Getting to know our Teams
Last December, I agreed to take on the role of Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. I had been a member for less than a year; my predecessor had done an amazing job of getting everything in order. In my infinite wisdom, at the recent meeting, I suggested that each of the committees/teams of our church should spread the word about what they do via E-Grace. Well, now that I sit down to write this, it is far more complicated than anyone would think.
The SPR Committee is the Human Resources Department of the church, but it’s actually more than that. Yes, we set up the job descriptions and act as liaisons to each staff member, paid or volunteer, but what else do we do? Turns out, we are actually one of the support systems that keep the church and its staff running. We try to resolve kinks when they arise and we work with numerous other committees, teams and groups within the church to develop visions and action plans; we monitor how things are going from our end. This is becoming more important as churches in the Minnesota Conference are asked to study & digest the book, A Field Guide to Methodist Fresh Expressions – in other words, looking at the church from an “outside the box” perspective.
Our group is small, but active. If you have questions or ideas, feel free to talk with one of us: Nancy Adams, Lynne Clement, Marlowe Fortune, Abby Jacobs, and Sheena Rick; others join us on the committee because of their roles in the church – it’s a good group and know that we work hard and try to do our very best. Nancy Adams, Chair of SPR