#GivingTuesday is a global movement for giving. A day at the start of the giving season, where the world supports causes that mean the most to them.

You are an important member of HSLM community, which is why we are reaching out to you today. Without your support, the work we do for the well-being of animals within the shelter would not be possible! Whether you contribute financially, through volunteering or by sharing our message, your ongoing dedication is essential in helping to build a humane and compassionate community for all animals.
Giving is more than making a
donation, it's making a difference!
This #GivingTuesday we asking for your help to continue making the difference for at-risk animals in your community by gifting a financial donation to HSLM. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to support shelter pets. Every dollar will aid in providing nutritional meals, life-saving surgeries and warm beds to pets in our shelter.

In a year where we have been socially distant, we must remember that we are all in this together. Our strength is unity and we will continue to overcome the challenges. Your ongoing support is immensely appreciated and does not go unnoticed. On behalf of the animals we thank you.

Your generosity today will change the lives of at-risk animals in your community tomorrow!
You give, they get...

A common problem facing our shelter is the need for additional medical treatments for incoming pets. Most surrendered animals require an update on their vaccines or spay/neuter surgery. On average, each animals stay at HSLM costs approximately $650.

These costs are part of our budgeted spending each year to make sure our pets are at optimal health before they leave the shelter. However, as we have increased our fundraising we have been able to complete a higher volume of additional surgeries to improve a pets health and increase their adoptability.
Dental disease is a common and treatable health problem for shelter pets. Periodontal disease, like gingivitis or gum disease and fractures from hard chew toys are common ailments for shelter dogs. Abscessed teeth, gum disease and tooth resorption impact felines. Left untreated, these minor dental issues can lead to major health complications impacting the heart and liver. These procedures can cost anywhere between $600 - $2,000 depending on the severity.

In the past HSLM was only able to complete these surgeries if it was absolutely necessary, if an animal was otherwise healthy we would work with their future adopter and inform them of the treatment their new pet would require post adoption. Taking on additional medical costs post adoption could be a deterrent and sometimes resulted in a pet being passed over leading to longer time in the shelter while they wait for their potential match.
Since increasing our fundraising efforts and thanks to our growing PAW Monthly Donors we have been able to help more and more pets with their dental needs. Pets like Woody!

Woody, is a 2-year old domestic shorthair who came to HSLM this summer. This friendly, cuddly boy was shy at first but quickly warmed up after lots of love and chin scratches. Our Animal Health team knew that for Woody to be successful in his adoption he needed a tooth extraction to ease his pain and improve his health. Having the funds available to help Woody in his time of need is all thanks to our generous donors!

You can help pets like Woody this #GivingTuesday!