5th Circuit Judge Exposes Secrets of Abortion Industry
Today is Giving Tuesday! Louisiana Right to Life is your voice for life in Louisiana . Help our voice be heard louder through our state by supporting us with a donation!

In a decision last week from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod parted the curtain just a bit on dark secrets of the abortion industry. Sadly, the Shreveport abortion facility has tried to keep these potentially illegal activities hidden behind the robes of federal judges, including potential live births at abortion facilities, statutory rape, unauthorized abortions on minors, and more. Obama-appointed judges in Baton Rouge are hiding critical information from law enforcement and the Supreme Court. It is time the curtain was torn down, especially ahead of the critical Supreme Court case set for March 4, 2020! Learn more.
For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper
Choose Life License Plates Help Provide Funding for 22 State Agencies in 2019
Have you seen a Choose Life license plate on the road? Do you have one on your vehicle? If not, please consider making the switch. For each two-year Choose Life plate issued by the state of Louisiana, $50 goes to agencies working with mothers who are considering adoption for their unborn babies. This year, 22 agencies split $44,000.

Will You Help Our College Students Share the Pro-Life Message on College Campuses?
Giving Tuesday is today, and we hope you will consider a gift to Louisiana Right to Life through #GivingTuesday or #IGiveCatholic . Your support goes directly toward helping us help our pro-life college students share the message on their college campuses! Just as you see on the sign (left) posted at Louisiana Tech at Halloween, pro-abortion groups are fighting back stronger than ever on our campuses.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is Jan. 19, 2020, and we encourage churches to observe this day, held near the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in the U.S 47 years ago. We have provided these resources, including bulletin inserts, to make your observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday even more special.
Please join us for the first Cenla Proudly Pro-Life Dinner, to be held Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020, on the campus of Louisiana College in Pineville. This event is an outgrowth of the Cenla Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast, held the past several years. Former abortionist Dr. Haywood Robinson will be guest speaker. Sponsorships and tickets are now available.
On March 4, 2020, Louisiana will be at the U.S. Supreme Court defending its 2014 law requiring abortion businesses to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, just like all other outpatient surgical facilities. Why should the Supreme Court play favorites with abortion facilities? Please sign our petition to the Supreme Court to end abortion loopholes!
There is still plenty of time to register to attend the 50th Anniversary Pro-Life Gala, set for Jan. 18, 2020, in downtown New Orleans. The gala will feature a ctor and producer Kirk Cameron as keynote speaker, and Republican Whip Steve Scalise will be honored with the 2020 Proudly Pro-Life Award. An after-party with the Peyton Falgoust Band is also planned.
The Louisiana Life Marches 2020 are set, with five marches around the state in January and February. While some logistics are still being worked out, dates are finalized and plans are now in the works. Find out which march is near you and please make plans to attend!
Are you looking for that perfect Christmas gift for that someone special? We can help! Visit our store for Pro-Life T-shirts, bumper stickers and magnets and calendars, give the gift of a Luminary membership or make a donation to Louisiana Right to Life in someone's honor.
Upcoming Events
Jan., Feb., 2020

March 6-8, 2020

April 21, 2020
Bowties for Babies
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife