
God Ordained Fathers

In a society where masculinity is under attack, TIE wants to celebrate Biblical masculinity. Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvery Church Chino Hills, describes this as a man of God standing up in our culture today with a sense of purpose, and who never apologizes for Biblical masculinity (click HERE to see a fun Prager U video on masculinity in Pastor Hibbs' sermon).

The sacrificial love of a father is a testament to the dedication and commitment to his family. It is a selfless love that prioritizes their families' needs, often at the expense of their own comfort and desires. This a reflection of God's unconditional love for us.

Our culture pushes against fatherhood, yet we know in Proverbs 20:7 that fathers are like the righteous man that walks in integrity. In Ephesians 6:4, they are to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. God gives us examples of fathers in the Bible, like Abraham, who is known as the father of faith (Genesis 12:25), Noah, who led his family with obedience to God (Genesis 6-9), and Joseph, (Jesus' earthly father), a model of righteousness and obedience (Mathew 1:19-25).

It is a tall order to be a father, but God equips us for what He calls us to through scripture and our obedience to Him.

From the Heart

Some of TIE's County Directors shared heartfelt comments made by their children about their fathers.

Izzy: "Funny, caring, works hard."

Lucas: "Dependable, reliable, common sense."

Ethan: "Lets me beat him in Sudoku (sometimes) and always

comes straight home from work."

Olivia: "My Papa is fun, loving, creative, and adventurous!"

John: "My dad is funny and likes to play outside with me."

Courtney: "My dad always stops to listen to me."

Taylor: "My dad loves me."

Jackie: "My dad reads with me at night."

Truth In Education's God-given purpose is to stand for truth and fight for the rights of parents and children in the public, private, and many Christian schools against the insanity that is being pushed on our children. I am so grateful for my husband's support of what we are doing and for the father he has been to our children. Today our family gets to celebrate our son's first Father's Day with our new grandchild.

TIE's reasons to stand are not just for this generation, but for generations to come. Thank you for your continued encouragement, prayer, and support.

Truth In Education is a 501(C)3 - Your donations are tax deductible.

2400 Old Milton Parkway, Unit 1173, Alpharetta, GA 30009

Your personal information is never shared or sold.

Truth In Education (TIE) is in the battle to protect children, empower parents, and educate for liberty.

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