Fellowship Square provides affordable housing and services for older adults.
JULY 2020
Hunter Woods Renovation Update
Act Now to Support Seniors
Volunteer Highlights
Donate Today!
Resident Life
Christy's Corner
Welcome Summer Interns
COVID-19 Resources
construction site
Hunters Woods Project
Safely Back on Schedule
Planning for the renovation of Hunters Woods Fellowship House was a two-year-long venture taken on by the Hunters Woods Board of Directors and Fellowship Square’s senior leadership. The property’s condition and repair needs were analyzed, and input from residents, staff, and management was obtained.  Working together with architects and engineers, two phases of the project were identified:   Phase I  includes ‘essential’ repairs;  Phase II  includes modernization and more cosmetic improvements.  Financing to pay for the project was applied for, and the loan closed in January.

Even with all that,  the Board was clear that the residents' safety is the first priority  of this project and there would be no compromises on that. They are taking this process very seriously. Infectious disease specialists were consulted on safety protocols and the contractor has implemented stringent sanitation practices. Fellowship Square, the Board and Management were convinced that construction could proceed safely.

Phase I Interior Work  – On April 7, the Board approved an Isolated Scope of Work pertaining to exterior improvements, the basement and the public restrooms. An additional safety plan was approved to convert the Dining Hall into a “Relaxation Zone” to accommodate up to 20 residents at a time (with social distancing and all other safety protocols in place) while in-unit replacement of air conditioning units was done, starting late July. Frequent communication with residents and their families has begun, and weekly zoom meetings are conducted for residents and families to discuss questions and concerns.

Phase II will be completed at a later date – once it is deemed safe to do so.
Act Now!
Woman pushing older woman in wheelchair
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted older adults and their care providers across the country and Congress has not done enough to support them.

Please join Fellowship Square and LeadingAge Virginia to urge Congress to pass comprehensive COVID-19 relief for all providers and the older adults they serve.  

Please  make a request to Virginia’s senators and representatives to support aging services by including:

  • $100 billion allocation specifically for aging services providers to cover additional costs for PPE, cleaning supplies, staffing, and other needs associated with coronavirus. Priority access to PPE and testing, without which our residents, clients, and staff continue to be at significant and avoidable risk.
  • $1.2 billion housing package to provide for rent and staffing supports, Service Coordinators, WiFi capability, and other assistance for the more than 1.1 million older adults served by federally-assisted housing.
  • A funding source that specifically provides “hazard pay” for frontline workers.
  • Additional funding and some loosening of restrictions on the loan programs that have been set up to support providers as they fight coronavirus and struggle to survive beyond the crisis.
  • Compensation for home health telehealth visits and increased access to telehealth and technology across aging settings. 
  • Grants to support Medicaid HCBS providers and PACE programs, to strengthen care and services in the home for vulnerable older persons and persons with disabilities.
  • A 12% FMAP increase. Enhance the Medicaid federal matching share from the initial increase of 6.2 percentage points to 12 percentage points.
  • A charter and funding for a post-COVID Bipartisan Congressional Commission to develop a legislative strategy that establishes a planful infrastructure of aging services that is adequately financed, promotes quality of care and quality of life, and enables all Americans to grow old with dignity.
Help us ensure Congress includes these needed resources in the next coronavirus legislation.
Volunteer Highlights
The ‘Check-In and Chat’ Volunteer Program continues to grow with more and more volunteers making calls to our senior Fellowship Square residents.  Recently, Diane Beatley , Fellowship Square’s Volunteer Coordinator, talked with a ‘Check-In and Chat’ volunteer and a resident receiving calls about the program. Here’s some of what they had to share: 
man in a striped shirt
According to our Volunteer named Joe :

“The program appealed to me because it offered a unique way of assisting and supporting others during the pandemic. Over time, a friendly relationship has developed.  The telephone calls provide an additional avenue of communication to address a number of issues and general topics from social to personal concerns. I find the calls to the residents to be very rewarding both for me and the recipients.  I would highly recommend the program.  We all need some aspect of social interaction - especially for the many who are isolated. The calls provide an additional outlet for expression and demonstrate an outside concern for the residents.”
Hunters Woods Fellowship House resident Lillian agreed that the telephone call experience has been very pleasant and sincere. She said the calls help fill a void in the day, not due to age, but to have something to look forward to; the surrounding care helps during the self-isolation.  She has developed a friendly relationship with volunteer Joe and appreciates the time he takes to listen. 

If you or someone you know would like to make calls to senior residents, please visit  www.fellowshipsquare.org/volunteers  for more information. We especially need volunteers who are bilingual in English and Chinese, Korean, Farsi or Russian.
Your Financial Support Makes
Our Work Possible
We are always grateful for your generous donations in support of our mission — to provide quality, affordable housing for seniors in need. Please make a gift today to help us continue this work.

Thank you!
closeup view of 2 hands clasped with 2 hands holding arms
Fellowship Square Residents
Are Resilient and Stay Busy
During this Time of Social Isolation
woman in mask holding a dog
Lake Anne Fellowship House

During the past few months as COVID-19 safety rules are in place, Ms. Parada has taken daily walks with her Toy Poodle, Poquito, around Lake Anne.  She took in Poquito when he was 3 months old and they have been living together for the last 12 years.
Man in orange shirt holding a mask
Largo Landing Fellowship House

Mr. Donnie B. has resided at Largo Landing Fellowship House for a little over a year.  He expressed that he enjoyed the atmosphere here before the pandemic began, but his way of life has changed daily and now he keeps busy at home by reorganizing his photos and images dating back to the early sixties! The vast number of photographs he shot were taken mostly during his 20 year stretch while working at the Washington Post and traveling all around the world. The ‘Digital Age’ allows him to print and/or email his pictures so that later he can share his experiences with his grandson. 
Man in sunglasses outside in a pose
Hunters Woods Fellowship House

Mr. Xu is a Tai Chi instructor and could always be found teaching/leading classes for many of the HWFH residents as well as residents in the surrounding community.  COVID-19 has brought all classes to a screeching halt – due to social distancing rules. Mr. Xu discontinued all classes for the safety of his students and himself.  
Mr. Xu has found his way out onto the patio area once again conducting weekly classes with only one student… himself!  When he is not able to go outside to the patio area, he continues his routine in the common area on his floor. Mr. Xu believes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially during the pandemic, as Tai chi promotes flexibility, balance, strength and reduces stress.  When he is not conducting Tai chi, he can be found taking brisk walks through the community.
garden plots
Lake Ridge
Fellowship House

For the past 4 years, Ms. Susan C. has been utilizing the wonderful garden space in the back of the LRFH building. She started gardening back in 1987 when she got her first house in the States. She comes out very early in the morning and finds it fun to grow her own flowers, hot peppers, sesame seed leaves, Korean watercress, and spring and wild onion. These gardens have given her a therapeutic outlet during this time.
Woman outside in garden with hanging plants in foreground
Be There - Virtually
Christy Zeitz headshot
The heat wave continues, as do new cases of COVID-19. Even though states are opening, all four Fellowship House apartment buildings remain closed to non-essential visitors with no changes in safety protocols or programming that we put in place mid-March. Fortunately, the residents and staff are adjusting to the “new normal,” are staying safe and following all social distancing guidelines.  We are thankful everyone remains healthy with few confirmed cases of the virus. 

Johns Hopkins University published  a recent article  on the virus’ impact on older adults – and it helps to remind us why we cannot yet let our guard down. This Fall and beyond will continue to be a challenge to all of us. A vaccine cannot come soon enough! 

Even while we help residents adjust to the new routines of daily living, we cannot underestimate the impact the new social norms are having on their mental outlook. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to depression and other mental health struggles. Staff are reimaging our engagement strategies and putting activities in place to help keep residents busy and distracted from focusing on the downside of life as we now know it. 

We continue to be blessed and grateful for the many donors, supporters and partners we have working hand-in-hand with us on these efforts. We are working on new volunteer opportunities and planning our fundraising campaigns to reach a “virtual” audience instead of in-person. We know that we are all struggling to find our ‘happy spot’ under these new circumstances. We appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to working with you in the days ahead. 

With sincere appreciation,
Christy Zeitz signature
Christy Zeitz
Meet Our Summer Interns!
Headshot of Rachel
Rachael Powell
Marketing, Communications and Volunteer Intern

Rachael is currently a Human Nutrition, Food and Exercise major at Virginia Tech.  In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in physical therapy.  She has always had an interest in health, fitness and well-being. She wants to use her passions to help others and assist them with becoming the best versions of themselves. Rachael feels that working as an intern for Fellowship Square has been an amazing opportunity because she has the chance to make an impact on others and help support her community.
Headshot of Stephen
Stephen Esse
Resident Program Intern

Stephen, returning for a second time to Fellowship Square as a summer intern, recently graduated from South Lakes High School and will be attending the University of Mary Washington this fall. He was a member of the Cross Country and Track Teams in High School and will continue running for the Mary Washington Cross Country Team when sports at his new university resume. Stephen enjoys reading, running and painting miniature models. He also recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts.
headshot of Shailee
Shailee Patel
Resident Program Intern

Shailee is a recent graduate from George Mason University and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Community Health.  She is passionate about public health and helping others live the best lives that they can.  One of her favorite things to do is travel; she has been to 15 countries so far and hopes to continue visiting more!  The three favorite countries she has been to are Costa Rica, Thailand, and Switzerland. Shailee plans to get her Master’s degree in the near future in Public Health or Health Administration.
Check out our COVID-19 Resources
Reminder: If you have a Thrivent account, please designate Fellowship Square for donations

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