Ministry & Mission Matters
Weekly News
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" We could feel the Holy Spirit at work. It was a living example of the Holy Spirit shining its light on how we can live in Christ - the message of Pentecost which would be celebrated the next day...” | | |
Blog Post by Diane McCullough
Moderator of Dismantling Racism and White Privilege (DRAWP) Team
Member at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church
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A Top Ten List for Experimenting With
One Gathering a Year In-Person Only
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"...At the last Gathering Planning Team meeting, the team charged with organizing our presbytery gatherings decided to introduce an experiment for this August—this one gathering will be completely in-person! This is a change from what has been normalized as our practice since 2020, but will only be for this one gathering..."
Rev. Ryan J. Landino
Presbytery Leader
Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy
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Please pray for ... for Rev. Wendy Downing in the passing of her father, Gene Downing.
Please pray for ... Boeuff Presbyterian Church, for another 165 years and beyond.
Please pray for... for children experiencing food insecurity over the summer months.
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Each year, the PCUSA partners with Creation Justice Ministries to offer Christian education materials to equip faith communities to protect, restore, and more rightly share God’s creation. In 2024, the theme, Plastic Jesus-Real Faith in a Synthetic World is designed to help congregations think more deeply about how plastics impact our lives and God’s creation. It is also intended to equip people of faith to take action to address this epidemic in faithful and practical ways.
Use this resource to find stories of individuals and communities making a positive impact, sermon starters to spark meaningful discussions in your church, worship resources to unite in prayer and reflection, and actionable steps to address the plastic crisis in your life, community and, our world.
Download the PDF here and visit the CJM page for more content.
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If you need to set up a meeting for your team or would like information on a team you might be interested in joining, contact the presbytery office at 314.772.2395 | |
Matthew 25 Continued Conversations:
Vital Congregations
June 12 & June 26 | 2:00 pm CT
Would you be interested in learning more about vital congregations? You're invited to join ministry leaders for support and to share questions, ideas, challenges, and resources that explore the 7 marks of Vital Congregations. Register here: https://hubs.ly/Q02xPsNZ0
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1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture.
WHEN: Thursday June 13, 2024
WHERE: Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church
11155 Clayton Rd., St Louis, MO. 63131
POTLUCK: 6:00 pm, bring a dish to pass
MOVIE: 7:00 pm
1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture” explores one of the greatest mysteries of our time, forever shifting our understanding of the Bible. The documentary follows devout researchers, Kathy Baldock and Ed Oxford, whose work traces the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians, to a grave mistranslation in the biblical text. “They find that the Revised Standard Version, published in 1946 was the first time the word “homosexual” appeared in any Bible, in any translation. ”The documentary also chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ bias.. Learn more about the movie by clicking here.
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Saint Louis Metro CROP Hunger Walk Registration is Open
No one in this world should be hungry. That's why the Saint Louis Metro CROP Hunger Walk is more than just a gathering of people in a place. We're part of a movement, taking steps and raising funds to provide meals for those in our community who need them - and supporting programs that create greater food security in communities worldwide.
Please join us in the fight against hunger. The steps we take and the funds we raise will make a difference in the lives of others.
Learn How to Become Involved
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GATHER IN ST LOUIS IN AUGUSTThe 2024 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women, an in-person first since 2018, is convening in St. Louis from August 8-11. It’s an event that celebrates the powerful impact of the women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), offers an opportunity to meet or reconnect with PW participants from across the country, and also welcomes those who would like to learn more about growing, serving and leading through Presbyterian Women.
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Registration is open for the 2024 Evangelism Conference! Join us Oct. 3-5 at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Kentucky for a journey into a more expansive and authentic understanding and practice of evangelism. Learn more about the conference here: https://hubs.ly/Q02zRBhk0 | |
In honor of Gun Violence Awareness Month, help your congregation, group or organization explore issues of gun violence and what we can do about it. Newly updated in 2024, the Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit from Presbyterian Peace Fellowship offers worship resources, case studies, action ideas and more. Access the toolkit here: https://hubs.ly/Q02xZhHc0
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Real Tools for Real Ministry
September 23 - 25 | Portland, Oregon
Stewardship Kaleidoscope is an annual conference offering excellent plenary speakers, informative workshop leaders, provocative worship experiences, and incredible networking opportunities for all who are passionate about stewardship and generosity. Drawing leaders from across the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), the Lutheran Church (ELCA), and other ecumenical partners, Stewardship Kaleidoscope is designed to help participants explore stewardship in its many colorful dimensions!
Our mission is to create an annual event that:
- Ignites Generosity
- It Gives Practical Tools for Cultivating Generosity in Congregations
- Expands the Leadership Capacity of Those Who Lead Stewardship Initiatives
- Cultivates Adaptive Approaches for Funding Christ’s Mission
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Registering for the Presbyterian Association of Musicians 2024 Worship and Music Conference is still time! Join PAM for a week in Montreat, North Carolina to learn, worship, sing, and play. This intergenerational conference offers programming for children completed in 3rd grade through adults. Learn more and register here: https://hubs.ly/Q02y8NCZ0 | |
Synod of Mid-America Scholarships Available | |
Confronting Christian Zionism
Thurs., May 23 ● 11:00 AM
Nationalism and Christian Zionism We are living in a time of heightened nationalism around the world, from North American white Christian nationalism to similar trends in Europe and even across Asia in forms entangled with Islam and Hinduism. If we are to control and roll back the racism that accompanies ideologies of supremacy, we must understand the history of our own nation’s white supremacy and how it has enabled the rise of racism both here and abroad.
Register by Clicking Here
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Virtual Program on Zoom
Mondays from June 3 to August 5
(Skipping July 15)
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that’s happening in our world? This program guides groups in developing spiritual practices to ground their work of outreach and justice. You will be reading books about Christian spirituality, trying out new prayer and meditation practices, learning from spiritual teachers, and having honest conversations about the joys and struggles in your life and our world.
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Presbytery Staff Contact Information | |
Presbytery Moderator - Elder, Lorenzo Clayton
Presbytery Vice-Moderator - Rev. Dr. Dave Burgess
Vision Team Moderator - Rev. Mel Smith
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