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April 25

Pastor's Minute

God Is Good

This week, I ask you to be a bit lenient with me regarding the contents of my newsletter

article. You see, it has been a momentous time for me.

Thirty five years ago this month (April 22, to be exact – see, I remember!) Tracey and I

were married in Chesapeake, Virginia at Grace Lutheran Church. Tracey’s dad was the

celebrant and the little church was full of friends and family from the church, from

relatives, and from co-workers (hers) and shipmates (mine – current and former). It was

the most important (and most memorable) day of my life.

Thirty years ago I retired from the US Navy, and we moved to Chicago for seminary in

September. Two months later, our daughter (who had been born in May) joined our

family in November that year. Another joyful day!

Twenty five years ago, I was ordained into the Christian ministry in January at Grace

Lutheran Church in Fort Washington, MD. Our son (also born in May) had joined our

family that year. Joy comes in threes!

This past week has been one of contemplation, evaluation and wonder. As I look back,

none of the things that have happened in my life went “according to (my) plan.”

Surprising moments, curves and turns on the road of life that encountered disappointments, disillusionments, and distractions always seemed to be made good. I have to admit I was not always the most faithful, trusting child of God in all of these times.

And yet, God has been good. Even in times of loss and sorrow, of pain and fear, I have

been blessed with being surrounded by love and prayer. God joined me to a most

encouraging, faith-filled partner who teaches me how to live as a disciple every single

day. We have been blessed with children who have grown into adults that we would like

to have as friends and neighbors. And we have been blessed with many new friends

and neighbors through the years who continually love us and support us. And you,

people of Good Shepherd, are among those friends and neighbors.

So gratitude is in order. Thank you seems to be insufficient, but it’s all I can do. Thanks

be to God. Thanks for the love. Thanks for all of you.

God is good!


Pr. Mark

New Banners

The sanctuary beautifully announces our Risen Lord with Alleluia Banners created by our 

Good Shepherd children.


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