District 33 Toastmasters
The Official Newsletter for District 33 Toastmasters
January 2023 | Vol. 50, Issue 4
A message from our
District Director:
Energize your meeting, score a goal

In the agenda for the meeting, Clarisse scheduled a story telling session. She uses The Free Toast Host Agenda and here is how it looks. Twenty-five minutes were allocated; we had five speakers and five evaluators. Meeting time went over by 10 minutes. Everyone at the meeting agreed to the extra time. Storytelling Time --- Speakers are volunteers. (5-7 minute storytelling speech.)

The speaker portion of our meeting will focus on storytelling. We encourage volunteers to share a 5-7 minute. Members who speak may also have their speech evaluated as a Level 3 speech ("Connect With Storytelling") to count as a Pathways speech project. The evaluation form is accessible below.

We will be seeking volunteers for speech evaluators at the meeting as the # of evaluators will depend on how many speakers we will have.

Toastmaster Introduction to the speaking portion of the meeting: 
Humans have been telling stories since the first sounds and gestures were employed to communicate and connect with others. We all have stories of things we have done, places and events we have been to. Things we have seen. Stories we have made up. Stories where we share how to do things. Stories about people and animals. And of course, stories about and not about the holidays.

Role filled by Clarisse Kresser, DTM
Path / Project / Time: PATHWAYS - Dynamic Leadership: (L3 elective) Connect with Storytelling (5-7 min)
Project Title:
Project Description
Evaluation Form
✓ Confirmed
Note: The evaluator was given up to two minutes (no grace period)

Conclusion: The number of speeches and engagement by the members present was phenomenal. One member that has been reluctant to speak had a wonderful experience with all the compliments and great evaluation. This meeting was energized and beneficial.

Follow up by Clarisse was to identify which paths each speaker is working from so that the meeting minutes would reflect and record the activity. Suggest follow up by base camp manager and recognition at next meeting for those that input their project completion in Pathways. Encourage reading curriculum. Be sure to communicate when number of speaking volunteers will cause meeting to go overtime.

This is a great reminder that when we offer more prepared speeches in a meeting, it improves the energy. It also helps us achieve our goals. Focus on time management for a one hour meeting, four speeches with four evaluations can be offered. Table topics purpose is to provide opportunity to those without a speaking role. Cut down on functionary role explanations unless needed for guests or new members. Promote Toastmasters of the day as facilitator for members to speak. This is a great way to add variety to our meetings which promotes retention of members. Create a culture that promotes prepared speaking and more members will speak, and ultimately more members and clubs will achieve their goals.

Deborah A. Allmon, DTM
District 33 Director
Program Quality
Program Quality Director, Tan Pham, IP5, DL5
Finding the Balance

2022-2023 District 33 Program Quality Director

Have a Great Start to 2023 Toastmasters,

Congratulations to the Club Officers that attended Club Officer Training on December 10th. We had close to 194 Toastmasters online for the session! What a fantastic way to start the second of the Toastmasters year AND achieve a Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goal. The training featured a keynote presentation from Mark Lucas, DTM, PRA and he reignited our spark of why we are Toastmasters in the first place. If you did not make the training on December 10th, then do not fret. District 33 will host two more sessions (January 18th and February 27th ).

Registration details are online:

Contest season is just around the corner and our district will host International Speech,
Evaluation Speech, and Spanish Speech Contest. Remember when you went to your first speech contest and the experience and fun you had meeting other Toastmasters in-person? This year, the Area, Division and District will hold hybrid speech contests, which will allow for contestants, judges, and functionaries to participate in-person or online. Clubs have the option to hold speech contests in any format (online, in-person, or hybrid) or to bypass the contest and send contestants to the Area speech contest. This gives everyone an opportunity to participate in the fun and grow speaking and leadership skills. The Spanish Speech Contest is making its much anticipated encore this year and the contest category will be International Speech. The contestant pre-requisites are the same (member in good status, club in good status, and completion of Pathways Level 1, 2, or a DTM award). To state that it is a busy time of year for you is an understatement. You have the mid-year Club Officer Training, speech contest planning and coordination, membership building events (Open Houses, Speech Crafts), holiday parties and meetings, and your own personal and professional commitments. Take the time to enjoy this holiday season, reflect on 2022, and find that balance that works best for you.

Thank you for a great 2022,
Tan Pham Director Club Visits
Club Officer Training Deadline: February 28
Don't miss an easy, and important DCP point for your club! The deadline for Club Officers to be trained is February 28. To earn this DCP point, a minimum of four (4) Club Officers must receive district sponsored training before this date. For questions and additional training opportunities, contact Debbie Allmon pqd@d33tm.org.
Club Growth
Club Growth Director, Nico Martin IP5
.Getting Things Done

Great Start to 2023 fellow Toastmasters,
congratulations to us. We are getting things done! Our District 33 is number one in Region 2 membership growth. Thank you for renewing your membership and also for those who joined as brand-new members of Toastmasters.
Thank you for your interest and for trusting Toastmasters to help you achieve your personal goal. Our Club Growth Team has some exciting news for you. We completed the charter of Boswell Toastmasters, which is a big farming company in Corcoran, CA. Our team is also working on getting the following programs/clubs chartered as soon as possible such as the City of Bakersfield Toastmasters and DTM Toastmasters. We are optimistic for 2023 because we have more good club leads in our pipelines.

For January to March 2023, we have
Cal State University of Bakersfield, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Halo Toastmasters, Bakersfield PD, Oxnard PD, Chevron, Portuguese Bi-Lingual, Blind club, Current Economic Development Foundation, Parliamentarian, Cal Poly, Wine Tasting, Young Professionals. And for April to June 2023, we have Division D leaders, Cal State Fresno, Clovis Community College, Madera
Unified School, Ontraport, and more.

Our Club Retention team has fantastic news as we completed the matching of coaches for the following clubs that responded yes for a coach.

Presentation Pros Toastmasters, SLO Toastmasters, Oakhurst/Yosemite Toastmasters, Simi West Toastmasters, Pro Talk Toastmasters, Elite/Advance Toastmasters, Special Edition Toastmasters, Amerihome Toastmasters, Yakety Yak Toastmasters,

Santa Maria Toastmasters, Metamorfosis Toastmasters, Carpenteria Toastmasters, and Crown Valley Toastmasters.

We also helped renew or verify the coach appointment approvals for Go To Toastmasters,
CSA Crusaders, and Madera.

What's next with Club Growth Team?

Continue chartering corporate and government Toastmasters programs and community clubs. How about the retention team? Continue to help struggling clubs that requested to have a club coach. Continue supporting the membership growth campaign as well as the renewal campaigns. Continue supporting all existing clubs in achieving distinguished status or better.

I want to thank our Club Growth Extension Chairs, Associates, Club Growth Retention Chairs, and my Club Growth Mentor for their team support, time, and unselfish efforts.
Have a terrific start to 2023, and thank you for a great year in 2022.
Nico Martin
2022-2023 District 33 Club Growth Director
News Briefs:

Save The Date:
District 33 Conference: Save The Date:
Starting: April 28th..
Leader of Influence
A Leader with a Mission.

By Darnell Evans, DTM
Meet District 33 Public Relations Manager Distinguished Toastmaster, Flora Turner.

Flora Turner's work style embraces Toastmasters International's Mission of empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Flora has performed a full range of tasks that exemplify helping people to succeed, such as District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Division A Director, and Area A4 Governor.

She has received numerous awards within the Toastmasters International organization, such as Excellent in Program Quality, Leading by Example, Division A Area Governor of the Year, Toastmaster of the year, Spark Plug of the year and Star Member Award.

As the District 33, Public Relations Manager, Flora has initiated six teams: Newsletter, Canva, Meetup, Website, Social Media, and Podcast to assist Toastmasters’ members in their personal lives and their professional career.

She has mentored Toastmasters members within and outside District 33 in achieving their Distinguished Toastmasters honor.

Flora is an experienced mother and nurse by profession. She enjoys reading
Facebook and Instagram regarding Toastmasters, and other district’s social media.

Flora served as District 33 Director in 2019/2020. During her tenure as District 33 Director, she sparked invaluable change that structured and positioned the legacy brand for future success in a rapidly evolving district. Flora became the first District 33 Director following the Toastmasters reorganization of Districts and the development of District

Then, in March 2020, the pandemic shut the world down, and Toastmasters
members went from meeting in person to virtual learning. Flora worked side by side with her leadership team to ensure the transition from in person to online learning was a remarkable success.
2022 District 33 Officer Club Training On Track and
On Point

By Darnell Evans, DTM

Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can
become an effective leader.

Good Leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. The skills of leadership do not come naturally but are acquired through continual work and study. The best leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills.

Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. A person carries out this process by applying toastmasters and leadership core values (Integrity, Respect, Service and Excellence).

Although your position as a chapter, Area, Division or District officer gives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power does not make you a leader.

Leaders make people want to achieve high goals and objectives. This year’s second round Officer Leadership Training (OLT) provided the club and district officers the information to run an effective club. The training build on previous Officer Leadership Training provided by the district.

Since her appointment in 2022, Flora expanded the Toastmasters brand well beyond the framework of other self-help organizations, into the multi-platform public relations outlet that it is today with the launches of WestWord Newsletter, Canva, Meet-Up and Social media platforms. As Public Relation Manager, Flora enlisted members from clubs
in District 33 to serve on her team. By bringing future and past Toastmasters leaders into the fold, Flora revived the WestWord newsletter that members have not seen in a while.

Under Flora’s leadership as Public Relations Manager, WestWord newsletter has reached new heights with continued success and profound cultural impact during a period of social change. Flora has been instrumental in the expansion of the Toastmaster brand as the premier destination for individuals looking to improve their speaking, communication, and leadership skills. Toastmasters is a source of inspiration internationally, and Flora is excited for District 33’s strong future ahead with our future leaders at the helm.

Flora Turner, as Public Relations Manager, Toastmasters will continue to build upon its legacy of being the first-choice provider of dynamic, high value, experiential communication, and leadership skills development.

The purpose of the training remains
the same – to train club officers on the philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, mission, programs and core values of Toastmasters.

The training took place on a Saturday morning. Core topic included:

  • “The why of Toastmasters”
  • District 33 Pathways Campaign
  • District Leadership Opportunities
  • Panel Discussion (Best Practices)
  • Conduct Quality Speech Contest
  • Hybrid Speech Contests

District leadership also provided training for first time officers. This allowed well needed training for new club officers on the following topics:

  • President
  • Vice-President of Education
  • Vice-President of Membership
  • Vice-President of Public Relations
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Sergeant at Arms

The Officer Leadership Training oversight was being conducted by the Program Quality Director, Tan Pham and implemented under the planning committee.

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

-Bob Marley
Member Resource Spotlight: District 33 YouTube Channel
by Clarisse Kresser, DTM
Immediate Past District Director, District 33

There are many resources available specifically for District 33 members and clubs on the District 33 website (at https://d33tm.org). These resources and information include upcoming District events and trainings, District incentives, District leadership team listing and contact information.

One other valuable resource available is the District 33 YouTube channel. To access the channel go to the District 33 website and click on "D33 YouTube Channel." Some of the videos and recordings available include:
  • Current and past District training, including club officer and member training;
  • Member education recognition videos (monthly);
  • Leadership seminars;
  • Keynote addresses and speakers from District 33 events; and
  • D33 member testimonials on the value of Toastmasters

Recordings are added regularly. Be sure to "subscribe" to the channel to receive automatic notifications when new content is available.

We welcome your feedback --- content, organizations, etc --- by emailing D33 Webmaster, Eric Browning, at webmaster@d33tm.org

Martin Luther King, Jr. “A Day of Service”

By Nandita Das, DTM

On this upcoming holiday, let us pay homage to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this great unifier and reflect on his greatness, his world view that encompassed all that were poor, and were victims of injustice. He was a Baptist minister who organized the Civil Rights movement from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 1968. King fought for equality and human rights for “All” through peaceful protest. He led the movement to end segregation in the United States.

His expansive world view opened the doors for the poor and socially victimized people from all over the world.

Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929. He was a brilliant student who was born to a
Baptist minister in Atlanta, Georgia. He was the driving force behind watershed events
such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the 1963 March on Washington D.C., which
helped to bring about the legislation of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. In
1964, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist, one of the
most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in
1968. Dr. King, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma
Gandhi, led targeted, nonviolent resistance against Jim Crow laws and other forms
of discrimination. As president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC), Dr. King was one of the leaders of the 1963 March on Washington, where he
delivered his I Have a Dream speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

The civil rights movement achieved pivotal legislative gains in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as a leader for social change cannot be denied. Among the prominent legacies of his ability to organize and energize the movement for equality are the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. His birthday has become a national holiday, when government offices and many private businesses close to honor his memory. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr eloquent words live on, inspiring others who see injustices and seek to change them.

He had a dream, in which, someday will become a reality. In his lifetime, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, wrote five books and delivered the most memorable speeches that touched the national consciousness. As Dr. King said, and I am paraphrasing here, I follow Jesus Christ and execute the methods of Mahatma Gandhi and Bayard Rustin’s organized nonviolent resistance. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?”

Parliamentary Snippets
By Rick Sydor, DTM District 39

Rights of Membership:

A member of an assembly is a person entitled to full participation in its proceedings, that is, the right to attend meetings, to make motions, to speak in debate, and to vote. No member can be individually deprived of these basic rights of membership—or of any basic rights concomitant to them, such as the right to make nominations or to give previous notice of a motion—except through disciplinary proceedings. Some organized societies {i.e. Toastmasters} define additional classes of “membership” that do not entail all of these rights.

Road to Distinguished Toastmaster

The Toastmasters journey begins with the first speech.” It is a journey that
has much joy and many relationships, lots of pit stops, twists, and turns. The
Distinguished Toastmaster award (DTM) is the highest individual honor you can achieve in the Pathways learning experience. You can earn your DTM when you fulfill the following requirements:

  • Complete two learning paths.
  • Serve as a club officer for two six–month terms or one annual term,
  • participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a
  • District-sponsored Club Officer Training.
  • Serve a complete one-year term as a District leader. (Which is Area
  • Director, Division Director, Club Growth Director, Program Quality
  • Director, and District Director)
  • Serve successfully as a club mentor or coach. (Club must reach
  • Distinguished level)
  • Serve successfully as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth
  • Leadership program.
  • Complete the DTM project.

(Members are required to create and implement a project of their own design, in which they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained.) Members can receive access to the DTM project on Base Camp once they have completed one path and
Levels 1, 2, and 3 in a second, unique path.

To receive this project, email educationprogram@toastmasters.org.

Enjoy the scenery during the journey.

Ralph Smedley Ideas and Quotes
By Carolyn Moore

We realize that the two most important factors in Toastmasters is Mentoring and

There is no doubt that if these two are done well and there is a good Mentoring program, your club will be filled with spark plugs ready to fire upon request. Mentoring and evaluations create enthusiasm, and once you light that fire the only thing it needs is some kindling.

Word Of The Day - From Dr. King’s speeches:

1. Creed—From Old English “creda”, from Latin “credo”
Meaning- It’s a noun- a set of beliefs or principles, especially religious ones.

2. Persistence- noun, persist-verb – Latin ‘per’ through, steadfastly, Latin-‘ sistere’
to stand. Latin- persistere—persist, it’s mid-16 th century. Meaning- To continue
to do something, even though it is difficult or other people do not like it.

3. Rhetoric- From ancient Greek, Aristotle in his “Rhetoric” defined rhetorical
discourse as the art of “discovering all the available means of persuasion in any
given case.”

Self-Care for the New Year

Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready! It is 2023! It is time to reset and take care of yourself. Taking timeout for self care can remind you that you are important too. It can reinforce to others that you are of value and improve your self-esteem. There are many things you can do to take care of you! One thing is to get up and get moving.

Exercise is important for overall self care. You will feel better, and it helps your brain cells. Getting dressed every day is also important, when you look good, you feel good. Eating healthy and staying hydrated is very important to help you feel and be your best self.

When you are feeling your best, you are in a better position to care for others.
Some other things you can do for self-care is read a good book, listen to music, and take a long relaxing bath. We should take care of your body by using good quality products. We need to moisturize, moisturize, and moisturize, as we mature!

Stay tuned as we take you on another self-care journey.

Tea - Nectar of the Gods
By Nandita Das, DTM
A hot cup of tea can work wonders for your throat and mind. In fact, you will be so elated after having a warm cup of aromatic tea, that you will perk up and sing like a nightingale.

Here’s a recipe:

Keep your teapot warm by rinsing with warm water. Fill a kettle with water, select the number of cups preferred.
Boil water, just one thorough boil.

Add loose tea, as many teaspoons as there are cups (orange pekoe black works great.) Turn off the stove. Let the tea steep.

Grate in fresh ginger and add in a pod of cardamom.
Strain through a strainer into your teapot.

Pour into individual cup /cups.
Sweeten with honey and a splash of cream /milk.
If you prefer a touch of lemon, exclude milk.

Tea is savored, let the calmness flow in as you enjoy the aromatic tea coursing down
your throat and coating your larynx.
Let's Build the WestWord!

Would you like to see a topic or matter visited in an upcoming newsletter? How about a regular section? If there is something your are interested in reading about, chances are, you are not the only one!

Editors: Darnell Evans, Roberta Nadler, Annie Hall, Carolyn Moore and Nandita Das