Get ready for cooler weather
'Tis the Season for Dry Eye to Rear Its Ugly Head
Our community works hard and complains very little!  Read to find out how you and your family can be more comfortable this fall season.
Is it Quantity or Quality of Tears that cause Dry Eye symptoms?
W ell, it depends.  We often think when our eyes are dry, it is because we don't have enough moisture or tears to lubricate the ocular surface. But the problem may actually be the  quality  of tears you are producing

If the tears evaporate too quickly or do not spread evenly over the cornea due to deficiencies with any of the three tear layers, dry eye symptoms can develop. The three layers that make up the tear layer are: 
  1. Oil Layer: this layer maintains tears on the surface of the eye and avoid evaporation.
  2. Aqueous Layer: this is the watery layer that contains water and proteins and makes up the majority of the tear volume and is responsible for tear spreading.
  3. Mucous Layer: this layer acts as an anchor to hold the tear film to the eye.
What is the Quality of Your Tears
This new laboratory test assesses the quality of tears by checking the concentration of your tear film. Our technicians perform this quick and easy in-house test and provide results to our doctors within minutes.Our doctors use the results as a tool to guide treatment of your dry eye symptoms. 

Learn more >
Tips to Keep Your Eyes Nourished
          • Stay hydrated
          • Increase humidity in the air at home and at work.
          • Follow the 20/20 rule: Take a visual break every 20 minutes by looking 20 feet away. Great tip for kids and adults!
          • Don't forget to blink! We tend not to blink when on digital devices.
          • Wear sunglasses outdoors to protect from wind and sun
          • Supplement with essential fatty acids. We carry a product in-house that our doctors prescribe; email to order -