God Who Bled and Died for Us

"Daughter, why do you persecute me, like Paul?"

And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.  It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,  and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,  even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:24-28

You must give to the nation. Ask, "What do you need? Let me provide whatever service you need." Even if the whole country came against you, you would have no shame and you could stand with dignity. I am simply saying that you must practice true love. SMM, "We Shall Live in the Original Homeland, July 1, 1974

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon by talking about the inspiration for his new King Bullethead rap “Miraculous.” We should have the absoluteness to be “God’s Yakuza” which kills demons. Even True Father said we are “God’s Mafia.”

The USA is exporting the “anus cult” around the world and massive deaths through needless wars. A proposed new draft could send our young people to fight abroad. We need to purge women and beta males from the military and from making decisions about war.

The transgender agenda is not new. It is a revival of ancient cults, which leads many women to become a murderer who kills her own children.

Baal is the rain/thunder god, like the lust-filled Zeus who threw lightning bolts and raping both men and women. Ishtar/Asherah “the queen of heaven,” the consort of Baal, is the goddess of fertility.

In contrast, wisdom is depicted in the Bible as an old woman, who is obedient to God. Young women should not be glorifying themselves in their nakedness, attracting boys like moths to a flame. In contrast we should build strong communities and families even if we are seen as enemies of the collectivists.

Sanctuary Service 6/9/2024

Christianity teaches us that God bled and died for us. Equality does not work when you have male armies of Islamists and Communists coming to kill you. Don’t mock the men who will defend you.

In the 1960s 90% of Americans said they believed in God, but now twice as many Gen Z say they are atheists as the general U.S. population. Some of them think satanism is cool. Their goal is not the sacrificial love of God, but lust for power or pleasure.

Hedonism does not build communities. It builds groups of predators. Jesus is like the ultimate combat vet who died for the people who hated him. True Father went to torture and prison for us. The essence of our community is teaching and practicing sacrificial love. It could be called “progressive sanctification.”

The government pays women to divorce men or never marry them to begin with. Some men think they should just play around, but then they are contributing to the degradation of society. Many are seeking covenantal marriages in churches where they are accountable to their community.

62nd Day of True All Things

Government is more likely to be a criminal cabal, than a priesthood. Our own government and Planned Parenthood buy dead baby body parts.

Trump, the leading opposition party candidate, is facing rigged trials, with misdemeanors treated as felonies. Dr. Phil, who interviewed Trump, said he has never seen anything like this, like what happens in corrupt banana republics.

In the Completed Testament Age Christians exercise their sovereignty. President Bukele of El Salvador, who was interviewed by Tucker Carlson,  stopped crime by going after criminal gangs, which used to be the murder capital of the world. Now it is the safest place in the western hemisphere.

Pres. Bukele said the first thing in my economic program is to pray to God. When he was running for president, the main party banned his opposition party. So he jumped to another party and then to another, before he finally won. Then he fired the corrupt Attorney General. Then he released the police to lock up 70,000 gang members which constituted the criminal cartel who had the nation paralyzed in its grip. Now he has been re-elected by a landslide. 

He spoke about the testimony of a 2nd Gen sister, who loves Jesus and True Father as the returning lord. She went to a Christian camp in the countryside with 100 Christians. They confronted her about her Unificationist beliefs and convened a deliverance ceremony where she denounced Sun Myung Moon, her blessing, etc. Afterwards she went on a Christian mission trip to the Philippines. She rebuked Sun Myung Moon in Jesus’ name for several months, but she kept on seeing True Father. She was paralyzed. She heard voice “daughter, why do you persecute me, like Paul?” Now she and her husband coming back to True Father’s authority.

“Miraculous” King Bullethead

He then led us in contemplative prayer: we must come back to gratitude, not to worry, despair, etc. The bible says to come with praise and thanksgiving. We glorify your Name. Father, we thank you for all you have done. You were tortured for teaching and preaching the truth of God. You were put into solitary confinement, electrocuted and underwent the “airplane crucifixion.” You went that path to redeem humanity. You walked the path of 10,000 crosses so your children could be saved. We saw your footsteps filled with blood. 

You tell us to pray for our enemies so that our hearts are trained to be more like Yours. We are reminded in 1 Cor 8 to not be a stumbling block to others.

We need you in this season, more than ever. We are facing the most important election in world history. You teach us through hardship to become more brave. We become purified by wearing Your mantle and to be “wrapped” in Christ, in His garment.

We must forsake all the traps and surrender to God. Your burden is light, forgiving our sins and those who have hurt us. Bless our enemies so they can come to your love. We are ready to follow your sacrificial path and make you the center of our lives.


Jesus Should Have Had Children!

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Armed Forces Brewing Co.-Alan Beal TKR Interview

Gregory Stenstrom- Mail In Ballot Fraud Exposed

Richard Gage - 9/11 Truth

Interview with Steve Stern

John Stubbins- American Anarchy

True Father Prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his Successor

by Jim Stephens

This article will present the evidence that I can clearly see which shows that True Father trained and prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor.

Just as Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, True Father could foresee that Hyun Jin (Preston) and then later Hak Ja Han were going to betray him.

True Father knew all his life by the Principle of Creation that he had to establish God’s lineage on the earth in order to build the Kingdom of God.

He spoke extensively about “love, life, and lineage.” Therefore he knew that he had to have a lineage and thus a successor to carry on after he passed to the Spirit World.

After the many failures of a long line of John the Baptist figures, True Father must have realized that God’s Kingdom was not going to be established during his physical lifetime.

(read rest of Jim Stephen's essay)

Woke Hanism Contradicts DP!

by Peter Daly

FFWPU lecturer Robert Kittel gave a presentation explaining Hak Ja Han’s new ‘Only Begotten Daughter' theology. He said that in the Divine Principle, the Tree of Life means Perfect Adam, and so the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means Perfect Eve. He said that when he joined the church in 1975 he was taught wrongly that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means immature Eve before the Fall.

His claim is wrong according to the Divine Principle because, throughout all the time when Father was alive, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was always understood to be immature Eve before the Fall, ‘Good and Evil’ indicating the two possible ways she could have gone.

In any case, the Tree of Life only meant Adam in perfection and we know he never reached perfection, so clearly the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil standing next to the Tree of Life meant immature Eve. If it was perfect Eve, as Robert Kittel states, then how could a perfect woman fall?

(Read rest of article.)

"Let My People Go" by Dr. David Clements Eye-opening documentary about the 2020 Selection!


Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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