thanks Mother Nature), things are going to start feeling a little more normal in the clerk world. For whatever "normal" might mean. I will begin resuming Clerk Convos. The next Clerk's Convo will be March 22nd at 10am. This is usually an hour long and a time for any clerks to join me over zoom. Come to hear what others have to ask or come with your own questions, thoughts, or dilemmas. There is no set agenda. Instead, it is about what your needs are. The link for the zoom meeting is below.

Also, March means a little bit of traveling for me. I will be out of the office but available March 10th through the 13th for the Synod of Lincoln Trails COM/CPM Event. I will also be out of the office and UNAVAILABLE March 25th through 29th. I will be soaking up some vitamin D on a beach in Cancun!

As always, please let me know if you need anything! Email is the best way to get ahold of me. or 309-371-2511

Elissa Bailey (she/her/hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clerk of Session Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 7748 7297

Passcode: 83221

Thank you,

Elissa Bailey

Resources For Ruling Elders

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully (

Job Postings and Classifieds

Have a story to contribute?

Congregations and presbytery groups are encouraged to submit items of interest to


Need to post a job, classified, or church need?

To advertise a job, classified, or church need, send a description and details to

Open Searches for Pastoral Leadership in Great Rivers 

Associate Pastor for Family Ministry, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Springfield 

More information

Solo Pastor, College Avenue Presbyterian Church 

More information

Solo Pastor, Hamlet-Perryton Presbyterian Church

More information

Pastor, Yoked Ministry, New Windsor Presbyterian Church and Rio Presbyterian Church

More information

Are you interested in part-time or interim pastoral service?

Contact LP Ann Schwartz at 309-683-6983 


Invitation to Board of Pensions Presentation to COM Cancelled

Unfortunately, we learned just last week that the format of the presentation on the 2025 Board of Pensions changes to the Committee on Ministry in April is a very specific set of training for COM members only to help them work with their congregations.  There is no opportunity for any questions about specific situations.  Therefore, we are cancelling our invitation to our congregations to join us in this particular meeting.  

As we learn about future educational opportunities for our congregations, we will make you aware of them.  We are sorry that the plans have needed to change.

COM Wants to Connect with You

The new COM Pastoral Care Team is looking to connect with your congregation. Would you please add to the email distribution listing for your church’s monthly newsletter? We’d like to read all about it and be able to celebrate anniversaries and other special events in your church with you.

Thank you! Mary Watts


From Your Finance Team


We are quickly working our way through the first quarter of 2024.

Please be sure submit a fully completed remittance form with any check you send to the presbytery. This ensures that we apply your payment as you intend. If sending from your bank online, you can email your remittance form to

2024 Per Capita is $37.25, an increase of $1.00

2024 Per Capita is based on your final membership numbers reported for 2022. The annual Per Capita mailing was sent late last fall to the mailing address we have for your church. Packets were mailed to the attention of your clerk of session. If for some reason you didn't receive it, please let us know.

We’ll happily send you another copy.

We’ve already had 10 churches pay their 2024 per capita in full.

Thank you to Carlinville, Clayton, Coal Valley, Divernon, Eureka, Greenview, Media, Morton, Oneida & Reynolds!

Annual reporting

It’s time once again for these - be sure to complete your Church Session (Trustees) Annual Report for 12/31/23. Be sure to include your certificate of insurance coverage (covering 2024). These were part of the annual statistical paperwork sent out by stated clerk Elissa Bailey. Completed forms should be returned via email or snail mail to Elissa. We’re also working to update our contact information. A form 2024 Financial Contact Person was included in the annual paperwork. Please take the time to complete & return it. This information is vital if the presbytery needs to reach out to your church.

We appreciate all who have already responded by completing their forms!

Please reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns.


Sabrina McGrath - Bookkeeper

Bill Strawbridge- Treasurer

Please click on the blocks below to follow the links:

Church Pledge Form
2024 Remittance Form
Church Pin List

Two helpful guides, provided by the Board of Pensions, are now available at

Tax Guide for Ministers

2023 housing allowance letter

Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches: What you need to know for 2024

Presbyterian Women’s 2024 Gathering


Get ready for PW’s 2024 Churchwide Gathering which will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, August 8–11, 2024. Registration is now open!

Assembly Dates for 2024

Saturday, April 20th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at 1st Pres. Milan

Saturday, August 24th -10 am in-person with Zoom option at 2nd Pres., Bloomington

Saturday, November 9th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at United Pres., Peoria

Grants from Your Visioning Team

Grant applications are open now! Check out our Mission page

( for information about the Visioning grant to support programming and projects in churches and partner organizations, as well as grants for sabbatical assistance and funding while clergy are on paid family leave. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and the Visioning Team is ready to answer your questions. Contact us at to learn more!

The reKindle grant offers an incredible opportunity to transform your ministry ideas into reality. Imagine having the resources to bring your vision to life, shift the trajectory of your church, or positively impact your community. Applying for a grant can be the catalyst for achieving ministry initiatives over the next 12 months.

What can my church do with a rekindle grant?

Can my church buy anything it wants with the money?

Who do I contact if I have a question?

Presbytery of Great Rivers Virtual Office

Virtual Office Assistant Crystal Goforth 309-683-6980 Email:

Crystal works remotely from South Carolina (Eastern Time) and is available until 4 pm CST Monday thru Wednesday and Friday, and 1:45 pm EST on Thursdays. Please leave her a message & she will return your call.

Bookkeeper Sabrina McGrath 309-683-6981 Email:

Sabrina works from Peoria IL.

Her regular schedule is Tues & Thurs between 8am-3pm (Central Time)

Lead Presbyter Ann Schwartz 309-683-6983 Email:

Ann's Sabbath Day is Friday.

Stated Clerk Elissa Bailey 309-371-2511  Email:

My regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am - 3 pm.(Central Time) If you have an emergency, please call or text me at 309-371-2511.

Get Connected!

Be sure to encourage your congregations, sessions, and even your church newsletter editorial staff and volunteers to sign up for our presbytery newsletter and follow our Facebook page so you don't miss out on what is going on in our community of churches!

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