

The Breast Cancer Assistance Group of Monterey County (BCAG) has long maintained a special relationship with the Food Bank for Monterey County. The Food Bank’s Breast Care Patient Food Assistance Program provides essential groceries to breast cancer patients and their families as they undergo treatment and recovery.  

Recently BCAG received a very generous offer from a long-standing supporter of both BCAG and the Food Bank for Monterey County. This supporter has offered to match every dollar donated to the Food Bank in support of BCAG up to $15,000.   

Did you know that every $100 donated to the Food Bank for Monterey provides $600 worth of food to families struggling financially? Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, demand and need for food in our community has increased by 400%. This offer to double every donation has the potential to provide thousands of dollars worth of food to breast cancer patients throughout Monterey County.  

100% of your donation to the BCAG MATCH FUND will go to
feed breast care patients and their families. 
Please make checks payable to:

The Food Bank for Monterey County (NOTE: BCAG MATCH FUND)
P.O. Box 3965 
Salinas, CA 93912

Or online at Food for Monterey County. Please designate your donation is being made in support of the BCAG Matching Fund.

The Food Bank’s federal tax identification number is 77-027-0228

Thank you for helping BCAG meet this very generous offer!
We couldn’t do it without you!
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with breast cancer and would like to apply for a grant from BCAG, please visit our website for more information and to download a grant application.
Breast Cancer Assistance Group of Monterey County Phone: 831-649-6365 Fax:866-219-8561   
About BCAG
BCAG is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of breast cancer survivors who raise funds and awareness to improve the lives of local breast cancer patients and their families. BCAG provides basic living expenses grants (for food, rent, gas, utilities, etc.) that relieve some of the financial worry associated with breast cancer and allows women (and men) to focus on fighting their disease so they can again spend quality time with family and return to the local workforce. BCAG serves residents of Monterey County who are being treated by physicians located anywhere and residents of Monterey, San Benito or Santa Cruz counties who are being treated by Monterey County physicians.