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Cultivating Relationships
and Understanding
Across Borders
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Dear friends,
At our 40th Anniversary Celebration on October 18-20, we will give thanks for God for 40 years of ministry and look forward to the ministry we have before us. We are thankful for your prayers, encouragement, and support that has helped us come this far.
For this anniversary, we are writing to ask you to prayerfully consider join us in person for our Anniversary Celebration and/or become a sponsor:
Your donation to our “40 for 40 Campaign” will help us:
- provide vital support for the 40th anniversary celebration;
- expand our Children’s Enrichment Ministry which provides safe and welcoming spaces for children’s talents to grow and flourish;
- provide Café Justo for hospitality centers through our Love Mercy, Do Justice Ministry;
- strengthen our ministry with our siblings who are in recovery from addictions to alcohol and other drugs;
- participate in the formation of young adult leaders through our bi-national internship; and
- strengthen and enhance our welcoming ministries.
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Rene Espinoza Maky Hernandez Jean Tsuya Jeff Krongaard
FDC Board of Directors Executive Committee
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We Are Thankful
by Marina Forero, Director, Children's Enrichment Ministry
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“When we work to illuminate others, we naturally illuminate our own path!“
—Mary Anne Radmacher
THIS QUOTE WAS TAKEN FROM THE STORY “Kindness is My Super Power” by Alicia Ortego. Adopting that phrase as our own helps us foster healthy and close relationships. The phrase was also the source of inspiration for thanking each of the people who serve in this ministry.
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“Do Everything in Love”
The 2024 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women
by Joca Gallegos, Frontera de Cristo Coordinator
Joca spoke at the PW Churchwide Gathering. The Presbyterian Women have supported FDC through its Birthday Offerings and Thank Offerings, most recently helping us expand our Children's Enrichment Ministry by buildinga classroom at DouglaPrieta Trabaja. PW chose FDC to receive this year's offering churchwide gathering.
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WHAT A GREAT BLESSING TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE Presbyterian Women’s meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, August 8–11. The main theme was “Do Everything in Love.” In this way, they remembered the love of God that is manifested toward us, in us, and through us.
“Who needs a heart? We have hurt God’s heart and yet He still chose to love us,” Rev. Cindy Kohlmann reminds us. We are meant to be the expression of God’s powerful and fierce love that changes lives in this world. It is we who need a heart to be able to express that love of God.
Continue reading Joca's article
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Getting to Know Us: Carol Schurr
Frontera de Cristo Communications Specialist
Staff Cameo by Mary Goodwin, FDC Volunteer
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EVERY MORNING, CAROL SCHURR'S HUSBAND, BILLY, to whom she has been married for 49 years, brings her a cup of freshly brewed Café Justo and refills it several times throughout the day while Carol researches, writes, edits, and designs FDC communications materials. As Communications Specialist for Frontera de Cristo, Carol loves sharing FDC’s missions and activities through her work developing publications and communications for FDC’s ministries, producing newsletters and pamphlets, promoting events, and maintaining the FDC website.
Continue reading Carol's bio
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Love Mercy, Do Justice, Order Coffee | |
I ordered ten or twelve bags of your whole bean coffee several months ago and just ran out a couple of weeks ago, which forced me to use whole beans I got from a good brand around here. The sudden shift made the taste comparison obvious, and the coffee I made with your beans was so much better! I ordered from you to support Café Justo, but now I’m also ordering because I want to best coffee I can get! “Good” in every sense! —from a happy customer in Austin, Texas | |
FRONTERA DE CRISTO AND CAFÉ JUSTO CREATED the "Love Mercy, Do Justice" (Amar Misericordia, Hacer Justicia) initiative to provide coffee for migrant shelters across the southern border. Thousands of women and men each week are greeted with a cup of coffee, a meal, and vital medical attention when they are repatriated into Mexico. You can help support this effort with a donation to Love Mercy, Do Justice. | |
In the mean time, why not order some coffee for yourself today? You will enjoy delicious 100% organic coffee cultivated, roasted, and shipped by the Café Justo cooperative. To order by mail instead of online, just download this form. | |
Two Dates to Save!
Frontera de Cristo's 40th Anniversary
2024 Border-to-Border Delegation: Coffee, Migration, & Faith
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2024 Border-to-Border Delegation: Travel to the Guatemala border and learn about the Café Justo cooperative. (Dates include participation in Frontera de Cristo's 40th anniversary celebration.) Download the flyer here. Download the registration form and pay by check or register and pay online. | |
A Week in the Borderlands | | | | |