July 2021
Club projects are the lead story this month in the “Spotlight.”  Several of our Clubs in Africa, and the Middle East had some outstanding projects in June. The Lake Victoria Optimist Club of Uganda conducted a food drive for needy young people in their area. The Club is also working to raise funds so CPAP machines can be donated to medical facilities in their part of the country to benefit young people. Check out their Facebook page for more information. The Mothers of Tomorrow Optimist Club in Uganda was also in the service spirit in June, working on a youth counseling project at a local school. Thirty eight students participated telling Club members issues they faced regarding youth relationships, which lead to teenage pregnancies, school dropout, and the lack of basic needs due to high level of poverty in the area.
In Ghana, The Optimist Club in the Oti Region of the country conducted a mental health information campaign at a local school.  The Club also held a supply drive for a local medical facility consisting of blankets, wheelchairs, and some other essentially needed items.
To the North in the Middle East, the North Tripoli Optimist Club of Lebanon came together for its first project that had an environmental emphasis. The Club worked alongside another agency and members of the Lebanese Army for a beach cleanup effort near Tripoli.
Meanwhile, New Club development activity continued in June in both Asia and the Middle East.  The Optimist Club of Hong Kong became part of the Optimist family. It is the first Club ever for Optimist International in that region. The Club's focus is primarily going to be around the Oratorical competition. The Club is being sponsored by the Sunrise Optimist Club of San Diego.
The expansion of Optimist International in the Middle East is proceeding full steam ahead and for the moment in Lebanon. The Al Iklim Optimist Club organized with 15 members at the beginning of June of this year, thanks to the sponsorship of the Optimist International Club of Beirut and the Dorwood Optimist Club in Ohio. The end of the month brought with it the organization of the 15 member Shabab City Optimist Club in the Bekaa Valley. Optimist International Club of Lebanon was again the sponsor, and this time co-sponsorship is coming from the Watertown, South Dakota Optimist Club. There are now six Clubs in Lebanon and expectations are for at least two more before the end of July of this year.
Administrative Corner
This is a very important message to all Club officers. You are encouraged to review your Club’s financial standing with Optimist International. Those Clubs that still owe Optimist International dues for current fiscal year should make every effort to make payment within the next 60 days. Failure to do so will only compound problems for the Club when the new year begins October 1st 2021, and another year of dues for the new Optimist year is invoiced on top of what is already owed. Officers should also review their Club roster for names of people no longer interested in being a member. Those names need to be removed from the roster to prevent the Club from being billed for those people in the new year. If there are any questions regarding these matters, please send them to jim.boyd@optimist.org