September 8, 2024
Reverend Susan Phillips, Leading
Season of Creation
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9:00 Sunday - Online in Zoom
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85677718426#
Or Call +1 312 626 6799 and use
Meeting ID: 856 7771 8426
10:45 Sunday - Sanctuary
Please join us for coffee fellowship following the service
5:30 Wednesday - Lincoln Memorial Garden
Picnic Dinner to follow.
Family-friendly service designed for kids to enjoy
the new natural play space at the Gardens.
RSVP to by Tuesday.
If for some reason the onsite services would need to be canceled,
we will post a notice on our website and Facebook.
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We are aware that COVID cases are on the rise again.
We encourage those who might be vulnerable to wear masks
and anyone with symptoms to join worship via Zoom.
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Season of Creation
The Season of Creation offers intentional time to consider the role of all creation in Bible stories and in our lives, and to remember that humans are just one part of the ever-unfolding story of God’s creation. Join us for worship Sundays and Wednesdays as we celebrate this season.
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Join us this Sunday as we listen to our choir's first performance of the season.
Do You Love Singing?
Join the choir! Singing has always been an important part of First Presbyterian Church's worship service. We are delighted to announce choir will begin again on September 8th. So, if you love singing and would like to get involved, join us Sunday mornings for rehearsal at 9:15 in and singing at the 10:45 service starting September 8th. Email Becky Kemp for more information.
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Faith and Fiber Workshop Sept. 14th
Faith and Fiber invites anyone interested in making Chrismons for the Sanctuary Christmas Tree to a workshop Sept. 14 at 10 am at Mary Young's home. Please rsvp to if you are planning to come. There will be another workshop in October.
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October 3rd Solar Celebration
Please join us to celebrate the solar array being installed on the 1960’s building of our church. The event will be Thursday, October 3 at 5:30 p.m.
Our church Earth Care Team is inviting our congregation, nine downtown organizations with solar, Hope Presbyterian Church, and community leaders to join this celebration on the second floor of Maldaner's Restaurant, 222 South 6th Street. We will enjoy extensive hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and soft drinks, as well as have the opportunity to view the impressive solar array on Maldaner’s roof. A cash bar will also be available. A short program will honor the downtown organizations and Hope Presbyterian Church who have already committed to addressing global warming through solar installations.
While the event is free, Maldaner's can accommodate only 80 guests. We have decided to reserve spaces for our congregation before offering to the public. From now until September 2nd, click here for reservations.
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Renovation Update
Solar panels are being installed! Bathroom fixtures are being installed!
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Sign up for the daily A Season of Peace email devotional
Each day during A Season of Peace, Sept. 8–Oct. 6, 2024, you can receive a devotional. This year’s reflections for A Season of Peace highlight Presbyterians in history who have challenged injustice, broken down barriers and dividing walls, advocated for the marginalized, stewarded the common good, taught peace and been agents for the transformation of society.
Click here to sign up
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The Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice in our own communities and across the world.
Your gifts to the Peace & Global Witness Offering are helping our neighbors in need — those who live next door, down the street, and across the globe. 25% of this Offering stays with our congregation to support peacemaking and reconciliation in our own community. 25% of this Offering goes to our mid-council to join with other congregations to support peacemaking work in our region. 50% of this Offering supports the work being done by Presbyterians across the globe.
We will be dedicating this offering on October 6th.
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September Devotional to Sancti Spiritus
by Kathy Bacon
Isaiah 43:2
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up.
The flames will not consume you.
Romans 8:18
Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.
Although at times it feels like the whole world may just explode with all the turmoil, suppression, inflation and a multitude of afflictions on the people, we hold fast to our faith. During the roughest times it is easy to lose our way. Staying focused and steadfast in our faith may not immediately put food on our tables, gas in our vehicles, or money in our pocket, but miraculous things are always possible. God fills our souls with his Holy Spirit and sends help in ways we don’t expect.
Life’s journey is never walked alone. God never abandons us. He wades through the deep waters with us, guides us through the difficult rivers, covers us in the fire and rewards us with his great glory in Heaven.
We must support one another and continue to hold each other in prayer. Burn your candle brighter when our loved one’s falter and they shall do the same. Look for all the blessings in each in every day regardless of how small they may seem. Remember to keep your eyes open on God’s beauty
that surrounds us. God bless us all.
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Habitat Volunteer Appreciation Event
Join Habitat on Thursday, September 26th for their Volunteer Appreciation event. They will gather in the ReStore, beginning at 5:00 pm, for refreshments, fellowship and fun in honor of their amazing volunteers. Don't miss it! RSVP by clicking this link.
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Mark your calendars for November 1st! Habitat's 11th annual Raise the Roof fundraiser will take place at the Columbian Hall (Knights of Columbus), located at 2200 Meadowbrook in Springfield. The theme is Game Show Night. So, grab some friends to share your table and join them for this fun-filled event to benefit their mission! | |
Hospital Notices
Please note that the hospitals no longer contact local churches to let them know when a member is admitted. We encourage members and friends of First Presbyterian to call the church office to let us know when you go to the hospital so Pastor Susan and Chaplain Tim can provide pastoral support if it blesses you. We do not share any information without permission.
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Coffee Fellowship
We are in need of hosts for coffee fellowship. If you would like to volunteer please sign up in the commons. If you are interested in hosting but don't want to do it by yourself please let Michelle know and we can find a partner for you.
The Church is trying to be environmentally friendly so if you are hosting coffee hour please do not use plastic silverware, plates, straws or bottled water when serving food during coffee hour. There are biodegradable plates, bowls, and cups for both cold and hot drinks in the large kitchen cabinet. Water and fruit juice can be served in pitchers, which can be easily washed out in the small kitchen. Please use the church silverware providing a container where it can be placed after coffee hour so a member of the Earth Care Team can take it home to be cleaned. Thanks!
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Join us for Wednesday Worship in the Garden!
Join us for worship service in our beautiful garden. Service begins at 5:30 pm. Pastor Susan, and Chaplain Tim guide us in worship each week.
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Shelter Meal Volunteers
Jesus says: "For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in."
~Matthew 25:35
If it blesses you to help feed our neighbors, please join us. We will be serving meals on September 12th. You can assist with the preparation of the meals, serving, visiting or all of the above. If you are interested or have questions, please see Keith Dhom, or Frank Schultz,.
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Annual CROP Hunger Walk
No one in this world should be hungry. That is why the CROP Hunger Walk is more than just a yearly gathering. It is a 55 year old movement made up of compassionate people in more than 500 communities across the US. The funds raised provide life-saving support including emergency food and resources, along with seeds, tools and programs helping families feed themselves in the future.
The Walk begins and ends at Third Presbyterian Church, 1030 N 7th Street, October 6th, with check-in at 1:00 and the Walk beginning at 1:30 pm. There is easy parking across the street and the church will be open for rest rooms. Everyone who donates will receive a beautiful free t-shirt, thanks to a generous donor.
CROP Walk volunteers have been dedicated to fighting hunger in Springfield and around the world for many years. Last year, our Walk raised $13,064 with $3,269 being distributed locally, primarily to Kumler Neighborhood Ministries and our church supported Grace Lutheran Food Pantry. You can donate when participating in the Walk or by giving your donation to Don Ecklund who will make sure you get your free t-shirt. Many thanks to everyone who supports CROP Hunger Walk.
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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance leads online service filled with prayers for victims and survivors
by Darla Carter | Presbyterian News Service
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance led a worship service this week in honor of people all over the world who have been affected by natural disasters or other tragedies, from tornadoes to gun violence.
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The Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, director of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (Photo by Rich Copley) | |
Contacting Staff During Renovation
Even though some of us may not always be in the building you can reach us by phone at home.
Just dial 217-528-4311
and put in the extension of the person you are trying to reach.
Pastor Susan x1020
Chaplain Tim x1030
Bookkeeper (Tara) x1050
Church Office (Michelle) x4
Facilities Manager (Tom) x1040
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Chris Y.
Aaron C.
Skylar J.
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All events are via Zoom unless otherwise specified.
Christian Formation Committee Meeting 5:00
Communication Committee Meeting 5:30
Earth Care Team meeting 6:00 commons
Worship Committee Meeting 2:30
Mission Committee Meeting 5:30 Sally R. House
Wednesday Worship Service 5:30 Peace Garden
Finance Committee Meeting 6:00
September 15
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Zoom Service 9:00 Zoom
Reverend Susan Phillips to lead Service 10:45 Sanctuary
NOTE: Links to all events are attached to items on the church calendar .
If you click on the Zoom link in the calendar the invitation will open.
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August 2024 | Zoom= 94 | Sanct.= 202 | Wed.= 36 | Total= 332 | August 2023 | Zoom= 138 | Sanct.= 194 | Wed.= 79 | Total= 411 | Last Week | Zoom =17 | Sanct. = 51 | Wed. = | Total = | | |
How to Join a Zoom Meeting
From your computer, cell phone or tablet:
Click the link provided.
To join a Zoom meeting via telephone:
Dial number given for the meeting. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID provided followed by #.
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Different Ways to Give
Thank you to everyone that shares in the Joy of Generosity at First Presbyterian! There are several ways to support our ministries and many ministries to support. In order to ensure your gift is credited to the correct fund, please take a moment to include the following information when making a donation:
Writing a check – Add the fund name in the memo section (Capital Campaign, Peacemaking, Samaritan Ministry, etc.)
Online portal – Select “Other Donations” when entering the amount then enter the name of the fund in the Notes section
Text giving – Text “$10 CC” to 217-284-2546, this example is a $10 donation for the Capitol Campaign fund. Other commonly used text codes are: Pledge, SM (Samaritan Ministries), Donate (Non-pledge), Peace, Joy, OGHS, Pentecost and BB (Brown Bag)
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Church Contact Information
Our church numbers reach us even while we are working remotely.
Pastor Susan Phillips
217.528.4311 X 1020
Chaplain Tim Haworth
217.528.4311 X 1030
Bookkeeper, Tara Kaeding
217.528.4311 X 1050
Administrative Assistant, Michelle Hastings
217.528.4311 X 4
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321 South Seventh Street • Springfield, IL • 217.528.4311
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