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We are Invited to Galilee by Jesus

Pastor and theologian Walt Wangerin Jr. writes, "I know I’d read that passage a hundred times. But I’d never seen it. But I won’t miss it again."

But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you into Galilee. — Mark 16:7

Did you catch it? Read it again.

Now tell me if that’s not a hidden treasure!

If I might paraphrase the words, "Don’t stay here. Go, tell the disciples," then a pause and a smile. "And, especially tell Peter, that he is going ahead of you and will meet you in Galilee."

What a line!

It is as if all of heaven had watched Peter fall — denying even knowing Jesus three times and abandoning him as he went to the cross. But in these words, it is as if all of heaven wanted to help him back up again. "Be sure and tell Peter that he’s not left out." 

No wonder they call it the gospel of the second chance.

There are some scholars who say that the Gospel of Mark is really the transcribed notes and dictated thoughts of Peter. If this is true, then it was Peter himself who included these two words in the verse: "And Peter."

If these really are his words, I can’t help but imagine that the old fisherman had to brush away a tear and swallow a lump when he got to this point in the story. 

It's not every day that you get a second chance. Peter must have known that. 

It's not every day that you find someone who will give you a second chance — much less someone who will give you a second chance every day. 

But in Jesus, Peter found both. So can we! Easter is God’s second chance for all of us!  

Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!

— Father Mark

St. Ladislas is a welcoming Roman Catholic community that deepens our personal relationship with Jesus Christ by worshipping together, reaching out to others and building up the Kingdom of God as intentional disciples.

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