from the

Presbytery of Great Rivers


We are called to share Christ's love by partnering in service, 

uniting in worship, and risking in ministry.

February 23, 2024



PGR Newsletter Schedule

Newsletters go out the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Please send any articles for publication to Crystal by Tuesdays at 5 pm.

From the Lead Presbyter 

In the new book Gone for Good? Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition, editor Mark Elsdon begins: “The question that keeps me up at night and shapes this book is this: Twenty years from now, when we look around our neighborhoods and realize that a third or more of our church properties are no longer churches, what will we have lost? Or gained? What will the impact be on the social fabric of our communities? And what will each of us have done to encourage good . . . when churches are gone?”


Elsdon is a PC(USA) pastor and co-founder of Rooted Good, a non-profit whose mission is to help churches repurpose their buildings and property so that God can do a new thing. He compiled this volume of essays by pastors, scholars, developers, and urban planners who have experience in converting, selling, and sharing sacred spaces in order to give new life to the wider community and Christ’s church.


Many of our PGR congregations are already deeply involved in community partnerships, opening their doors to food pantries, farmers’ markets, hygiene product distributions, clinics, pre-schools, and after-school programs. These are life-giving ministries and acts of good stewardship.


At the same time, the costs of maintaining buildings have become burdensome. That trend will only continue as memberships decline and resources are diminished. The hopeful premise of Gone for Good? is that congregations can establish partnerships now to ensure that their witness will continue, even if the day comes when the church is no longer their church.


Here are several resources I learned about in a recent webinar where Mark Elsdon spoke:


Please reach out if your congregation wants to imagine new possibilities. Polity reminder: the Presbytery has to be involved if you buy, sell, or lease church buildings or property! Faith reminder: we can trust that God is continuing to do new things in our midst.


Grace and peace,

Rev. Ann Schwartz

Shared Ministry Gathering, February 25th

Ruling elders, pastors, PNCs, and church members in the northern/northwestern region of the Presbytery of Great Rivers who are interested in considering new partnerships for shared ministry are invited to gather at United Church of Woodhull, 150 West Third Avenue, Woodhull, on Sunday, February 25, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm. The conversation will be led by Rev. Drew Nagle and Lead Presbyter Ann Schwartz. In the case of bad weather, we will meet on March 3, 2:00-3:30 pm, also at the Woodhull church.

Ukrainian Music Event


Westminster Presbyterian Church in Peoria (1420 W. Moss Avenue) will present the Gretchen R. Iben Arts Series performance “Ukrainian Tribute” on Sunday, February 25, at 4:00 pm.


On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched military operations against Ukraine. The purported rationale was to “denazify” Ukraine and thwart the country’s ambitions to join NATO. Putin argued that “Ukraine has no culture of its own.”


Two years later, area musicians will gather to present an all-Ukrainian composer program of solo and chamber music in a gesture of solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Featured musicians will include Dr. John Orfe, organ; Polly Brecht, organ and piano; Henry Liebenow, violin; Karen Martin, violin; and Adrian Gomez Hernandez, cello. These artists will perform works by Viktor Kosenko, Ihor Shamo, Boris lyatoshynsky, Nikolai Kapustin, and more.


Admission is free. A free-will offering will be received for the ongoing ministry of the Iben Series. All are welcome. Buy tickets >> 

The Center for Creativity & Community

At the February 20, 2024 Presbytery Assembly, the Rev. Dr. Adam Quine, talked about The Center for Creativity & Community, a ministry of First Presbyterian Church in Lincoln. The Center fosters a safe and courageous space for middle-aged students (grades 6-8) to play, create, explore, connect, and be themselves. Read here about the genesis of The Center and the theology of play that is central to it and to the life of the Lincoln congregation ( Follow The Center on Facebook:

Join the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March in Springfield

The Rev. Susan Phillips, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Springfield, is one of three co-chairs for the Illinois Poor People’s Campaign. Join her and thousands of others on Saturday, March 2, 2024 for a Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March in Springfield. Go to for more information and to sign up to attend.

Midwest Call Finder to Launch in Spring 2024 

All congregations and Presbyterian-related entities in the Synod of Lincoln Trails will be welcome to share positions for ministry and church-related service on the Midwest Call Finder. This new search instrument will assist in connecting congregations seeking pastors and staff with those answering the call to service in the church, including called, intentional interim, and temporary pastoral service; church musicians; Certified Christian Educators; and financial administrators.


This call site is not intended to take the place of the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) but can be used as an additional resource by congregations and individuals seeking and posting opportunities for church service. 


The Midwest Call Finder is supported by the Synod of Lincoln Trails and the eight presbyteries that comprise SOLT: Blackhawk, Chicago, Great Rivers, Midwest Hanmi, Ohio Valley, Southeastern Illinois, Wabash Valley, and Whitewater Valley.

Roving Reporter to Recount Records of Relief Rendered!

(OK, that was your alliteration for the day!--- Read on to see what it means for your congregation.)

Presbytery Leadership knows that your congregation is doing amazing things! We know that you are making a difference in your communities and in our world! We know that the love of Christ and the blessings of our God are being felt through the ministries that you offer!

We know all of this, and we want to celebrate what you are doing. We want to help connect congregations who might like to learn from one another’s experience. We want to encourage new projects that can offer healing and hope in our world. It’s what we have committed to as a part of our Matthew 25 pledge.

With all of this in mind, we invite you to tell our Roving Reporter your story. Joyce Chamberlin has volunteered to be the ghost writer for your narrative. To begin the process you are invited to email her, and set a time for a telephone conversation. Perhaps you already have something written for your newsletter--send it to her, and she will ask some questions, write the article and then submit it back to you for your approval before it is published in our “Good News” bimonthly newsletter. We hope you will submit a photo, as well, to show us a bit of the excitement. Let’s learn about all the wonderful things that are being done in our midst. Let our Roving Reporter tell your story to the glory of God. You can reach Joyce at She is looking forward to hearing from you.

Apply to Be a YAV 

For the past 27 years, the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program of the PC(USA) has been centered on developing young adults as faithful leaders for the church and the world. Applications for the 2024-25 in-person service year are open. If you are between the ages of 19-30 (or know someone who is) and want to engage in world issues, commit to self-reflection, listen to the marginalized, and learn in a new way, consider “a year of service for a lifetime of change.” Learn more about the process here.

New Lenten Resources Website

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has created a new online landing page that offers a wide variety of devotional and worship resources from across the agencies of the PC(USA). The resources, many of which are free and downloadable, are suitable for use by individuals, congregations, and mid councils. Click here to access the site.

Try the Daily Prayer App for Lenten Devotions 

An updated version of the PC(USA)’s Daily Prayer app is now available for Apple, Android and Amazon devices. It provides brief services for daily prayer, including psalms for the day, readings from the daily lectionary, and prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. Click here to read more and to download the app.

Mark Your Calendars

Website for event. Registration is live: information. But check it out:

Clerk's Corner

There is still time! If you have not had the opportunity to fill out your end-of-the-year reports, please do so. I will say, the most important end-of-year report is for you to fill out the annual statistical report that is submitted to the Office of General Assembly. This has a deadline that we cannot go past. March 1st is the deadline for stats. The portal is closed for congregations but Elissa can still enter stats. Other reports such as the necrology report are okay to be a little late. If you have ANY questions, please contact me at my email:

Thank you,

Elissa Bailey

Job Postings and Classifieds

Have a story to contribute?

Congregations and presbytery groups are encouraged to submit items of interest to


Need to post a job, classified, or church need?

To advertise a job, classified, or church need, send a description and details to

Open Searches for Pastoral Leadership in Great Rivers 

Associate Pastor for Family Ministry, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Springfield 

More information

Solo Pastor, College Avenue Presbyterian Church 

More information

Solo Pastor, Hamlet-Perryton Presbyterian Church

More information

Pastor, Yoked Ministry, New Windsor Presbyterian Church and Rio Presbyterian Church

More information

Church Seeks Masonry Contractor Recommendations

First Presbyterian Church in Lincoln is looking for an experienced masonry contractor to do stone work. If your church has recently had a good experience, please contact Rob Harmon at (217) 792-3475 (, or text Lincoln Clerk of Session Gary Davis at (217) 737-3359.



Church Leadership Connection Updates

In response to feedback from call-seekers, COMs, and Presbytery leaders, Church Leadership Connection plans to launch additional updates. Click here to read more.

Reminder about an Update to the Benefits of Called/Installed Pastors

As you are completing your Terms of Call forms for 2024, please note that there is a box which needs to checked off on this form that is being passed over. Near the bottom of page one, under Benefits, item 4, Family Leave: Minimum 12 weeks paid family leave. All called and installed ministers are entitled to this benefit, regardless of their personal circumstances.

An amendment from the 2022 General Assembly added this wording to G-2.0804, Terms of Call: …..The call shall include provision for a minimum of twelve weeks paid family medical leave….

You can always increase the benefit, which is the purpose of the option line. As always, all COM forms should come to

If you have a Contract with your pastoral leader, there is a benefit under 3, Maternity/Paternity Leave which all contracted pastoral leaders are entitled to, regardless of their personal circumstances (can be used for adoption or taking guardianship) in consultation with the Session. The box should be checked off or a note added that conveys the discussion with the Session. As with the family leave, you may always increase the benefit.

Thanks for your attention to these benefits as you prepare to submit your forms.

Board of Pensions Coverage Will Change in 2025

Mark your calendars – you are invited. Rev. Dr. Ken Green, Church Consultant for the BOP, is the liaison to the Presbytery of Great Rivers. After the changes to the 2025 BOP coverage are adopted in March 2024, he is visiting all of his presbyteries. He will be presenting for an hour about the changes on Thursday, April 11, at 10:00 AM at the Committee on Ministry meeting at United Presbyterian Church, Peoria.

We are inviting all of our congregations to send to that presentation the person from your church who deals with the BOP.

All will be welcome, but we will ask for RSVPs for set up and for those staying for lunch at 11:30. Stay tuned for more details on registration!

COM Pastoral Care Team

We are looking to improve connections with you. Would you please add to the email distribution listing for your church’s monthly newsletter? We’d like to read all about it and be able to celebrate anniversaries and other special events in your church with you.

Thank you! Mary Watts


From Your FinanceTeam


We are quickly working our way through the first quarter of 2024.

Please be sure submit a fully completed remittance form with any check you send to the presbytery.This ensures that we apply your payment as you intend. If sending from your bank online, you can email your remittance form to

2024 Per Capita is $37.25, an increase of $1.00

2024 Per Capita is based on your final membership numbers reported for 2022. The annual Per Capita mailing was sent late last fall to the mailing address we have for your church. Packets were mailed to the attention of your clerk of session. If for some reason you didn't receive it, please let us know.

We’ll happily send you another copy.

We’ve already had 10 churches pay their 2024 per capita in full.

Thank you to Carlinville, Clayton, Coal Valley, Divernon, Eureka, Greenview, Media, Morton, Oneida & Reynolds!

Annual reporting

It’s time once again for these - be sure to complete your Church Session (Trustees) Annual Report for 12/31/23. Be sure to include your certificate of insurance coverage (covering 2024). These were part of the annual statistical paperwork sent out by stated clerk Elissa Bailey. Completed forms should be returned via email or snail mail to Elissa. We’re also working to update our contact information. A form 2024 Financial Contact Person was included in the annual paperwork. Please take the time to complete & return it. This information is vital if the presbytery needs to reach out to your church.

We appreciate all who have already responded by completing their forms!

Please reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns.


Sabrina McGrath - Bookkeeper

Bill Strawbrige- Treasurer

Please click on the blocks below to follow the links:

Church Pledge Form
2024 Remittance Form
Church Pin List

The New Benefits Connect is here

The Board of Pensions website is now live. You will need to register for and access the new Benefits Connect website to view and pay invoices.

PCUSA pensions link

Churches should have received an email granting you access to the new software. This probably came around Jan 22nd .

It would have been sent to the person previously receiving the BOP billing notices, and the subject was [NOW AVAILABLE] Register for the NEW Benefits Connect. Follow the directions in the email to log in for the first time. Please be aware that 2-step verification will be required. You can use the app, have a code texted to you, or receive a phone call. Once you are set up, you can access the system. The new site looks different and is currently running more slowly than the old system we were used to. On January 24th a PGR newsletter was sent out with the subject line Register for the NEW Benefits Connect. This included some instructions on how to access the system to view & print your monthly invoices.

It’s important to note that if you had automatic payments set up you will need to do this again.

Any information entered into the old system didn’t transfer over. As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to the Board of Pensions help desk at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752).

Opportunities for Church Leaders

Worship and Leadership Resources 

Family Leave Worship Resource Directory

Need some help filling the pulpit while clergy are on medical or family leave? Check out the PGR page for resources to use in your congregation, either for a last-minute need or to fill in the gaps during a longer absence. Resources include scripts for complete worship services and pre-recorded services. If your pastor left a bulletin and you just need a sermon, there are pre-recorded sermons and guided discussions which will help your congregation share the good news with each other. And if you need a bulletin, there are links for liturgy which is updated each week and free to use. These resources are free to use for churches whose pastors are on family leave, as long as the original authors are credited in worship.

These services are not intended to fill a full 12 week medical leave. Congregations can also apply for a Church Support for Family Leave grant, which will pay for approximately eight weeks of pulpit supply and Session moderation. You can learn more here: If you have a service you’d like to donate to this library or know of other resources to add to this list, please email

Assembly Dates for 2024

Saturday, April 20th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at 1st Pres. Milan

Saturday, August 24th -10 am in-person with Zoom option at 2nd Pres., Bloomington

Saturday, November 9th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at United Pres., Peoria

Grants from Your Visioning Team

Grant applications are open now! Check out our Mission page

( for information about the Visioning grant to support programming and projects in churches and partner organizations, as well as grants for sabbatical assistance and funding while clergy are on paid family leave. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and the Visioning Team is ready to answer your questions. Contact us at to learn more!

Presbytery of Great Rivers Virtual Office

Virtual Office Assistant Crystal Goforth 309-683-6980 Email:

Crystal works remotely from South Carolina (Eastern Time) and is available until 4 pm CST Monday thru Wednesday and Friday, and 1:45 pm EST on Thursdays. Please leave her a message & she will return your call.

Bookkeeper Sabrina McGrath 309-683-6981 Email:

Sabrina works from Peoria IL.

Her regular schedule is Tues & Thurs between 8am-3pm (Central Time)

Lead Presbyter Ann Schwartz 309-683-6983 Email:

Ann's Sabbath Day is Friday.

Stated Clerk Elissa Bailey 309-371-2511  Email:

My regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am - 3 pm.(Central Time) If you have an emergency, please call or text me at 309-371-2511.

Get Connected!

Be sure to encourage your congregations, sessions, and even your church newsletter editorial staff and volunteers to sign up for our presbytery newsletter and follow our Facebook page so you don't miss out on what is going on in our community of churches!

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