Parents and Families,

This Sunday, we CELEBRATED God’s faithfulness, here’s why!

For more than 180 years, Trinity has served our community in the name of Jesus with excellence. And yet, RIGHT NOW is one of THE most exciting times in our recent history…


  • Because God has been blessing us with unprecedented enrollment, growing over 150% in the past four years,

  • And He has blessed us with the vision for beautiful facilities that will provide adequate space for our students and allow us to enhance our programs in so many ways...

  • And for the past 6 months, God has been working among our community members, inspiring them to give generously... Moving Trinity FORWARD!

  • And so, on Sunday, we CELEBRATED!

We celebrated how God has so far provided through generous church and school families a total of over $3M in cash and commitments on the way to our $6.5M goal. 

God is so good! God is at work in our people and we know He has so much more to do!

So, what’s next? And how can YOU as a school family become involved?

Because we have already experienced God moving in the hearts of his people, we know that God will continue to provide for Trinity in miraculous ways, big and small.

And that’s why we invite you to join us in being a part of God’s provision!

It is our sincere prayer and hope that 100% of our Trinity families will make a commitment to the Campaign.

Every family’s gift to the Trinity Forward campaign, no matter the amount, is important!

This Friday, your child will come home with an envelope and commitment card for you to join the campaign. We will also be mailing these out, watch your mailbox!

Please prayerfully consider how God can use your family to help move Trinity forward with a gift, or make a commitment to the campaign payable over three years.

How to make a gift or commitment to the Trinity Forward campaign:

  1. Be praying that God about how you and your family will make your commitment to the Campaign
  2. Learn more about the campaign plans at our Trinity Forward website
  3. Ask Dr. Seefeld or members of the Expansion and Communication Committee if you have any questions.
  4. Make your gift NOW here.


Fill out the Commitment Card that will be sent home with your child (and will come in the mail) and return to the front office BEFORE NOVEMBER 4!

Thank you for playing an important role in this historic moment for Trinity!

Dr. Seefeld

Watch the campaign video here!

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