January 2021
New Year of Growth and Possibilities
The new year brings great expectations for global development of Optimist International through the organization of new Clubs in existing countries and new countries too.  The Optimist mission and vision came to 10 countries during the global pandemic.
The latest is the Optimist Club of Jordan, sponsored by the Optimist Club of Lebanon and the Two Rivers Optimist Club in Wisconsin. The Caribbean District was also in new Club building mode, with the Optimist Club of Pelicans organized in Kingston, Jamaica, thanks to the sponsorship of the Crossroads and Fusion Optimists Clubs in Jamaica.
The holiday spirit was evident in December, with many of our Clubs making their community a better place. The Optimist Club of Lebanon, with help from its sponsor, the Optimist Club of Fort Smith Arkansas, provided food, clothing, and gifts to 70 young people with special needs at the Al Amar Institute for the Disabled in Beirut. 
“During these hard days, your exceptional acts of kindness filled the hearts of residents with happiness and smiles,” said Chairman Nassib El Solh. The Optimist Club of Beirut was also in the holiday spirit outing on a recital of holiday music with some help from its sponsor, the Optimist Club of North Platte Nebraska.
In Africa, the Optimist Club of Kisumu Kenya visited a children’s home to spread holiday cheer, while the Oti Region Optimist Club of Ghana spent the holiday season delivering donated clothing and footwear to 10 towns in its area of the country.  
Meanwhile, members of the Optimist Club of Kampala, Uganda volunteered their time at the Good Samaritan Home of the Bakateyamba, which cares for disabled people. In the Caribbean, The Royal Optimist Club of Kingston along with the University of the West Indies Pelicans Optimist Club conducted a food and clothing drive for people in need in their area.
On Christmas day, Junior International Optimists were hard at work in Sri Lanka. Several members delivered holiday treats to an orphanage in the capital of Colombo, spreading Optimist cheer to the children.
Educational Opportunities

The International Development Committee continues its educational series of webinars with two in the month of January. 

Junior Optimist International will be the topic on:
January 6, 2021 at 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM Central time
Junior Optimist International President Sophie-Chanel Bourre’ will be joined by committee member Mark Claussen of Nebraska for the presentation.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.  Junior Optimist International
When: Jan 6, 2021 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

International Activities topic on:
January 21, 2021 at 8;30 AM and 1:30 PM Central time.
International Activities Chair Gerri Barnett of Iowa will provide insights into the programs of Optimist International that can be utilized by Optimist Clubs throughout the world. 

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Junior Optimist International
When: Jan 6, 2021 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Each session is designed to last 30-45 minutes and requires pre-registration which you can do here (insert hyperlink to registration links)
Administrative Corner

This segment has often been used in the past as a means to try to make certain our Optimist Clubs outside North America have their Clubs in good administrative and financial condition. This month, Optimist International will send out invoices to Clubs formed between October and December, and will send a reminder to those Clubs that already received invoices. Club officers should review these and create a plan to make a prompt payment of the dues owed by the Club. Your attention to this subject is critical for the continued smooth operations of Optimist International. Thank you in advance for making this a priority.