A newsletter of the  Gold Humanism Honor Society
National Conference on Humanism-Early Registration Now Open; CME Offered 
We are excited to announce that we are offering CME credits for our GHHS National Conference, which will be held March 30-April 1 in Chicago, IL.  Register Now  and get a  discounted rate! 
"I was energized, motivated, humbled, and given hope through the voices and brain power of the attendees and presenters," participant prior conference.   Learn more, including schedule and workshop information.

Quantifying Gold: Humanism’s Impact on Leaders in Medicine

"Being a part of the Gold Humanism Honor Society is especially meaningful to me because the tenets of Gold represent who I want to be as a pediatrician, as an educator, as a mentor and as a person.  I find great joy in the incredible diversity of humanity.  I love people.  And, to be acknowledged for compassion, empathy and advocacy was the highest honor I can imagine."

Read more about Amy Fleming, M.D., Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and how humanism has contributed to her leadership, success, and innovation  in medical education. 

 Solidarity Week 2017- GOT PLANS?
Looking for great ideas to celebrate Solidarity Week?
Check out   our wonderful   Tell Me More® program and see  what others have done to celebrate. 
Complimentary Tell Me More®  kits are available here.
Chapter Award Finalists 
Kudos to the following Chapter Award finalists for their chapter accomplishments:

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomed. Sciences at U. of Buffalo
Eastern Virginia Medical School
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine
Wayne State University School of Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine

Keep up the great work!
Wear it Proud!
We are happy to announce the re-branding of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the Gold Humanism Honor Society. 

The redesigned GHHS pin reflects this re-branding and features a golden Mobius loop as a symbol of the continuous bond of trust, respect and communication that connects healthcare professionals with their patients when humanism is at the core of practice.

 Please click here to provide us with some updated contact information, including your mailing address, to allow us to send the pin to you.

Call to Action

Tell us your news.

Join our Facebook group! Students and advisors share photos, ideas and articles. We want to hear from you, too. 

Please update your profile in the GHHS directory and stay connected.
  Questions? Contact  michele@gold-foundation.org
GHHS Founders 
The Russell Berrie Foundation. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Anonymous
Stay Connected
  www.gold-foundation.org     |   201.567.7999
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