from the

Presbytery of Great Rivers


We are called to share Christ's love by partnering in service, 

uniting in worship, and risking in ministry.

April 12, 2024



PGR Newsletter Schedule

Newsletters go out the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Please send any articles for publication to Crystal by Tuesdays at 5 pm.

April 20th, 2024 Assembly Reminder

The next Presbytery assembly will be on Saturday, April 20, at First Presbyterian Church in Milan. The meeting will convene at 10:00 am. Together we will worship, share a meal, and conduct the sacred business of our Presbytery. 

Beginning at 9:00 am, coffee, tea, juice, pastries, and fruit will be available in the Fireside Room before the assembly. Lunch will be in the Fellowship Hall with the following menu options: gluten-free pasta with vegetables and sauce or pasta with meat sauce and vegetables; mixed salad with dressing options on the side; fruit; a variety of desserts; and iced tea, water, and coffee. Meal cost is $10.00. You can pay at the registration table, where you will receive a lunch ticket identifying your pasta selection. **The deadline to reserve a meal is Wednesday, April 17, 2024!** Childcare is not available at this assembly.

For those unable to attend in person, there is a Zoom option. All who register via zoom will receive an email confirmation that they have registered, whether they plan to attend online or in person.

The full packet of materials for the meeting will be available on the Presbytery website by April 19.

Register Here!

From the Lead Presbyter 

The Board of Pensions (BOP) released information last week regarding the much-anticipated new benefits plan and associated costs, which will go into effect in 2025. Even with 125-page document explaining the details of the plan (available at, so many questions remain.

This week the Committee on Ministry is meeting with Rev. Ken Green, our BOP representative, for a general overview of the plan. On April 23-24, Rev. Kay Daniel, COM member; Rev. Elissa Bailey, Stated Clerk; and I will attend a meeting hosted by the BOP in Denver, where we will receive a more thorough explanation of the plan and its impact.

What we know is that there will be significant changes for congregations and pastoral leaders. Some of those changes are positive and hopeful. Full health care and pension benefits will now be extended to CREs/CPEs (commissioned ruling elders sanctioned for congregational ministry by the presbytery) who serve 20 hours a week or more. Until now, those benefits have been limited to Ministers of Word and Sacrament.

Among the more concerning changes is that the BOP will no longer require that churches cover the cost of health insurance for pastors’ spouses and children. While in many cases that may ease the burden on congregational budgets, it will surely strain the personal and family budgets of church pastors. For some, the costs will be unsustainable.

Please know that the Presbytery of Great Rivers is committed to helping congregations, pastors, and other ministry leaders navigate these changes. Presbytery committees immediately began engaging in substantive conversations about how we can support those who will be affected by the coverage and cost shifts. 

For now, may we all greet the uncertainty of this moment with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love, as well as deep trust in God’s abiding presence with us.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Ann Schwartz 

Expanding Our Welcome:

Creating Safe and Inclusive Sacred Spaces Together

Join us on April 27 at First Presbyterian Church in Davenport, Iowa, for a time of learning, sharing, and discussing practical steps for welcoming all people as beloved children of God. Among the featured panelists for the event are Rev. Katie Styrt, Pastor at FPC Milan, and Tim Haworth, Parish Chaplain at FPC Springfield.

This event, jointly co-sponsored by the Presbyteries of Great Rivers and East Iowa, is designed for leaders and members of every congregation to take the next steps in offering an authentic welcome to LGBTQIA+ people in ways that show God’s love and build up the church. Participants will leave knowing they are not alone on the journey, feeling better equipped for navigating difficult conversations, and taking what they know and living it out in their communities. 

To learn more and register, click here:

Small is Beautiful

Join Presbyterian Outlook for a webinar to continue the conversation our “Small is beautiful” issue started.

On April 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm CST, Outlook Editor/Publisher Teri McDowell Ott will convene a panel of voices from our January issue, “Small Is Beautiful.” Speakers will include Catherine Neelly Burton, Warren Lesane, Shavon Starling-Louis, and Philip Blackburn.

The panel will discuss some of the troubles facing small churches, the strengths of these worshipping communities, and practical examples of small churches thinking in creative ways to continue their ministry. This conversation will be followed by a Q&A with audience members.

All who register will be emailed a link of the recorded webinar afterwards.

Learn More and Register

From Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Safety Webinar for Migrant-Serving Non-Profit Organizations

Please join the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Friday, April 19, 2024, 12:00-2:30 pm Central time for a webinar for leaders, staff, and volunteers of migrant-serving non-profit organizations. DHS personnel from our Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Center for Prevention, Partnerships and Programs (CP3) and the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) will share ways to enhance the safety, security, and resilience of your communities—especially against threats and acts of targeted violence. From bomb threat management to active shooter awareness and personal cyber hygiene, the goal is to equip you and your organization with the knowledge and tools to ensure your safety.

Register Here

How Will Your Church Celebrate Older Adult Week

A message from the Office of Christian Formation

Looking for ways to recognize Older Adult Week starting Sunday, May 5? Find worship liturgy as well as suggestions for celebrations, along with the new Planning Guide for more ways to support ministry with older adults and information about the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network.

Save the Date: September 23-25, 2024

Registration is now open for Stewardship Kaleidoscope, an annual conference offering excellent plenary speakers, informative workshop leaders, provocative worship experiences, and incredible networking opportunities for all passionate about stewardship and generosity. Drawing leaders from across the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) and other ecumenical partners, Stewardship Kaleidoscope is designed to help participants explore stewardship as a joyful opportunity for the people of God.

There are options for in-person attendance in Seattle, Washington, and virtual attendance from the comfort of your office or home. For more information and to register, visit

New Publication 

Through Middle Eastern Eyes: A Life of Kenneth E. Bailey, by Michael Parker, is now available.   A Presbyterian missionary for forty years in the Middle East (1955-1995), Bailey served in Egypt, Lebanon, Israel-Palestine, and Cyprus. He was also a distinguished New Testament scholar, who taught us all the need to view the parables and life of Jesus through the lens of Middle Eastern culture. His ground-breaking interpretations can be found in ten books, including such popular titles as The Cross & the Prodigal (1973/2005), Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes (2008), and The Good Shepherd (2014). 

A lucid and fast-paced narrative, the biography provides the context in which Bailey’s insights were formed and developed over the course of a long and often fraught career. Parker’s book is based on extensive research in the Bailey Papers at the Yale Divinity School library and is now available at Amazon. Also, check out Parker’s website, which includes several short videos on Bailey’s life and importance as a scholar.

Is God Calling You to Serve?

The Presbytery's Nominating Committee is beginning our work finding our next class of committee officers. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering, please contact Gary Terpstra,, 217-415-2090 or Cheyanna Losey, or 309- 299-4790.

Free Presbyterian Hymnals Available


Milan Presbyterian has several dozen copies of the blue Presbyterian hymnal and Sing the Faith supplement, and a dozen copies of the Glory to God hymnal to give to any interested ministry. Please contact Katie at if you're interested; hymnals are available for the cost of shipping or we can arrange a drop off.

Special Worship and Music Debut 

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, a new musical piece will be debuted at the United Presbyterian Church in Mason City in honor of the many years of service by Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mark S. Kim and Helen Kim, former music director. This choral piece, “Be Kind and Love One Another,” has been commissioned and is composed by Pepper Choplin, renowned composer of Christian music. The worship service at the UPC of Mason City is at 10:15 AM. All are welcome to this worship service and the premier of this choral piece. A light reception will follow the service. For those who would like to sing with the choir, or if you have questions, please contact Peter Kim at 630-689-7873,

Transitional Ministry Education 

Register now for The Art of Transitional Ministry Training, Week I & II, which will be held May 13-17, 2024, at Mercy Center in St. Louis.


We live in a season of significant transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is not limited to those presently engaged in or inquiring about transitional ministry. Anyone interested in learning how to walk through change alongside your church is invited to join in.


Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum that combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.


The faculty this spring includes: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson, Associate Exec Presbyter, Chicago Presbytery; Rev. Dr. Tassie Green, Interim Sr. Pastor First Pres, Evanston , IL; Rev. Gail Doering, Southern Kansas Transitional EP; and Rev. Erin Marth, Transitional Minister, Christ Church, Chicago IL.


More information:

Wilderness Christian Camp

Register now for summer camp, which will be held June 9-14, 2024 at Stronghold Camps & Retreat Center near Oregon, IL. The rustic setting includes 2 wooden cabins that sleep 8 each, pavilion, picnic tables, cold running water, and a porta potty in each unit. Campers will cook their own meals over a campfire, clean up the dishes, and gather the firewood needed for each meal.

Activities include Bible study, worship, and swimming each day; crafts, hiking, time in nature, games. There will be special events as well: a castle tour and trunk treats for everyone, and high ropes, canoeing and/or initiatives for older campers. Archery will be new this year.

Costs: Junior Campers (3rd-5th grades): $200; Junior High (6th-8th grades): $250; CIT (high school): $250

For more information on the camping experience, go to or check out the Facebook page: Wilderness Christian Camp. For individuals or congregations who would like to support the camp with your financial gifts, call Mary Watts, member at Faith United PC in Yates City, at 309-645-8988.

Clerk's Corner

CLERGY CARDS HAVE ARRIVED! I am happy to report that Clergy Cards have arrived. They will be handed out at the April 20th Assembly in Milan. If you will NOT be at the April 20th Assembly in-person, feel free to email me at and I will get yours mailed out to you. Otherwise, those that are not picked up at the Assembly will be mailed out soon after the Assembly. Thanks.

Dear Session Clerks:

Thank you for all of you who were able to attend the Clerk's Corner last month. Our next Clerk's Corner will be April 30th at 1pm. By that time, I will have been to the Board of Pensions meeting in Denver and will be bringing back more information on all of the changes that will be taking place. I echo the words and sentiments that you have seen from many of our denominational leaders and leaders within our presbytery. There is a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty. We are all praying for the future of our church and looking for the answers together. 

Elissa Bailey (she/her/hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Clerk of Session Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 7748 7297

Passcode: 832216

Job Postings and Classifieds

Have a story to contribute?

Congregations and presbytery groups are encouraged to submit items of interest to


Need to post a job, classified, or church need?

To advertise a job, classified, or church need, send a description and details to

Open Searches for Pastoral Leadership in Great Rivers 

Associate Pastor for Family Ministry, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Springfield 

More information

Solo Pastor, College Avenue Presbyterian Church 

More information

Solo Pastor, Hamlet-Perryton Presbyterian Church

More information

Pastor, Yoked Ministry, New Windsor Presbyterian Church and Rio Presbyterian Church

More information

Are you interested in part-time or interim pastoral service?

Contact LP Ann Schwartz at 309-683-6983 


COM Wants to Connect with You

The new COM Pastoral Care Team is looking to connect with your congregation. Would you please add to the email distribution listing for your church’s monthly newsletter? We’d like to read all about it and be able to celebrate anniversaries and other special events in your church with you.

Thank you! Mary Watts


From Your Finance Team


We have already finished the first quarter of 2024.  Statements will be mailed around the middle of April.

Please take the time to review your statement.  Contact Sabrina with any questions or concerns.

Please be sure to submit a fully completed remittance form with any check you send to the presbytery. 

This ensures that we apply your payment as you intend. If sending from your bank online, you can email your remittance form to


2024 Per Capita is $37.25, an increase of $1.00  

2024 Per Capita is based on your final membership numbers reported for 2022.

The annual Per Capita mailing was sent late last fall to the mailing address we have for your church. Packets were mailed to the attention of your clerk of session. If for some reason you didn't receive it, please let us know.  

We’ll happily send you another copy.


Thank you to all churches who have contributed towards Per Capita

We’ve had 20 churches pay their 2024 per capita in full!

Thank you to Aledo-Sunbeam, Athens – Indian Point, Carlinville, Carrollton, Carthage, Chenoa, Clayton, Coal Valley, Divernon, Elmwood, Eureka, Greenview, Mason City, Media, Morton, New Windsor, Oneida, Reynolds, Rock Island, & Springfield - Korean!


Annual reporting

 It’s time once again for these  -  be sure to complete your Church Session (Trustees) Annual Report for 12/31/23

Be sure to include your certificate of insurance coverage (covering 2024). These were part of the annual statistical paperwork sent out by stated clerk Elissa Bailey. Completed forms should be returned via email or snail mail to Elissa. 

(For churches who do not have property, please consider liability insurance; speak to an insurance agent about your minimum needs.) 

We’re also working to update our contact information.

A form 2024 Financial Contact Person was included in the annual paperwork.

Please take the time to complete & return it.

This information is vital if the presbytery needs to reach out to your church.

We appreciate all who have already responded by completing their forms!

Please reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns.


Sabrina McGrath - Bookkeeper

Bill Strawbridge – Treasurer

Paid Leave for All Workers Act UPDATE

The Paid Leave for All Workers Act, which was to become law on March 31, 2024, did not happen. 

We will keep you posted when we learn more about the hold up and when it officially becomes a law.

Please click on the blocks below to follow the links:

Church Pledge Form
2024 Remittance Form
Church Pin List

Two helpful guides, provided by the Board of Pensions, are now available at

Tax Guide for Ministers

2023 housing allowance letter

Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches: What you need to know for 2024

Presbyterian Women’s 2024 Gathering


Get ready for PW’s 2024 Churchwide Gathering which will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, August 8–11, 2024. Registration is now open!

Assembly Dates for 2024

Saturday, April 20th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at 1st Pres. Milan

Saturday, August 24th -10 am in-person with Zoom option at 2nd Pres., Bloomington

Saturday, November 9th - 10 am in-person with Zoom option at United Pres., Peoria

Grants from Your Visioning Team

Grant applications are open now! Check out our Mission page

( for information about the Visioning grant to support programming and projects in churches and partner organizations, as well as grants for sabbatical assistance and funding while clergy are on paid family leave. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and the Visioning Team is ready to answer your questions. Contact us at to learn more!

Presbytery of Great Rivers Virtual Office

Virtual Office Assistant Crystal Goforth 309-683-6980 Email:

Crystal works remotely from South Carolina (Eastern Time) and is available until 4 pm CST Monday thru Wednesday and Friday, and 1:45 pm EST on Thursdays. Please leave her a message & she will return your call.

Bookkeeper Sabrina McGrath 309-683-6981 Email:

Sabrina works from Peoria IL.

Her regular schedule is Tues & Thurs between 8am-3pm (Central Time)

Lead Presbyter Ann Schwartz 309-683-6983 Email:

Ann's Sabbath Day is Friday.

Stated Clerk Elissa Bailey 309-371-2511  Email:

My regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am - 3 pm.(Central Time) If you have an emergency, please call or text me at 309-371-2511.

Get Connected!

Be sure to encourage your congregations, sessions, and even your church newsletter editorial staff and volunteers to sign up for our presbytery newsletter and follow our Facebook page so you don't miss out on what is going on in our community of churches!

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