Here we are in the 3rd month of the 1st Quarter, how are you? Need to re-group or you are running full stream ahead. Are
YOU in 'your lane' of growth, peace and happiness? Or, have you strayed into someone else's lane? Make your necessary corrections, dust yourself off and get moving on
YOUR right direction.
I am, also, posting weekly tip series on
[ search @gloriajean_brown ] Please feel free to follow me.
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1. Be confident in what you want to do; and how you set your steps to accomplish your goals and dreams.
2. Who do you have assisting you on your journey? They say you are the average of the 5 persons you spend the most time with! Who are they?
3. Your
behavior style helps you to know your STRENGTHS -
YOUR strengths are what you should be working from ... not someone else's.
4. Become an expert in your area of 'gifting'/knowledge/vocation. It could be video games; it could be accounting; it could be time management; it could be space exploration.
What do you do well and makes you happy in the doing?
5. Now ... go and do!!