'Tis The Season
December 2016
Scroll to bottom for events!

It's celebration season! At this time of year there are countless ways to celebrate, including indulging in delightful treats. When you're making those delicious decisions, keep this quote in mind: 
"Eat what you LOVE, leave what you like. "  Truly food for thought!
Pssssst...have you heard?

Healthy Living Revolution
Healthy Living Revolution
About our Healthy Living Revolution?

This is going to be exciting! The Juice Plus+ Company is rolling out a new program, full of tips, support and inspirational stories on how to #takehealthyback. And if you have children, they can get involved as well!

Details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, watch this video for some beautiful inspiration. #takehealthyback

This holiday season, tune in by unplugging!  All it takes is a simple click of the "off" button to tune out phone calls, emails and text messages. Did you know that every time you're interrupted, your brain has to reconstruct what you were doing?

The consequences of not unplugging, according to psychiatrist Dr. Ned Hallowell, is ADT, Attention Deficit Trait. ADT is sweeping through contemporary culture and time is lost, impatience and irritability reign, and productivity declines. Dr. Hallowell offers coping strategies in his book CrazyBusy.  The chief lesson he encourages: regain control. We can't jump off this speeding train, but perhaps we can slow it down. Read more...
Resist those bugs!

wash hands
We all want to stay as healthy as possible during the holidays.  Here's your reminder that one of the best ways to resist those bugs is to wash your hands often. According to the CDC, k eeping hands clean is one of the most  important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds (sing "Happy Birthday" twice!). Read CDC article .
tower garden
Eat Green When Traveling

If your holiday travels bring to you to Pittsburgh this year, be sure to check out the Tower Garden growing at the Hilton Garden Inn, Pittsburgh University Place.

Their Chef has been growing organic lettuces and herbs in the Tower Garden to enhance their guests' dining experience. What a gem to find when you're traveling...eating fresh greens is a wonderfully delicious way to keep your immune system healthy this winter!

And if you'd like to give the gift that keeps on GROWING all year, contact me for more information on the Tower Garden.  You don't need to own a hotel to enjoy local produce all year 'round!
Are you perplexed about what to give your friends & family this year? Here's a great idea for you!

jp gift

Salad in a Jar Parties!

salad in a jar

The Season

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."  ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
Thank you for reading my newsletter. Please contact me if you want more information about Healthy Living, Healthy Growing or starting a Healthy Business!

Rachel Smartt
Rachel Smartt, Naturopathic Doctor
Nat'l Marketing Director &Juice Plus+
Text/mobile  404-664-5497


Snacking option with zero calories...enjoy!

snow falling